At this moment, Yu Sheng has already believed in the words of the tail wolf, because if it is not his own person, it is impossible to know such a complete set. Of course, if the other party knows the wolf fang very well, and even understands every movement of the wolf fang, then the enemy It's a bit scary. Being able to understand these things also means that the enemy has a traitor at least within the wolf's teeth.

Moreover, the identity of this person is definitely very high.

But Yu Sheng didn't believe that there was an insider among the fangs.

The rest of my life thought about it, and then slowly said: "There are still six people left. Now I want to kill these six guys. What can you do?"

After listening to the tail wolf, his expression was solemn, and he said solemnly: "These six guys have been separated. For us, it is a good thing, because this can be defeated individually, but... these people are very powerful. , They are all notorious people, don't let them unite."

"At present, they are separated in order to find your position and then kill you. If they are united together, we may not be their opponents."

"The best way is for me to act as a bait to lure them over, and then the two of us joined forces to kill them."

The words of the tail wolf made Yu Sheng frowned. Yu Sheng glanced at the tail wolf deeply and said with a smile: "Okay, just do what you said."

"Go and lead them to the woods over there. There are a lot of shelters over there, and I also set up some traps over there. As long as you lead them there, they will die."


Hearing the words, the tail wolf said immediately: "Just there."

"Now I'm going to attract them, and then you wait for the opportunity, but try not to shoot. Once you shoot, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and then rushed forward like lightning. In the blink of an eye, the rest of his life was hidden in the woods, and the rest of his life hovered on a relatively dense tree. For the rest of my life, my brain was thinking about this matter today.

"Is this guy an undercover agent?"

Although Yu Sheng believed some of this person's words, Yu Sheng was still thinking about whether this guy was an undercover agent. If this guy is not an undercover agent, then the incident would be a bit big, because the identity of their wolf-toothed red blood cell person has basically been exposed. Yes, but who else can know so much about them?

In that case, it would be terrible.

If it’s his own, that’s fine, but for the rest of his life, I’m more curious that the chief of staff is not a person who doesn’t know the importance of it. Logically speaking, they are people with red blood cells. Fan Tianlei should also keep it secret. Why? Tell the tail wolf, or do you want him to cooperate with the tail wolf, do something?

It's just that the other party knows too much.

For the rest of my life, my brain is running fast, thinking about this.

Time passed by a little bit, and soon, for the rest of my life, I saw three figures walking towards this side. Of these three figures, one of them was a tail wolf.

This surprised Yu Sheng slightly. This guy returned, but he didn't know if this guy was real.

Thinking of this, the rest of my life waited patiently.

After a while, they came under a big tree on Yu Sheng's side. At this time, someone asked angrily: "Asshole, what about people? Didn't you say that people are here?"

Hearing the words, the tail wolf hurriedly said: "It is indeed here. I just noticed that he is nearby. We will find this guy carefully, but we must be careful. This guy has a m200. The sniper rifle is very powerful."

The words of the tail wolf made the two men coldly snorted. The two men looked around with sharp eyes. At this time, the tail wolf looked up at Yu Sheng and gave a wink. Yu Sheng also nodded slightly.


In the next moment, the tail wolf shot at one of them like lightning, and the knife in the tail wolf's hand stabbed one of the people's back fiercely. If the knife was stabbed, the person would almost certainly die.

"not good……"

This person is obviously not a simple person. He is extremely sensitive to danger. When the tail wolf stabbed this person's back, this person was already aware. At the tail wolf's dagger, the next moment, this person was a whip leg and threw out at the tail wolf fiercely.

At the same time, Yu Sheng also jumped directly from the tree, Yu Sheng jumped onto another person, and kicked it down.

The strength of the rest of his life is very terrifying. This foot is weighing a thousand catties. Such a terrible power kicks on a person, and it is conceivable how terrible it is.

This person didn't even react, but fell to the ground fiercely, and then Yu Sheng slammed into this man's cervical spine with a fist.


With a clear sound resounding, the man’s cervical spine clicked. Obviously, the bone was broken with a punch. The man was lying on the ground, convulsing fiercely, and his eyes were full of anger and Fear, he never dreamed that he would be killed for some reason.

And at this moment, after the person dealing with the tail wolf saw this scene in front of him, it made him furious: "shift, tail wolf, you dare to betray us."

This man stared at the tail wolf and Yu Sheng with an angry face. They were surrounded by them one after another. His eyes revealed raging anger. He never dreamed that the tail wolf would betray him. At this time, he coldly scolded him. Said: "I know, you Chinese people, how can you be with us."

" Tail Wolf smiled faintly when he heard the words, and said: "I know you have always been guarding me. You have never believed me, but it is right not to believe me. "

"Tail wolf, you are seeking your own death." The man sternly said: "You killed our people, do you think the upper hand will let you go?"

"Really?" After hearing the words, the tail wolf smiled, and said: "If you kill all of you today, do you think anyone knows I killed you."


The man was furious and screamed, and then he slammed the tail wolf with a punch. The tail wolf was also experienced in combat, and instantly escaped the man's punch. For the rest of his life, he sneered, and then, As soon as he stepped on his feet, he also blasted past with a punch.

I have to say that this person is indeed very powerful. Under the joint attack of the two of them, this guy can still resist. If it is replaced by Yu Sheng himself, I am afraid that it will take some effort to win the other party.

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