, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

Even some Olympic weightlifting, diving and other competitions will encounter some dangers, not to mention this kind of special forces competition. Therefore, this danger is beyond everyone's control, and we can only try to reduce the dangerous loss.

Wu Zeqing heard this, with willow eyebrows clustered, and Wu Zeqing always maintained a soft smile, but this time, Wu Zeqing frowned. Obviously Wu Zeqing was a little worried. Wu Zeqing paused and said: "The international special forces competition, there should be Many masters, be careful."

"Don't worry, old Wu."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he laughed and said: "My strength, you are not clear about it, and you will not encounter any danger."

"Old Wu, let's go have something to eat?"


Wu Zeqing is the first person to be gentle. Yu Sheng took Wu Zeqing and ate hot pot once. What made Yu Sheng a little lamented was that Wu Zeqing was basically not picky about eating. Yu Sheng said that he would eat whatever he wanted. When going out to eat, Wu Zeqing would say something he would love to eat for the rest of his life.

This made Yu Sheng's heart full of emotions. Wu Zeqing is obviously very considerate of others. This is the real good wife and mother...

At night, Yu Sheng planned to send Wu Zeqing home. At this moment, it was already 10:30. Yu Sheng took Wu Zeqing along the street. Yu Sheng did not rush to drive and sent Wu Zeqing home because of the capital. On the street, it is still very bustling.

The two of them walked for a while, and Yu Sheng took Wu Zeqing to a park. But at this moment, Yu Sheng frowned, and there was a hint of cold light in the depths of Yu Sheng’s eyes, which made Yu Sheng a little bit. It became cold.

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "Old Wu, wait for me here. I'll go to the toilet and be back soon."

"Good." Wu Zeqing nodded and said.

"Wait for me, don't run around."


Yu Sheng nodded, and then walked in a direction next to him. After walking for about a hundred meters, Yu Sheng saw a few figures. Yu Sheng looked at these people in front of him with a cold expression, with a little murder in his expression. meaning.

"Who are you?"

There are four people here. Among these four people, one of them is wearing a big chain, but their dressing makes people look a little uncomfortable. At this point, they don't look like a good person.

Looking at these people for the rest of his life, his expression was cold and severe.

"Hehe, boy, what you have hidden this day is really deep enough."

At this moment, a person slowly walked out from the side. This person was not someone else. He was indeed the master of grasping dolls, Tian Yi, whom he met today.

Tian Yi looked at Yu Sheng coldly, a faint arc formed between the corners of his mouth.

"Oh? So it's you?"

Yu Sheng squinted, staring at Tian Yi with a smile, and said calmly.

"Boy, you really made me easy to find. You cost me almost 100,000 today. You said, how can I get it back?" Tian Yi stared at Yu Sheng coldly, and he suddenly He lost one hundred thousand, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. He wanted to fight for a sigh of relief, because only then did he find a few buddies, intending to teach the rest of his life.

In fact, Yu Sheng had already noticed that someone was stalking him, but Yu Sheng realized that there was no danger, so he didn’t care. Yu Sheng didn’t believe that anyone would dare to kill him in such a place and kill him in the capital. That is pure Seeking a dead end, and for some people, it is very difficult to enter the capital. After all, the capital is the capital of China.

So Yu Sheng has been ignoring these people. Unexpectedly, these guys would actually follow this time for a long time. It turns out that this one in the morning is called Tianyi.

"You are so courageous. In the capital, you dare to gather people to fight, don't you be afraid of sitting in prison?" Yu Sheng smiled and stared at Tianyi and the others, hehe.

"Sit through?"

When Tian Yi heard the words, he hehe smiled and said faintly: "So what? Spend some money and be released on bail? However, I can't swallow this breath."

"Boy, what do you think I should do with you?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled slightly, and immediately, Yu Sheng's feet suddenly exerted force, his whole body was like a gust of wind, and he instantly came to Tianyi and the others.

In the next moment, Yu Sheng punched Tian Yi. After all, Yu Sheng was a special soldier of the Spike Special Forces Brigade. His combat strength was unimaginable, and it was not comparable to an ordinary person.

These five guys are nothing more than ordinary people. At most, they fight harder than some people. However, they can only think that they are unlucky when they encounter people like Yu Sheng.

Two minutes later, Yu Sheng clapped his hands and left here.

At this time, Tian Yi and others were all lying on the ground, groaning in pain. After waiting for a while, Tian Yi and others crawled out of the ground.

After Tian Yi got up from the ground, Tian Yi's eyes still had a little bit of fear and shock.

"This bastard..."

Tian Yi was extremely unwilling. He never expected that Yu Sheng would be so powerful, and the five of them were not Yu Sheng's opponents when they shot together.

Moreover, it only took two minutes by others, and it was all overwhelmed.

"Tian Yi, who the **** did you provoke? How could it be so powerful?" one of them asked angrily.

Indeed, I came to teach others, but I was taught a lesson by others. Whoever changed it to www.wuxiaspot.com~ made them a little angry.

Tian Yi also had a hard time saying, he didn’t know who the other party was. It was because of this thing during the day that this guy had lost one hundred thousand, so he couldn’t help but want to teach the rest of his life, but he never expected this guy. It's just like opening the hook, so difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, this guy didn't play black hands. If they played black hands, they would all have to finish playing.

"Yeah, Tian Yi, who the **** did you provoke? How could you be so powerful?" Someone couldn't help but say, "If we think we are fighting every day, we can be regarded as a veteran. People have become this virtue."

Tian Yi said helplessly when he heard the words: "Actually, I am not very clear about who he is, but I want to teach this guy a lesson."


After these four people heard what Tian Yi said, all four of them were a little annoyed. When they were fighting, they would usually get to know each other first. After all, there are always four of them who can’t afford to provoke them. There are a lot of people, and once you provoke one that you can't provoke, then the four of them will also be out of luck.

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