I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 798: Homicide technique

Everyone was sluggish on the spot. They stared at the scene in front of them. At this moment, the bird on the big tree had completely disappeared, that is to say, the rest of their lives hit the target.

These little birds were all picked up by them personally, so they knew very well in their hearts that this thing would never run away. Besides, it seemed that there was still this leg in that place, that is to say, this little bird. The bird was indeed broken by the rest of his life, which silenced Sirius and others.

After a long time, the man wolf couldn't help but said, "Is this kid still a human?"

"Monster, peerless monster." The wolf rubbed his hands and said with excitement: "Such shooting ability is not worse than ours. If he can guarantee the accuracy, then it is probably stronger than ours. It’s just that, when shooting, it is fast and accurate. This kid needs to practice his speed."

"Yes, this kid really needs some practice. Now I'm thinking about what kind of monster this kid will become if he is cultivated."

Thinking of this, everyone is staring at Yu Sheng with scorching eyes, and there is a little excitement and excitement in their eyes. They are very curious, if Yu Sheng grows up, it will grow to the point, not only physical strength, but also This shooting technique is equally powerful, and at the same time, if this kid is learning about makeup penetration, disguise, anti-tracking, etc., who knows what kind of person this kid will become.

Therefore, when everyone looks at Yu Sheng, it is as if they are looking at rare treasures.

"Boy, how did you do it?"

This time everyone was a little uncomfortable, all came to Yu Sheng and couldn't help asking.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he was taken aback for a while, and he glanced at Sirius and the others casually, and then hesitated for a while, then slowly said: "It seems that it is quite easy, just aim directly, you can almost see it, and shoot directly. , Then, it hits, it's not difficult."


When Sirius and others heard this sentence, for a while, the brain became a little congested, and there was an urge to run away. What does it mean to be quite easy? What is it?

Do you treat them all as fools?

Are you kidding me?

Three thousand five hundred meters, this is only their longest distance. If they want to reach further, even if they can't do it, and the three thousand five hundred meters, it is only five for them. The probability of success can be hit. Who are they? They are the Five Gods of Spikes, and their fighting power is already at the top.

You kid, it's still simple here.

Now, Sirius and others have an urge to take the rest of their lives. This kid is really annoying, but right, people just have arrogant capital, so what can they say?

For a while, Sirius and the others were slightly depressed, while Lin Qingyun stared at Yu Sheng with a solemn expression. At this moment, Lin Qingyun had a sense of crisis, and this sense of crisis was very sufficient. This is also the first in her history. This time I met someone who could compete with her. In the past, when he was training, he was always among the best. There is no doubt about his strength.

Even his talent is not comparable to others. For example, when learning to shoot, he only needs to be familiar with it for a few hours, which is enough to be able to compete with others for a month. This is perception. Sometimes, this talent They can't be compared with each other, otherwise they will be **** off.

Of course, this physical strength is basically acquired through training, but relatively speaking, girls are much worse than boys in physical strength. However, Lin Qingyun has been stunned by her own hard training. Raised his physical strength to the present level, this kind of physical strength has surpassed most boys.

But by the way, today.

She met her biggest opponent in her life. This person was Yu Sheng. She didn't expect Yu Sheng's combat power to be so strong. Compared with Yu Sheng, there seemed to be a difference between the two. . 52 Literature

This made Lin Qingyun feel a deep crisis in her heart. For a while, when Lin Qingyun looked towards Yu Sheng, she also felt a touch of jealousy and solemnity.

This guy is too strong.

I must work hard to surpass this guy.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked at the man wolf and others. Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "That... instructor, you look at us, do you want to continue?"

The words of the rest of his life caused Sirius and the others to be taken aback. Sirius and the others hesitated. The shooting ability of the rest of his life was not inferior to them. The only difference was the fixed-point speed, but this Speed ​​improvement is not a matter of overnight, it requires gradual progress, a little bit of progress.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, this speed increase also requires an increase in strength, and it is difficult to increase the speed without strength support, after all, the weight of the gun is still quite heavy.

"What do you think?" Sirius looked at the Earth Wolf and the Human Wolf and others, and couldn't help asking.

"That's it? I'm training a fart." Xuan Lang complained for a while, and said: "This kid's shooting skills are no worse than ours. It doesn't make much sense to continue training. It's better to teach this kid to fight. It's somewhat useful."


After hearing it, Sirius nodded slightly, agreeing with Xuan Lang's words. The shooting ability for the rest of his life, apart from some skills, has nothing to teach.

Sirius thought for a while and said: "Then we will work together, Yellow Wolf, and I will continue to teach Lin Qingyun shooting, Xuanlang, you will teach the rest of your life killing skills and teach him some standard shooting methods."


Xuan Lang squeezed his wrist, and then looked at Yu Sheng, Xuan Lang squinted his eyes, staring at Yu Sheng with a grin, and said with a smile, "Boy, it's in my hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are unlucky, take it. Come down, I will teach you killing techniques."

"As for the knowledge of firearms, I will teach you until the evening."

Xuan Lang's words made Yu Sheng nodded solemnly, and Yu Sheng said, "Thank you, instructor."


Xuan Lang glanced at Yu Sheng with satisfaction and nodded slightly. He was quite satisfied with Yu Sheng, but at this moment Xuan Lang's eyes showed a faint smile.

Xuan Lang smiled and said, "Boy...no more nonsense."

"First I will introduce you to the killing technique."

Xuan Lang slowly said: "I think your kid has also participated in the battlefield and fought. You should know the cruelty of the battlefield. In the past, we could be called fighting, but here, we only talk about killing skills."

"As for why..." At this point, Xuan Lang's eyes flickered and continued.

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