, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

"Don't worry, your husband and I are not vegetarian either." Yu Sheng said confidently.

Wulong Shen perceives this scene, and it is even more uncomfortable as if he has eaten Xiang. This little **** is still soaking in his own daughter here in front of his own face. He can't bear it.

"Yeah." Wu Zeqing smiled softly and said: "I'll go there first."


Afterwards, these ten people surrounded the rest of their lives one after another, and as these ten people surrounded the rest of their lives, Wulong God was squinting at this moment, smiling and watching the scene in front of him.

"Smelly boy, this time I won't beat your **** out." Wu Long Shen hummed.

Wu Zeqing glanced at her father helplessly, which made her not know what to say.

For the rest of my life, I looked at these ten people helplessly. The last time I came, there were four, and this time there were ten. This cheap old man of my own is also enough.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, staring at the ten people in front of him with burning eyes, his eyes flashing with a strong sense of war.


The next moment, with a loud shout, these ten people attacked for the rest of their lives. Although these ten people obeyed the order of Wulong God, these ten people are not stupid. The one in front of you, but Wu The son-in-law of the Dragon God, if they were really broken, they might be trained to die by the Dragon God...

"Ha ha……"

Yu Sheng looked at these people in front of him, smiled coldly, and then struck one of them with a punch. I have to say that these ten people are indeed a lot more powerful, but even if they are more powerful, they are still Ordinary special forces have not yet reached the ranks of soldiers.

If ten soldiers attacked together, even Yu Sheng would not dare to say that he could defeat the opponent. After all, the terrible soldiers were not comparable to a small special soldier.

Yu Sheng fought with these ten people together, but the other party was obviously ten people, but under the battle of Yu Sheng, all these ten people were actually suppressed, which was a bit scary.

When Wulong Shen saw this scene, his expression was also slightly condensed.

But then, these ten people were repulsed by Yu Sheng and gradually lost their combat effectiveness. After they were promoted to the King of War, the combat effectiveness of the ten men became particularly terrifying. Although these ten men are powerful, there is still a huge gap between them and Yu Sheng.

The terrifying power and speed for the rest of his life can be said to suppress these ten people firmly. Of course, this does not mean that the rest of his life has not been attacked. After all, the other party has more people and more hands. If they are not attacked, it is obviously not. It's too possible.

However, on the whole, for the rest of his life, this is an individual.

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound kept resounding. These ten people lost to Yu Sheng, and were knocked to the ground by Yu Sheng. However, Yu Sheng did not kill him. After all, these people in front of him are all guards of his old husband. If this is broken Now, he was really afraid that the old man would ask him to settle the account.

As the rest of their lives knocked all these ten people to the ground, all these ten people were groaning. They endured the severe pain in their bodies and did not dare to scream.

Ten people.

They are ten people. They belong to the top special forces series, but they never expected... Ten of them will fight one person for the rest of their lives. Not only have they never fought, but they have also been knocked to the ground. This makes them all full To be unwilling and amazed.

This kid in front of you is too **** strong, right? They feel that their instructors are probably nothing more than that, this guy is really terrifying.

Who the **** is this kid? Such a grade, but the strength is so strong...

Rao is the Martial Dragon God who is fighting intuitively on the sidelines, and he is also dumbfounded. The reason why he let these ten people come out to practice with Yu Sheng, he also has the mind to test Yu Sheng to see where this kid has grown, but Wan What I didn't expect was... the ten top special forces selected by his own mother were all killed by Yu Sheng. This is a bit scary. This kid, who is his mother?

Is this kind of combat power something human can do?

God Wulong's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief. At the same time, his face was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten Xiang. Wu Zeqing looked at his father, which made Wu Zeqing cover his mouth and laugh, not for a while. Know what to say.

Obviously, she also knew that her father was deflated again.

Yu Sheng looked at these ten people and said casually: "Uncle Wu, where did you find these ten people? I think the strength is average...it doesn't seem to be that great."


As soon as he said this, the corners of Wulongshen's mouth twitched fiercely. Wulongshen gave Yu Sheng a fierce look. This kid was really too awkward.

If you are defeated, you are defeated. Why are you still talking coldly here? Did you hear that this is human talk? Is it average strength? This is all carefully selected by him, can this strength be average? This is his guard, specially used to protect him, which can be regarded as ordinary.

Where on earth is your kid a monster that ran out of you, how can he be so strong.

These ten people also stared at Yu Sheng with unconvinced expressions, and they were so angry that they wanted to swallow the rest of their lives.

Yu Sheng really didn't put them at ease... but there was no way, the guy in front of him was an out-and-out pervert, it was too strong, they weren't Yu Sheng's opponents at all.

They are all curious, this kid looks so young, maybe he can only practice like that in the womb, right? What has become of this kid?

"Boy, are you promoted to the rank of king of soldiers?" Wulong God suddenly asked at this moment.

"Not bad." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "I have been promoted to become the king of soldiers."

Wulong Shen was shocked again. He remembered that he was still the top special agent for the rest of his life. He didn't expect to break through so soon? Turned into the king of soldiers?

Such a young soldier king?

This is a bit scary ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For such a young soldier king, even Wulong Shen knows what it means, such a young soldier king, its potential is simply unimaginable.

Unexpectedly, this kid would be promoted to the rank of king so soon.

"How did you get promoted to the King of Soldiers? How could you be so fast?"

It took only a few months before this kid was promoted to the King of War. Even the Wulong God was slightly surprised at such a speed of promotion. This kid is not easy...

"It's very simple..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng said such a sentence...

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Wulongshen's face became stiff, one thing, the corners of his mouth twitched violently, I don't know why, seeing the rest of his life in front of him, Wulongshen had an impulse, the impulse to choke this kid to death.

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