I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 917: Sea training

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Fan Tianlei took a deep breath. For the rest of his life, he was just an animal. When he walked to that person, where did Huo Huo go, during this period of time, he has caused a lot of trouble, but on the contrary, this kid has a super strong combat power. The credits given are also one by one, which makes Fan Tianlei love and hate.

You said you were okay and challenged the double first-class academy. The people in that school were all perverted. The most important thing was that these guys had such a powerful backstage that he couldn't even provoke him.

For the rest of his life, it's not bad, and I directly picked all of these two academies.

Fan Tianlei paused and said, "For the rest of my life, there will be a special forces competition in the next month or so. At that time, we will go to a certain country for a special forces competition. On the way, you will meet mountains and rivers. Rivers, deserts, snowfields, mountains, even wetlands, etc...there is very dangerous, so before that, I want to take you to a place for a month of professional training."

"What do you mean?" Yu Sheng frowned and paused after hearing this, "I still need to train?"


Fan Tianlei nodded heavily and said, "After training over there, we will go directly to the competition area of ​​the International Special Forces Competition. Then there will be our people over there to pick us up."

"But before that, I hope you can conduct a sea training."

"Training at sea?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he was slightly taken aback, unavoidably a little surprised.

"Yeah." Fan Tianlei nodded and said in a deep voice: "This training on the sea is also our only shortcoming. We have taken some theory classes in the desert and in the snow, but now, there are not so many. Time, let us do these trainings."

"The only training that can be done right now is this training at sea. After one month of training at sea, there will be a special forces competition. This is also of great benefit to you."

"So, this time I want to ask you guys, want to go."

Fan Tianlei’s words made Yu Sheng and the rest of their hearts moved. At this time, He Chenguang couldn’t help but speak: “Chief of Staff, we want to go. For us, since we can improve our strength, we naturally want to go as soon as possible before the special forces competition. So that we can get a higher ranking."

"Yes, Chief of Staff, I also think we should participate in this trial." Wang Yanbing said with a solemn expression.

"Chief of Staff, you can take us there." At this time, the rest of the people also talked about it one after another. Obviously, they are all looking forward to this special forces competition.

Hearing this, Fan Tianlei nodded, and said, "Well, that's the case, then you clean up, we will now go to the Jiaolong Commando."

"Jiaolong Commando?"

After Yu Sheng heard the news, it made Yu Sheng also moved. He seemed to have seen a member of the Flood Dragon Commando before.

This made Yu Sheng a little bit excited.

Because he has always wanted to see this maritime force.

This naval force is extremely sharp. Over the years, it has made great contributions to make those Xiaoxiao not dare to approach the Huaxia waters for half a step.

Over the years, they have contributed a lot.

However, such a team is not well known by everyone, but they have been silently guarding this sea area in secret.

Fighting at sea is their strength.

Therefore, this is why Yu Sheng is so excited.

Afterwards, Yu Sheng and others began to pack their clothes, everyone carrying a huge backpack, and then they got into a car.

In the car, He Chenguang asked, "Chief of Staff, where is this maritime force?"

Fan Tianlei smiled and said: "Now we need to go to the airport, and then we can enter the vicinity of the Jiaolong Commando. However, the Jiaolong Commando is above the sea and not on land, so we will take a helicopter gunship and go directly to the destination. "

He Chenguang was also a little surprised by Fan Tianlei's words. Unexpectedly, it would be so difficult to find the Jiaolong Commando, and he didn't think much about it for the rest of his life.

"Chief of Staff, what kind of unit is this Flood Dragon Commando?"

He Chenguang glanced at Fan Tianlei with some curiosity, and asked puzzledly.

"Going into the sea is talking about the Jiaolong Commando. The Jiaolong Commando is a sharp edge. They are different from ordinary special forces. They need to master hundreds of weapons such as marine and land police. They are very familiar with the knowledge of weapons. In this way, they have to learn parachuting, blasting, diving, climbing, skiing, driving in a car and boat, and grappling and fighting. Their methods are more than we have learned."

"They often encircle some pirates, want those who are harmful to our merchant ships, and protect our territory and Chinese merchants."

"This commando team is very powerful. I want to take you there and let you see it. By the way, this dragon commando team can learn from their strengths."

Fan Tianlei's words made He Chenguang and the others couldn't help but take a breath. They are special forces, and they are also members of the Spike Brigade, but... if you really want to separate them, they are just an army.

Therefore, what they learn is basically army combat.

In the old days, they had to learn city warfare, forest warfare, etc. These are the main things they learn. Generally speaking, they rarely go to sea warfare because they are not used to the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such as In non-essential circumstances, they will not enter the ocean.

After Fan Tianlei said this, He Chenguang also became a little dignified. He Chenguang's eyes revealed a little fiery heat. They also wanted to see what this special force that could go into the sky was. Kind of special forces.

However, for this team, the rest of his life was extremely plain, because when he was on Alcatraz, he had seen Jin Jiao, who was the captain of the Jiaolong assault team, and he was very familiar with this person.

After they got on the plane, for the rest of their lives, they closed their eyes and calmed down.

At this time, Li Erniu couldn't help but say: "Yu Sheng, we are going to the Jiaolong Commando, you don't seem to feel at all, aren't you excited?"

"Why are you excited?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, opened his eyes, he gave Li Erniu a puzzled look.

Li Erniu was also slightly taken aback, and looked at Yu Sheng with a little astonishment. He didn't understand what this sentence meant. Why was he excited? Everyone is very excited, why are you not excited?

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