I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 891: End of return

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Hearing this, Zhang Guoshan snorted, and said, "You are lucky today. If you don't fight them, you will be the one with a double top academy today."

"In the future, my apprentice will have to fight a match."

When Mao Xiaogang heard the words, he was a little bit dumbfounded, and said helplessly: "Let's go to rest first, and discuss the future."

"Apprentice, let's go."

Under the leadership of Zhang Guoshan, he slowly walked towards the dormitory area. Zhang Guoshan is obviously very familiar with this place. The vegetation here is almost the same as before.

Yu Sheng and Zhang Guoshan rested here for one day, and then left here the next day. However, Yu Sheng did not go to the War College, and it was not very anxious to go to the War College.

And he didn't think that the War Academy would go back, just read some books. If he went back, it would only make the War College even more dull.

Yu Sheng didn't follow Zhang Guoshan this time, but instead left here with Sirius and others. At this time, Yu Sheng looked at Sirius and others and couldn't help saying: "Instructor, I'm afraid I have to go back."


Hearing this, Sirius sighed slightly, and said, "I didn't expect time to pass so fast. In the blink of an eye, three months have passed. It's time for you to go back."

"The international special forces competition is about to begin. You have to be careful. These countries all have the existence of masters. Many of them have experienced actual combat in wars. These people should not be underestimated." Tian The wolf solemnly said: "Don't think that you can be promoted to become a soldier king, you can do whatever you want. In this world, there are many people who are higher than the soldier king, and the soldier king is just a special soldier."

Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng nodded solemnly and said, "I understand."

"If you want to leave, the five of us won't keep you. If you have time, go and see the teacher more." Sirius sighed, "Teacher has no family in this life."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly and opened his mouth: "I will."

"Okay, let's separate here. You don't have to follow us back. We have to go back and continue to guard the frontier. You guys can just take the car back here."

"Yes." Yu Sheng nodded slightly. He took a deep look at Sirius and the others, and said in a condensed voice: "Instructor, I will come back to see you when I have time."

"Smelly boy."

Sirius laughed and said, "Bring us a few bottles of good wine when you have time."

"Okay." Yu Sheng laughed and said.

Afterwards, the rest of his life bid farewell to Sirius and the others, and left here. At this time, Sirius and the Earth Wolf and others were looking straight at the rest of their lives after leaving, their eyes flickering, and the Earth Wolf deeply With a sigh, he said, "I don't know where this kid will go to grow in the future."

"Who knows..." Sirius shook his head slightly and said, "However, this kid's achievements will inevitably surpass us in the future. At a young grade, he is the King of Soldiers. Such a genius is rare."

"Yeah..." The wolf also sighed: "I hope this kid can go on and become a famous player. Although I have many Huaxiatians, I am the only one missing a town marshal."

"There is no shortage of Marshals of Zhenguo in other countries. To reach the realm of Marshals of Zhenguo, there is no way to go."

"I hope this kid can succeed."

Sirius and the others took a deep look at Yu Sheng, then shook their heads and left here.

After Yu Sheng left here, he found a car and arrived at the airport. Instead of taking the car, Yu Sheng went to the Sponge Special Brigade, but went directly to the capital.

Nonsense, not seeing his wife for such a long time, he also missed it in panic.

When he went to the capital, Yu Sheng called Fan Tianlei. Fan Tianlei did not refuse Yu Sheng. He gave Yu Sheng a few days off. Fan Tianlei also knew that Yu Sheng training there is also quite difficult. Not to mention, Lao Fan is quite humane.

However, if you say that you have the most vacations this year, I'm afraid it is really for the rest of your life. Others, wherever they are not, go home two or three times a year, and once they have only a few days of vacation.

I don’t even spend a lot of time with my family.

Many times, life is like this, gather less and leave more.

Yu Sheng boarded the plane, and it only took two hours for the plane to arrive in the capital. After returning to the capital, Yu Sheng looked at the weather. At this time, the weather had become cold because it was about to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Yu Sheng had changed into casual clothes at this moment. Yu Sheng smiled, and ran towards the old Wu’s house at a steady pace. At this time, Lao Wu did not go to school, but rested at home for two days. The opportunity for the rest of my life.

Yu Sheng hurried to the old martial house, which was heavily guarded. It was really not easy for ordinary people to enter. Fortunately, the Wulong God had already ordered that Yu Sheng could come in at any time, so Yu Sheng was not hindered.

Yu Sheng came to this familiar place. When Yu Sheng had just entered the yard, Wu Zeqing appeared in front of Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng came to Lao Wu with a little excitement and said, "Old Wu, I miss. NS."

As he said, he held Old Wu in his arms, and Yu Sheng said with a sigh, "We haven't seen each other for a long time."


Wu Zeqing is still so gentle and generous. With a smile and a smile, it is a demeanor of everyone. Even the rest of his life is lamented. It is really strange that Wulong Shen gave birth to such a girl. It's weird.

"Are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat." Wu Zeqing said softly.

"Not hungry."

For the rest of his life he smiled and said, "But Lao Wu~www.wuxiaspot.com~Are you off work today?"

"Take a break today and plan to accompany my father to the military area." Wu Zeqing smiled.

"Military area?" Yu Sheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "What are you going to do in the military area?"

"It's nothing, just meet my father's old teammates." Wu Zeqing smiled.

"So that's the case." Yu Sheng muttered a few words secretly. This old man of his own is fierce enough, but it is also a pit.

Of course, Yu Sheng would not say this in front of Wu Zeqing.

At the same time.

Upstairs, Wulong Shen has been paying attention to this scene, especially seeing Yu Sheng holding his daughter in his arms, which makes Wulong Shen's face even more stern.

"This little bastard, I will soak up my girl as soon as he comes back. You say what kind of fascinating soup he poured on the girl. It's really annoying to me." Wulong Shen stared at the rest of his life below with gnashing teeth, wishing to take off his belt. Taking the rest of his life, this kid is simply horrible.

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