I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 912: Grab a spot

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Yu Sheng got up, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and spent the next two days with Wu Zeqing every day. This lasted three days. Yu Sheng also knew that he had important things to attend next, and he also Can't be with Lao Wu every day.

After all, Lao Wu is the deputy school of Beijing University. There is still a lot of work to be done at Beijing University. Although Lao Wu doesn't say anything, he also knows that he can't delay Lao Wu's future.

So on the fourth day, Yu Sheng said goodbye to Wu Zeqing, which made Yu Sheng a little lamented. However, he and Wu Zeqing hadn’t asked his mother about the marriage date, and I didn’t know when his mother planned to marry the two of them. And my mother was mysterious, which made Yu Sheng slightly speechless.

Yu Sheng boarded the plane returning to the provincial capital, and when he arrived at the airport, someone went on for the rest of his life and went to the Langya special battle base.

When he reappeared for the rest of his life, he had already come to the Spikes Brigade.

Yu Sheng looked at this familiar place. Although he had been away for a long time, he still had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with it, which made Yu Sheng an indescribable sigh.

For the rest of his life, he went to the training ground without hesitation. He knew that Fan Tianlei and the others were training in the training ground.

After Yu Sheng arrived at the training ground, Yu Sheng was somewhat surprised that He Chenguang and the others were not training, and it seemed that they were arguing about something. This made Yu Sheng a little accidental.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that things would become like this.

At this time Yu Sheng stepped forward and walked forward.

At this moment, He Chenguang and others also found out Yu Sheng's existence, and immediately looked overjoyed and said, "It's Yu Sheng."

"I'm back for the rest of my life."

"Great, I'm back for the rest of my life, we are saved."

"Come here quickly for the rest of your life and help us abuse them."

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others saw the moment of Yu Sheng, and their mood was relaxed a lot. Fan Tianlei looked at Yu Sheng, and he was also a little relieved.

Yu Sheng stepped forward and walked over. After seeing Fan Tianlei, he said loudly: "Report to the Chief of Staff, Yu Sheng will return to the team."


Fan Tianlei smiled and said with a smile, "Return to the team."


For the rest of his life, he stood with He Chenguang and the others. At this time, there was a team in front of them, looking at them. Next to Fan Tianlei, there was also another person. This person was also a lieutenant colonel in military uniform. The rank of Yu Sheng was slightly surprised.

Yu Sheng gave this man a deep look.

"For the rest of your life, you can be regarded as coming back." He Chenguang and the others said with excitement.

"What's the matter?" Yu Sheng asked in a low voice.

"They came to grab our spot." He Chenguang said solemnly.

"Snatch our spot?" Yu Sheng frowned and said, "You mean the spot in the International Special Forces Competition?"

"Yes." He Chenguang gritted his teeth with a gloomy expression on his face: "After they got the name for us, they led their team to come here, and they wanted to negotiate with the chief of staff for our quota."

"They are very strong. We are not their opponents. The headed person is even more a soldier."


Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the team. The leader was a man in his thirties. The man was wearing a camouflage uniform with a slight aura of fierceness on his body, which was very eye-catching.

"This person is called Cangshan."

"They are all from the Lonely Peak Commando."

Hearing these explanations, Yu Sheng also nodded slightly. The Lonely Peak Commando was indeed the first time he heard it, but he didn't care much.

At this time, the lieutenant colonel looked at Fan Tianlei with a smile, and said, "Tianlei, is this the soldier you were talking about?"

"Not bad."

Fan Tianlei said lightly: "Lieutenant Colonel Li Yi's red blood cell team will not be allowed out, so please come back."

Li Yi heard the words and said calmly: "Tian Lei, this international special forces competition naturally requires the best special forces to go. It doesn't make much sense if you go. After all, this is also related to the face of China. If you lose badly, that's not great."

"What's more, most of the people in your team have already lost to my soldiers. It doesn't make any sense for you to continue to guard this quota. It is better to give this quota to our Lonely Peak Commando, our Lonely Peak Commando, You can definitely get a good ranking."

Fan Tianlei's face sank when he heard the words, and he became extremely unnatural.

Indeed, they lost to Li Yi’s team before Yu Sheng came, but before Yu Sheng came, Fan Tianlei felt a lot more relaxed after seeing Yu Sheng. He knew that Yu Sheng couldn’t take it. Judging by common sense, Fan Tianlei said indifferently: "We have one more red blood cell."

"Is it him?"

Li Yi looked at Yu Sheng and shook his head slightly. He didn't think Yu Sheng could make any waves. You must know that the strength of this Cangshan Mountain is a king of soldiers. He is powerful. He defeated the people with red blood cells alone. These people simply Not his opponent, what kind of waves can he make for the rest of his life? Could this kid still be a king of soldiers?


Fan Tianlei nodded and said.

"In that case, it's better to let him come to Bibi, he lost, you give me the spot, what do you think?" Li Yi smiled and looked at Fan Tianlei.

Fan Tianlei's expression was also a little sullen, and Li Yi was reluctant, and it was endless.

This made him a little bored~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Yu Sheng saw the situation in front of him, coupled with the reports of He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others, he had almost understood the ins and outs by now.

It turned out that this guy came for this international special forces competition.

"Didi, the main task."

Just when Yu Sheng just thought of this place, a light flashed in Yu Sheng's eyes, because the system released a main task at this moment, which shocked Yu Sheng.

You know, since I became the king of soldiers, this system has never released a main task. Unexpectedly, a main task was released at this moment. For a while, this made Yu Sheng slightly confused. Could it be that this main task? Do you want to participate in the International Special Forces Contest yourself and not stand out?

Yu Sheng was slightly surprised. If this is the case, it does not seem worthy to release a main task. You know, the rewards of this main task are extremely rich.

Isn't it a bit too high to release a main mission like this?

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