I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 792: Man and gun in 1

"In this world, there are many sniper geniuses. They are truly terrifying people who can even hit within four kilometers. Of course, this requires a wide area. However, four kilometers to kill a target is also very scary."

"The three thousand meters and three thousand and five in front of you are just a distance to the master, but there is still a big gap from the top master."

"I hope you can take it seriously."

The yellow wolf gave Lin Qingyun and Yu Sheng a faint look, and said something. When Yu Sheng heard the words, both of them nodded solemnly. Naturally, they would take these three thousand meters and three thousand five hundred meters seriously, because this was an outburst. To respect the opponent.

The Yellow Wolf smiled and said: "I can tell you that as a sniper, you must have a strong will and terrible observation and belief."


Yu Sheng frowned upon hearing this.

"Yes, it's faith."

Huang Lang said indifferently: "Everyone has different shooting habits and different methods, but they will have a belief in their hearts, and this belief will make them hit a hundred times."

"Of course, I might say something mysterious."

"But you need to feel it yourself."

"But I can tell you one thing."

"You have watched movies before, and maybe you have seen some movies like martial arts. There is a weapon called the sword. The sword is the gentleman in the weapon. Many people like to use the sword. However, when practicing swords, there is a trick called Man and sword are one."

"And in the same way, there is also a trick here, called Combination of Man and Gun."

"However, in order to achieve the realm of man-gun unity, many factors are needed. It is not that we can achieve man-gun unity if we want to achieve man-gun unity. However, in this world, many people have reached the level of man-gun unity. The realm of unity."

"After reaching the realm of the unity of man and gun, your use of the gun is as if you are using your own body, everything is like an arm."

Huang Lang's words shocked both Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun, especially Yu Sheng. He didn't understand the realm of the unity of man and gun, because he had reached the realm of unity of man and gun. It was just this. The realm is hard to come by. He has encountered it but never mastered it.

He also knows the horror of the unity of man and gun. The unity of man and gun is very powerful. Of course, the premise is that you can see the target. If you can't see the target, this is a bit nonsense. .

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and he began to ponder secretly. Then, he passed through the realm and looked at the distant target. The target was swaying, and he could only see a shadow, which was not so clear at all. , His eyes are so sharp that they can't even see clearly, showing how far it is.

Yu Sheng frowned, and he looked at the shadow carefully. Dance God eBook

For a while, I didn't know what he was thinking.

The Yellow Wolf looked at the two of them. When they saw that they were lost in thought, the Yellow Wolf nodded secretly. The Yellow Wolf was really afraid of the two of them, so he chose to shoot without hesitation. If the two of them choose to shoot, they It is too difficult to hit the target. At this time, what is needed is their understanding of guns.

Only the deeper the understanding of the gun, the greater the chance of hitting the target. The Yellow Wolf knows that this gun is just like a human being. It has emotions. How you treat them, how they will treat you on the battlefield. Otherwise, it would not be said that the gun is the second life of man.

Only when you are engaged in emotions, you can use guns as you like. If you are not involved in emotions, when you use guns, you will feel that guns are extremely obscure, even if you are a little familiar, here you are against the enemy. At the critical moment, a slight problem with the gun will kill you.


Suddenly, in Lin Qingyun's body, it seemed as if a raging anger was set off, an indescribable feeling that rippled from Lin Qingyun's body.

It seems that Lin Qingyun has become very peculiar.

"This is……"

When Sirius, Earth Wolf and others looked at Lin Qingyun, both of them were slightly taken aback. Everyone was shocked and said, "This little girl is so amazing. The Yellow Wolf said it casually and felt it. The realm of the unity of man and gun?"

Everyone was amazed. They didn't expect that Lin Qingyun's savvy would be so good.

"Although it's only the elementary level of the unity of human and gun, this kind of comprehension should not be underestimated. This little girl does have two brushes. She has a sense of the realm of unity of human and gun. The future combat power of this little girl will also be It has increased exponentially." The wolf couldn't help but admire.

No one had expected that Lin Qingyun would be so powerful. He realized the unity of man and gun so quickly, which made everyone slightly surprised. According to Lin Qingyun's perception, I am afraid that it will not take long before he can understand the real person. The realm of spear unity, when the time comes, the marksmanship will be extremely terrifying.

"This little girl, I'm afraid it won't take long before she can grow into the King of Soldiers." Xuan Lang also said slightly in admiration.

"Yeah...a little girl became the king of soldiers, haha..." When talking about this, the wolf smiled and said: "We in China, but we rarely lack such heroines. Girls are born weak. And there are still a lot of troubles. To become the king of soldiers, they have to work a hundred times harder than men. This little girl is worthy of being the descendant of the hermit."

"The hermit is very strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The apprentice he selected is naturally not too bad. If my guess is good, the hermit is also very likely to have taken a fancy to the little girl’s savvy, so savvy, in the future. The future is really bad."

Sirius also said casually.

For a while, everyone was talking about Lin Qingyu's talent. They were a little surprised by Lin Qingyu's talent. They rarely saw such talent.

When they looked at Yu Sheng, they shook their heads secretly. Compared with Lin Qingyun, Yu Sheng’s talent was so small that Lin Qingyun could see through it. However, for the rest of his life, there was still no insight. Therefore, this led them to believe that Lin Qingyun was inferior to Lin Qingyun for the rest of his life in this talent.

However, they didn’t say anything, they still believed that Yu Sheng was a manufacturable material. Even if it was not as good as Lin Qingyun in this understanding, it was not a big problem to become a king of soldiers. After all, Yu Sheng was only one short. With feet, you can rise to the realm of a soldier king.

But at this moment, Lin Qingyun's muzzle was aimed at a target at a distance of 3,000 meters. Lin Qingyun's expression was solemn, with a little coldness in his eyes.

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