I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 840: Scared silly

"It's impossible to recite it in an hour."

"This kid..."

The five members of Sirius and his party shook their heads secretly. They didn't think Yu Sheng could really memorize it. Yu Sheng was a human, not a computer.

But they don't know.

Because the rest of his life’s attributes have increased to 14 points, his comprehension has reached an extremely terrible level. Comprehension not only represents the understanding of some things, but also, he can remember things when he looks at things. This is why the rest of your life can remember these things quickly.

It's just that he didn't notice it for the rest of his life.

Coupled with the addition of the book browsing room, this has resulted in extremely fast reading for the rest of my life.

Time is passing by, and everyone present is waiting one after another. As time approaches an hour, their hearts start to become impetuous. They also want to know if they can spend the rest of their lives in an hour. Recite these things inside.

It's just... most people still think it's impossible.

Memorizing these books is easier said than done.

After waiting for an hour, Yu Sheng walked out of the house. When Yu Sheng came out like this, the eyes of many people in the audience fell on Yu Sheng. At this time, everyone was quite interested in Yu Sheng, and they didn’t know this. Can the kid recite it?

But for most people, they think that it is difficult to recite for the rest of their lives. It is really too difficult to memorize this stuff, especially the English-Chinese dictionary, to recite in an hour? That is pure nonsense, such a thick book, and the things involved in it are so complicated, how can it be memorized? Some people will not be able to memorize it throughout their lives.

"Report, I have already recited it." Yu Sheng looked at Sirius and Earth Wolf and others, and said calmly.

"Did you recite?"

Sirius was taken aback for a moment, and then looked towards Yu Sheng again. Sirius spoke with a solemn expression: "Okay, come here and recite it to me."


Then Yu Sheng gave these three books to Sirius, and Sirius glanced at Yu Sheng casually. He didn’t believe that Yu Sheng learned to recite so easily. This stuff is so easy to recite, not to mention that these three books are still him. Randomly selected. As for this Chinese dictionary, generally only people who have enough food will recite this stuff.

Sirius opened the dictionary at random all night, and said: "Recite the contents of page 108."


Afterwards, he recite quickly for the rest of his life. This recitation also surprised Sirius. Sirius hurriedly looked in the dictionary. They were all special soldiers, and they had learned some languages, especially English is also a language that they must know. After all, they sometimes have to go to these places for tasks. English is the most widely used language for communication, so they will learn.

Therefore, Sirius also understands these things.

Sirius saw what Yu Sheng had recited, and it was exactly the same as in the dictionary. This scene surprised Sirius, and Sirius looked surprised and incredible.

Sirius was shocked.

How could it be possible that this kid could recite exactly the same? Did this kid ever recite this dictionary? Or is this kid crazy?

After all, no one will be okay, reciting this stuff for fun.

"Recite the contents of page 206." Sirius asked again.


Yu Sheng recites it again. For a while, all the people around are shocked. They are all looking at Yu Sheng in shock. This kid has actually recited it. Fuck, the fun is a bit big, he How did it do it? How did you recite it, how could it be so terrifying?

"You recite the eighteenth page of this book."

Sirius couldn’t help it anymore and changed a book, but the next situation was the same as the previous one. For the rest of his life, he finished memorizing the book again. Not only that, Sirius tried again several times, for the rest of his life. It was still memorizing the book, and for a while, this made Sirius a little stunned.

"You have really recited it, how is this possible..." Sirius looked at Yu Sheng in surprise, and Sirius was also a little dumbfounded.

At first, he just wanted to teach Yu Sheng a lesson, but who would have thought that Yu Sheng would actually recite it. Fuck, is this guy still a person?

Nima, did you recite the English-Chinese dictionary in just an hour? How many pages is that stuff? There are thousands of pages, can you recite it all? How enchanting it is, you think you are a computer.

"Fuck, this kid actually recited it?"

The Earth Wolf and the Human Wolf were all taken aback when they saw this scene, and they were shocked.

"How did this kid do it? How could he recite it so quickly, or did this kid recite it before?"

The others couldn't help but speak.

"Recite a fart, give you an English-Chinese dictionary, try memorizing it." Someone couldn't help but said: "This stuff is not something anyone can memorize at will."


"Then how did he do it? How could he memorize all three books in such a short period of time. With that said, the time for each of these three books is only twenty minutes, twenty minutes. I will recite it all in minutes, and this is replaced by an average person. I just can’t finish reading it once, right?"


Everyone looked at Yu Sheng with a bewildered expression. They were all very curious about how Yu Sheng did it. This guy's recitation speed is too fast. This kind of recitation speed is simply...

Besides, the human brain is not a computer.

Even Sirius and his party looked towards Yu Sheng one after another, their eyes filled with shock and inconceivability. Sirius took a deep breath. He was also frightened by Yu Sheng. This kid is simply too much. It's awesome, all of this can be recited, but Sirius couldn't help but ask: "Boy, how did you do it? You can recite such a thick dictionary. Is there any trick?"

"Yes, I have…"

The rest of his life spoke casually.


When Sirius, Earth Wolf and others heard the words, they all shined before their eyes. If there is any trick, then maybe they can be promoted, which is also of great benefit to them.

"Yes, and it's quite simple." Yu Sheng replied.

"What's the trick?" Sirius asked impatiently.

"It's very simple. As long as you can do ten lines at a glance, you can remember it in your mind at a glance, and the brain development must be developed to a certain level. Remembering these things in this way is just a piece of cake."

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