"I'll go with you." Lin Qingyun gritted her teeth, trying to support her body.

Yu Sheng said coldly: "What are you like now? In your situation, how can you go with me? If you go, you will only be killed by the enemy. Now you are here to protect yourself, and I will kill them. After the people, I will come back to find you. Also, don’t go by yourself. Your current situation cannot support you to get out of here. You are waiting here quietly. If I kill these people, I will definitely come back to find you. You will still be saved for a while, otherwise, you will undoubtedly die."

Lin Qingyun was also a little annoyed when she heard the words. She just wanted to say something, but when she saw Yu Sheng didn’t even pay attention to it, she walked quickly in one direction without even giving Lin Qingyun a chance to explain. For a while, Lin Qingyun felt It was also a little uncomfortable, which made Lin Qingyun a little angry.

After Yu Sheng left here, he quickly ran in one direction. At this time, Yu Sheng's brain was running fast, thinking about a feasible strategy.

Now Lin Qingyun died before leaving his teacher, so he was directly bitten by a poisonous snake. Fortunately, his life was not in danger, and it was a blessing in misfortune, but it was a pity that he lacked a helper.

In the face of eight masters, Yu Sheng did not dare to be careless. The best way to face these masters is to defeat them individually. It is definitely not a good thing to confront these people. Once the eight people are surrounded, even if it is his No matter how strong the method is, it might be shot directly by eight people.

This is where the rest of my life fears.

Yu Sheng swiftly caught up with these eight people. Yu Sheng was hiding in the dark. He took a close look at these eight people. What made Yu Sheng a little astonished is that among the eight people, there is actually one Chinese, which is unexpected. For the rest of his life, he did not expect that there would be a Chinese in this group of guys.

For the rest of his life, his expression was heavy, and he glanced at the other seven people. All of the other seven people looked a little sturdy, but they revealed a little bit of evil spirits.

Obviously, these people are not good.

These eight people are sitting together, and for the rest of their lives they are listening hard to let themselves hear what these people are talking about.

But these people's voices are not very loud. Even if Yu Sheng's ears are sensitive, it is impossible to hear so clearly. He can only hear something vaguely, thanks to the skills of the six-eared macaque.

"It's not far from leaving the no-man's land." One of them said with a solemn expression: "We were a few hours ahead, so these people definitely can't imagine our whereabouts."

"Don't underestimate the Five Gods of War."

At this moment, another person opened his mouth and said: "It is said that the Five Gods of War have always been guarding this place. I don't think we need to talk about their combat effectiveness. The eight of us are not one of them. Human opponents, we ventured into the no-man’s land. Once discovered by these five guys, it is almost impossible for us to escape from here."

When talking about the Five Gods of War, the expressions of all eight people became extremely dignified. Obviously, they were very jealous of the Five Gods of War. It can be seen that these five Gods of War also left a prestigious name in the hearts of these people.


But at this moment, a person snorted coldly and sneered: "Now the Five Gods of War are estimated to be unable to protect themselves, or in other words, they have been restrained, and they don't have time to take care of us."

"What do you mean?" As soon as these words were spoken, the rest of the people were all taken aback and surprised.

"Have you heard of the Ghost Legion?" After everyone heard the name, they were all taken aback, and said: "The group of guys walking on the sea? Something like ghosts?"

At the moment when everyone heard of the Ghost Legion, it was obvious that everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they were slightly afraid of the Ghost Legion.


The man nodded heavily and said, "The Ghost Legion has landed."


When these people heard this, they all took a breath of cold breath. They all looked at this person in shock, and said in surprise: "This group of dangerous guys have landed, they What are they doing? What are they trying to do?"

"I heard that someone killed someone from their Ghost Legion." At this time, the man squinted and said with a smile.

"Kill the people of the Phantom Legion?" The words made everyone present in a daze. Obviously everyone was very puzzled. You must know that the Phantom Legion has always lived on the high seas and rarely disembarked. However, once disembarked, The matter was a bit big, and I didn't expect anyone from the Ghost Legion to have killed anyone.

"Could it be the Five Gods of War?"

"No." The man shook his head slightly and said: "It is said that it is a kid from Huaxia. We don't know exactly who it is, but I know...The Ghost Legion is landing, and this guy will definitely not be let go."

"If what I expected is good, people from the Ghost Legion should also come here during this period of time. At this time, the Five Gods of War are estimated to have been restrained, and there is no time to take care of us. For us, it is also It's an opportunity."

The people around this person nodded solemnly, and the people around said solemnly: "If this is the case, then it is naturally the best. With the control of the Ghost Legion, these people will not have time to control us. , This is also a good opportunity for us."

"But don't be careless, the wolffang people are not easy to deal with."

"Yeah." Everyone nodded, and then said: "What do we do next? This is only about five kilometers away from no man’s land~www.wuxiaspot.com~. As long as we leave here, we will face us. It will be another mountain."

"Go straight over now, those guys may not find us so easily, but we still have to be careful, if there are other people with Spikes, it will also cause a certain obstacle to us."


These people are all discussing here, and the Chinese person next to him has eyes flickering, and no one knows what he is thinking.

When Yu Sheng saw this scene before him, he was also in deep thought. There were eight people on the other side, and it was obviously impossible to kill them, so he could only use other methods.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng grinned suddenly, and then he quickly lurked in front of these people. At this time, Yu Sheng looked around, with a slight corner of his mouth, and then moved quickly.

He set up some small traps around here, these small traps will not cause fatal harm to these people, but they can cause some trouble to these people.

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