I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 806: Child snake

It is precisely because of this that many people are unwilling to want this piece of land. This piece of land is also classified as no man's land. It is a land that is not managed by any state, nor is it managed by any state.

Of course, it's also because the land is not very big, otherwise... the result would be different.

The two of Yu Sheng stood in this place, Yu Sheng's eyes, staring at everything in front of him, his eyes could see a place three or four kilometers away, and even an ant could see clearly. Chu, such eyes can be said to be very scary.

This is also the result of his advanced third form, if not, he can't do that.

Yu Sheng and Lin Qingyun stared directly at everything in front of them. All these in front of them made both of them look solemn. This land is not a kind of land.

"Is this a no-man's land?" Lin Qingyun murmured when she saw it, her beautiful eyes were full of solidity to this land.

And that obviously, this piece of land also puts a lot of pressure on them.

"If there is nothing wrong on the map, then it should be." Yu Sheng nodded slowly and calmly looked at the land, said.

"We have arrived at this place, and we don't know where those people are now. Let's go and talk about it in the past." Yu Sheng said.


Lin Qingyun nodded slightly after hearing this, but this time he did not refuse the rest of his life.

The two of them stepped forward and walked down the mountain. Soon, the two of Yu Sheng appeared in this forest. In this forest, both of them felt a gloomy atmosphere. .

Especially in this forest, it looks gray and there are beasts roaring from time to time. The sound reverberates and makes people dare not care, because if one is not careful, it is possible to be eaten by wild beasts. These beasts are not. Ordinary beasts, if things like black blind men appear, it will be a big trouble.

After Yu Sheng two stepped into the no man's land, they both began to become cautious! However, Yu Sheng remembered that there seemed to be a no-man's land on this other land, but what was the specific thing he had forgotten.

The two of Yu Sheng went out for about ten kilometers, and encountered a lot of problems along the way, especially on the ground, which was uneven. For the rest of his life, he was full of fear. Although his skills are many, his After all, the skill doesn't have a perspective. If there are things like land, maybe even you have to finish playing with him.


Suddenly, there was a faint whistling sound, rushing toward the face, a sudden whistling sound, which made the rest of my life look condensed. The ears of the rest of my life were extremely sensitive, and the eyes were extremely sharp, so something was throwing at them The moment I came, I was aware of it for the rest of my life.


In the next moment, Yu Sheng was almost a conditioned reflex, using the muzzle and slamming it towards the source of the sound.


With a faint voice resounding, Yu Sheng saw a small green snake that was thrown directly on the ground by him, and after falling to the ground, the little snake vomited a red heart. In that appearance, it seems that there is a meaning to attack Yu Sheng, such a scene, Yu Sheng is also slightly surprised.


The little green snake, obviously, this little snake looks very toxic. If it is really bitten, maybe he will have to finish playing. After all, this is a forest. Although his poisonous grass gene is powerful, it can be used now. I haven't solved all the toxins, and I dare not mess around for the rest of my life.

"It's a poisonous snake."

After Lin Qingyun saw this little snake, her pretty face changed slightly.

"This place, as expected, there are dangers everywhere, these poisons..." Lin Qingyun also took a breath, and Lin Qingyun looked at the poison with an extremely heavy expression.


But at this moment, from under Lin Qingyun’s feet, suddenly there was another little snake biting towards Lin Qingyun. This scene was unexpected for the rest of his life. Obviously, the rest of his life was a little careless. .

Lin Qingyun perceives a kind of danger. For a moment, Lin Qingyun's hair all over her body trembles instantly. The feeling of danger approaching makes Lin Qingyun's expression change drastically.

"It's not good, it's dangerous."

Lin Qingyun was also a quasi-soldier king, and his perception of danger was not what other people could imagine, so when the little snake attacked her, Lin Qingyun was aware of it.

However, I was aware that this did not mean that Lin Qingyun could easily dodge the attack of the little snake. When Lin Qingyun reacted and retreated, the little snake bit Lin Qingyun's calf fiercely. superior.


The next moment, Lin Qingyun hurriedly shook the little snake away, and for the rest of his life at this time, the dagger in his hand also moved slightly and it was directly inserted into the little snake's head.

Yu Sheng hurriedly looked at Lin Qingyun and immediately said, "How are you?"

Lin Qingyun was sitting on the ground. At this time, the other little snake attacked Yu Sheng again. Yu Sheng gave a cold snort, and then avoided the attack of this little snake. With this little snake, Yu Sheng's hand was slightly hardened, and the little snake was pinched to death in an instant.

It can be seen how strong Yu Sheng's hands are.

Lin Qingyun's face was blue at this time, and her delicate body was trembling slightly. Look at Lin Qingyun's calf, there was blood flowing there, but the blood flow was not much, but it was slightly darkened. Obviously, Lin Qingyun was poisoned... …


After Yu Sheng saw the signs of poisoning, Yu Sheng's complexion changed slightly. Yu Sheng hurriedly walked towards Lin Qingyun, trying to grab Lin Qingyun's calf~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Qingyun's pretty face changed slightly. Hastily retracted his calf, and yelled: "Get away."

"To shut up."

For the rest of his life, he was also a little annoyed, and immediately yelled: "If you don't want to die, just shut up."

Immediately Yu Sheng quickly tore the clothes on Lin Qingyun's calf. At this time, Yu Sheng saw clearly the wound on Lin Qingyun's calf. The wound was a little bloated and black. This scene made Yu Sheng's complexion heavy. He had studied medicine, and he naturally knew how deadly this thing was at this time.

"If what I expected is correct, the small snake should be a child and mother snake." Yu Sheng said with a gloomy face: "This snake is very poisonous. If it is not detoxified in time, it will be within two hours. People are almost bound to die, and even the Immortal Daluo is hard to save. Unexpectedly, there will be a child and a mother snake here."

Obviously, for the rest of his life, he has some understanding of the child and mother snake.

The child snake is a name given by some people, and this kind of snake is usually only in this kind of humid forest.

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