I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 877: Win or lose

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With the collision of the two, a scene like a classic battle appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was watching the two people's control of the soldiers and the way the battle was played.

At this moment, the two players' style of play seemed to be a different style.

Obviously, the style of play at this moment is more sharp, and the fighting situation is getting more and more fierce. With the passage of time, the strength of the two sides is constantly consumed. In the blink of an eye, the strength of the two sides reached 10,000 each. This fight can be said to have consumed a whole 80,000 troops.

Logically speaking, this kind of force has already hurt both sides, but if it is on the real battlefield, even if there is only one soldier left, it is not considered a loss.

Because you don't know whether this soldier can turn things around. However, in this world, with one soldier and one soldier, there are not a few people who can turn things around.

At this moment, Zhuge Qingtian stared at the scene in front of him, Zhuge Qingtian took a deep breath at this moment, and Zhuge Qingtian said solemnly.

"Eight dragons."

Following Zhuge Qingtian's order, the next moment, countless soldiers, like divine soldiers, fell by Mo Jingtian's side, and these soldiers rushed up without letting their lives.

Mo Jingtian smiled coldly after seeing this scene before him: "If only you have a trick, I don't have it."

"The gods are coming from heaven."

Following Mo Jingtian's order, countless gods descended from the sky immediately appeared around here. Sudden descending from the sky, all of a sudden, Zhuge Qingtian was defeated.

"What, how is this possible?"

At this moment, Zhuge Qingtian's expression changed drastically. He hurriedly watched the scene in front of him. At this moment, Mo Jingtian's soldiers had surrounded all his soldiers, obviously. Mo Jingtian used himself as a bait and threw it out, just to attract him to the bait.

And he didn’t know when, all kinds of soldiers had been deployed around here. When his soldiers attacked, then they began to attack him frantically. At this moment, he was obviously being attacked. The inside and outside are pinched.

Perceiving this scene, Zhuge Qingtian's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly withdrew his soldiers, but as a master of the same level, how could Mo Jingtian let him go so easily? You know, this is an opportunity to annihilate Zhuge Qingtian.

Mo Jingtian retaliated against Zhuge Qingtian frantically. With the passage of time, Zhuge Qingtian's military strength decreased sharply. At this time, Zhuge Qingtian also knew that he was already powerless at the moment, until he was killed by Mo Jingtian. In an instant, the whole hall also lit up.

At this moment, all the people present were staring at the scene in front of them, and there were thick smiles on the faces of Kuang and Lin Xiao this week.


The two were obviously quite happy.

"Ha ha."

Mo Jingtian glanced at Zhuge Qingtian casually, and calmly said: "You are a respectable opponent, but unfortunately, you still can't learn the techniques of Heavenly Dragon."

When the words fell, Mo Jingtian walked over to his side. At this time, Shenzhan looked at Mo Jingtian with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Yes, not bad."

"Thank you principal." Mo Jingtian said.


Shenzhan smiled and nodded, then Shenzhan set his gaze on Mao Xiaogang and the others. At this time, Shenzhan laughed and said, "Mao Xiaogang, is this the so-called proud son of your double first-class academy? In my opinion, is it just so? The strength is so bad."

"In three competitions, I lost to my student in all three games, Mao Xiaogang, your double first-rate college seems to be a bit inconsistent..."

The laughter of God fighting resounded in this hall. At this moment, even Mao Xiaogang's complexion was dark. At this moment, Zhuge Qingtian's face became stiff, and he took a deep breath, and then slowly Authentic: "Principal, I'm sorry, I lost."

"It's okay."

Mao Xiaogang took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "Winning or losing is a matter of military strategists. If you lose, you will lose, and you will have to wait until the next time you win back."


Zhuge Qingtian gritted his teeth, but in his heart, he was a little unwilling. He actually lost to Mo Jingtian. Although Mo Jingtian is a character of the same name as him, he has never thought that he would lose to Mo Jingtian, but he did not. Thinking that, in the end, Mo Jingtian would have such a magic weapon to descend from heaven.

He was a little careless. At the beginning, he didn't notice Mo Jingtian's specific strength, and he was not easy to calculate Mo Jingtian's strength, which led to his final defeat.

Zhuge Qingtian stared at Mo Jingtian fiercely, looking like that, wishing to swallow Mo Jingtian.

"I don't know if there are any other students coming to challenge the double first-class academy."

At this moment, the arrogant voice of the **** war resounded in this hall, and for a moment, all the people present looked at the **** war with gloomy faces.

At this moment, one of the deans stood up, and the dean said coldly: "God war, you need to be arrogant. This is a double first-class college. But it's not your war college. It's not your turn to come here. act wildly."

Hehehe smiled when Shenzhan heard the words, and Shenzhan said faintly: "Who am I? It turned out to be Chief Qingfeng."

"I don't know, Dean Qingfeng, can you dare to come out and fight my students?"

As soon as the God War opened his mouth, Lin Qingfeng's face was pale, and he stared at the God War with an angry face. He used a student to fight against him. It would be fine if he learned from each other in the past, but recently, the God War is obviously The person who came to choose the venue ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ asked him to fight a student at this time. It was not worthy of him at all. This was a naked insult.

Do you just think that his strength is only worthy of fighting against his students?

For a while, Lin Qingfeng also stared at Shenzhan with an angry face, with a bad expression on his face.

"What an arrogant old guy."

At this moment, Zhang Guoshan sneered coldly, Zhang Guoshan stared at Shenzhan indifferently, and snorted: "Heaven, you left the double first-class academy in grief, and came here today to challenge the double-first academy. What do you think? Do you want to find the place back?"

The gaze of God War stayed on Zhang Guoshan, God War smiled, and said faintly: "Old man Zhang, thinking that you left the Double First Class academy back then was a sensation. Why, now, you still treat yourself as a Double First Class academy. Are you from the college?"

When Zhang Guoshan heard this, he sneered: "I was a member of the Double First-Class Academy before Zhang Guoshan, and I am also from the Double First-Class Academy today. Why, you have an opinion."

As soon as these words came out, Mao Xiaogang's face was put on a smile, and for the rest of his life, he was confused.

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