I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 940: Where to find a friend

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After Danny heard this, Danny's expression also changed slightly. For a while, Danny looked at Bauer with a little displeasedness, slightly angry.

He doesn’t have any good feelings about Bauer, because every day, Bauer will come here to play two tunes. She is also very clear about the main purpose. Bauer wants to soak herself, but she does treat Bauer. I don't catch a cold, nor can I talk about any interest.

"Chenguang...what does this person mean? I, why don't I understand?" Li Erniu looked stunned, obviously, he couldn't understand a word.

He Chenguang said faintly: "This guy speaks English, and..."

"And what?" Wang Yanbing asked suspiciously.

"Moreover, this **** is actually insulting Yu Sheng." Song Kaifei's face sank, and he snorted coldly.

Song Kaifei is a pilot, and he must pass the test in English. If he can't pass the test, he sometimes can't understand some of the knowledge on the plane. Therefore, as a pilot, he must pass the test in English.

"Insult the rest of your life?"

After Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu heard this, their faces all sank. This insult to Yu Sheng is really too much...

Who do you think of the rest of your life? Dare to insult him? The most important thing is that Yu Sheng is his opponent, and now Yu Sheng has been insulted. For a while, everyone looked at Bauer with a touch of fierceness.

Can they be insulted at will?

At this time, the rest of his life smiled faintly, and calmly said: "Unexpectedly, the people here are really unqualified and claim to be aristocrats, but what is the difference between this and farting?"

"It seems that this place... is also a rude place."

The words of the rest of his life fell, and this made Bauer and Danny on the side a momentary stun. At this time, Danny was a little surprised and said: "Do you understand English?"

"Why don't you understand?" Yu Sheng chuckled, and continued to speak in fluent English.

After hearing this sentence, Danny also looked slightly surprised, showing a slightly surprised look. Obviously he did not expect Yu Sheng to speak English so well, just like a foreigner who was born and raised. This really surprised him. .

I can speak English for the rest of my life. For a while, Danny is also very cordial. Danny said, "Hello, sir. My name is Danny. I am a pianist. I am glad to meet you."

"Hello, you can call me Yu."


When Danny heard the name, he blinked those playful eyes and said, "Is that the kind of fish you swim in the water?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, Wei Wei was a bit speechless. For a moment, he didn't know how to explain it. After thinking about it, he said: "Yu is a surname of our Huaxia, and it also represents a name. You can call me Yu. "

"Oh, good." Danny nodded hurriedly.

However, Bauer was full of anger after hearing what Yu Sheng had just said. Bauer did not expect that Yu Sheng spoke so sharply, and the words contained a deep irony to him. For a while, this made Bauer. Extreme anger.

Bauer said angrily: "Hua Xia boy, what are you talking about? Dare to insult me, you come up and try to play a song."

"It's a Chinese kid like you, I'm afraid I haven't even seen a noble piano."

Hearing Yu Sheng’s counterattack, Bauer was also furious. He stared at Yu Sheng with fiery eyes, especially this guy. Once he came here, he robbed the girl he valued. How did this make him? Not angry.

"Ha ha."

Yu Sheng laughed dumbly, and said flatly: "You are a half-hearted piano, and you dare to bloom here."

"There is an old saying in China, the pearl of rice, you dare to compete with the sun and the moon, and your piano skills are just the lowest."

Yu Sheng was full of irony. After hearing this in Bauer's ears, Bauer was even more furious. For him, these words of Yu Sheng were naked insults.

For a time, Bauer was very angry.

"Boy, what did you say? Say it again?"

Bauer was completely angry. The piano, in his opinion, is a sacred existence. He likes the piano very much and Danny, so this is why he often comes here to play the piano. A large part of it is Came in pursuit of Danny, and now he was taught a lesson by a Chinese man, which made him a little bit ashamed and angry.


Just when Yu Sheng was about to say something, there was a sudden rush of voice in Yu Sheng's mind. The sudden sound shocked Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a system task.

"Didi, the temporary task is released, please teach the host to teach the guy in front of you, and release the reward based on the host's performance."


Yu Sheng had vaguely thought of something, but unexpectedly, it was actually this task. For a while, this made Yu Sheng slightly surprised.

"Accept the task."

Now that the system has released the task, there is no reason not to accept it. If this is not accepted, wouldn't I be sorry for this task?

"Didi, the host has successfully accepted the task, please complete the task as soon as possible."

Hearing the system finish, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and then Yu Sheng looked at Bauer, with a bit of coldness in Yu Sheng's eyes.

At this time, the rest of his life said faintly: "In my opinion, your piano skills are very poor, you are just an apprentice."


Bauer stared at Yu Sheng angrily, and said angrily: "I want to challenge you."

"Challenge me?"

Yu Sheng heard this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a cold smile, and said faintly: "How are you going to challenge?"

"If you lose, you apologize to me, apologize in front of everyone, and admit that your Huaxia piano is not as good as me, and admit that your technical rubbish." This person said angrily.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he laughed blankly, and said slowly, "What if I win?"


After Bauer heard these words, Bauer showed a bit of disdain. He didn't think he could beat him for the rest of his life. Bauer said coldly: "You can't win me."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said: "There is nothing impossible in the world, and your strength is not the strongest. How do you know that it is impossible to win you."

"Let’s talk about the bet first, what if you lose? If there is no bet, I don’t think you should bet with me. I won't bet against someone like you who doesn't have a bet."

The words of the rest of his life made Bauer even more angry, Bauer sternly said: "Okay, I'll bet with you, just tell me, what do you want to bet on."

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