I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 935: The International Special Forces Competition has begun

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When talking about this, Fan Tianlei's complexion suddenly became a little dignified, and Fan Tianlei's eyes revealed a little jealousy.

Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "I told you before that many countries will send the most elite troops to participate in the international special forces competition this time. These troops are very powerful. Will send out their own troop troop, their troop troop, each is the king of soldiers, extremely powerful."

"This team is called the SEAL team. In addition to this, there is also the Delta Force. This is also a very terrifying team. They are all called the Ace Force. This team can be described as frightening to the enemy. ."

"The SEAL team usually uses a two-person combat team. The team is composed of a sniper and an observer, and is equipped with a 0.5-inch large-caliber sniper rifle."

"Their combat effectiveness is very strong."

"In addition to these two teams, there are the Green Beret Team and the Ranger Team. These units are top-notch forces. However, so far, we still don’t know which team they will send to participate. In this competition, if these four teams are dispatched, then we will have a lot of trouble."

"Furthermore, in addition to these types of troops, I think you have also heard of the fifth type of people. This fifth type of people is a type of people with their own special abilities. Their methods are extremely powerful, even they Our own strength is extremely strong, our country has it, and other countries naturally have it, and it is not worse than ours."

"In almost every country, there is a very elite assault team. These assault teams are also a symbol of them. Therefore, you must be very careful in this international special forces competition. It doesn't matter if you lose the game, but you must find a way to save your lives. , The extremely harsh environment you have experienced. One carelessness can cause death, so be careful. We participate in this international special forces competition to train you. I hope you can become stronger, but I don’t want it. You have lost your lives."

"If there is no life, there is nothing. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Chief."

Yu Sheng and the others all warmed their hearts and looked at Fan Tianlei with some gratitude. Although Fan Tianlei was a bit pitted and broken in the past, at this critical moment, Fan Tianlei is indeed for their good. I don't want anything to happen to them. If something really happens, Fan Tianlei will not let it go.

Fan Tianlei almost watched them grow up. These people, just like his own children, knew that they were fighting for the country and the people, but he couldn't help it.

He had to let these young guys go.

Think about it, what were you doing when you were in your twenties? At this time, they have already provoked a heavy burden.

"Chief of Staff, I have also seen this fifth category of people, it doesn't seem to be much different, right?" Yu Sheng frowned, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Fan Tianlei couldn't help taking a look at Yu Sheng. Fan Tianlei smiled and said, "Did you see it from your old husband?"

"Yes." Yu Sheng didn't hide it, and said directly.

"Ha ha."

Fan Tianlei smiled and said: "Don't underestimate this kind of people. Since birth, there have been some mutations in this kind of people. To some extent, they are all people with genetic mutations. This time, you are here. At the International Special Forces Competition, you will definitely encounter some of these people, and these people are very powerful."

"Gene mutation?"

When He Chenguang heard this, he couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately said, "Chief of Staff, according to what you said, aren't these people genetically human?"

After hearing this, Fan Tianlei nodded slightly and said, "What you said is not wrong, right now, some places are indeed studying this genetic person, and even some criminal organizations are also studying these things. These things are extremely valuable. If you can study it out, you can make unlimited masters."

"It's just a pity that people with this gene mutation will be in some trouble more or less, they will have big side effects, and they won't be existed by the world."

"So this kind of thing is really not the right way. I want to remind you that you should not think about this kind of step-up, step-up, there is no good thing, and good things are not your turn. As special soldiers, we have to believe. , It's me, not these evil ways."

Fan Tianlei glanced at the people present and warned.

"Yes." Yu Sheng and others all responded: "Chief of Staff, you continue to talk."


Fan Tianlei nodded slowly and said, "Presumably you have seen a lot of movies. In fact, some of the things in the movies are not non-existent. For example, this gene mutation. Now many scientists are studying some of this aspect. Question, this thing can bring the gospel to mankind, but it can also bring destruction to mankind."

"But with the advancement of technology, these things are also inevitable."

"In the process of studying these, a series of accidents are prone to occur. For example, these genetic people are accidents. I think you should have heard of a heart called a mechanical heart."

"Mechanical heart?" Yu Sheng's expression condensed when he heard the words, and immediately said, "I have heard of it."

"My brain, have you heard of this?"

Wang Yanbing looked at Yu Sheng with a bit of astonishment, his face looked incredible, he couldn't help saying.

"Have heard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

"Chief of Staff, isn't this false? Is there such a person?" He Chenguang asked in surprise.


Fan Tianlei nodded and said: "Some parts of the mechanical heart have been studied now, but this is the first-generation heart. This first-generation heart has great side effects and is not very useful. These people are already studying. This second-generation heart is now, and I don’t know if this second-generation heart has been studied."

"This world is beyond your imagination. You don’t know many things, but it does not mean that these things do not exist. Therefore, when facing the enemy, you must always be vigilant. It might make you hate on the spot."

"The other thing is, when you meet these people with mechanical hearts, don't bump into them. Then you can run as far as you can. If you run far away, find a place to hide."

When talking about this, Fan Tianlei's expression was also extremely dignified and serious. Obviously, he was unspeakably afraid of this stuff.

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