I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 948: All scared silly

Chapter 935

"That's right." Song Kaifei couldn't help but said: "Plus your sniper rifle, Gatling, it's more than two hundred catties...Can you carry it?"


Speaking of Yu Sheng, he directly carried Gatlin. After Song Kaifei and the others saw the scene in front of Yu Sheng, all of them stared at it for a while, and then took a breath.



They all knew that Yu Sheng’s strength was great, but they didn’t expect that this guy could run around with a weight of two hundred catties. Looking at Yu Sheng’s weight, it was estimated that it was only one hundred and fifty catties. Most of them have muscles. It is regular training, basically there will be no fat on the body.

"Well, let's get on the plane first, the chief of staff is already waiting for us over there." Chen Shanming also gave Yu Sheng a speechless look.

When he saw Yu Sheng carrying a Gatlin, he was also completely dumbfounded, because he did not expect that Yu Sheng would carry a Gatley out, this kid... is simply crazy.

Carrying Gatlin for the rest of his life, he looked a little cumbersome, but he could follow in the footsteps of Chen Shanming and others. After seeing this speed, everyone took another breath. This guy is nothing short of nothing. He is absolutely perverted, carrying a two hundred catties weight, and he can still keep up with his footsteps, this guy, is he crazy?


The group of people came to a plane. There were two of their helicopters. One directly sent Liu Hua and the others away, while the other one was intended to send Lei Zhan and Yu Sheng and the rest of their lives.

Yu Sheng was at the end. He was carrying Gatlin, which was naturally the most conspicuous. After He Chenguang and the others got on the plane, at this time, Fan Tianlei also noticed Yu Sheng next to him, and waited until he saw Yu Sheng carrying a Gatlin. When he came here, it was Fan Tianlei with a dumbfounded expression.


After this moment, Fan Tianlei couldn't help but burst out an swear word.


Zhao Yunfeng was also shocked when he saw this scene before him.

Damn, someone actually carried Gatlin on the plane, this guy, is this crazy?

Zhao Yunfeng was also a little dumbfounded. Although you can use any weapon in this international special forces competition, but...there is no such mess as you do...

You are carrying an eighty kilogram of Gatling, don't you feel tired? Now you are going to war, not a big counteroffensive, a frontal fight.

If it is a frontal combat, this Gatling is definitely like a big killer, but this is not a frontal combat...

For a while, this made Zhao Yunfeng a little speechless. It was the first time he saw such a fierce man. The man in front of him was a ruthless man...

"For the rest of my life, what are you doing?" Fan Tianlei's face was serious, and he couldn't help but scolded: "Why did you come out carrying a Gatling?"


Your uncle is engaged in special operations. Your combat locations, except forests are swamps and even deserts. Oh, you came out carrying a Gatling...


Is that human being?

You who don't know think you are going to war.

"Reporting chief." Yu Sheng said loudly: "It's a bit useful for me to carry Gatling on my back."

Yu Sheng’s words made Fan Tianlei’s face stiff, and suddenly became a little unnatural. Fan Tianlei couldn’t help but said: “Yu Sheng, Gatling’s weight is too heavy to be suitable for special operations at all, and you are carrying this thing, It will only consume your stamina and other things faster, are you sure you want to bring this stuff?"

"Report to the chief, yes." Yu Sheng smiled and said.


Fan Tianlei saw that Yu Sheng's oil and salt did not enter, and for a while, this made Fan Tianlei a little angry. Your uncle, you can't stabilize the focus.

Why do you have to make some moths every time you fight, isn't this nonsense?

Fan Tianlei is that angry.

Fan Tianlei took a deep breath. He now has the urge to beat him up for the rest of his life. Fan Tianlei waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, I'm afraid I can't help but smoke you."


Yu Sheng hurriedly walked towards the plane.

At this time, Zhao Yunfeng couldn't help but said, "Lao Fan, he doesn't have a fever, right?"

"No." Fan Tianlei said with a twitch of his mouth.

"But, is it appropriate to carry Gatlin on the ground?" Zhao Yunfeng couldn't help but asked.

"This kid can't treat it with common sense. Since he is willing to carry it, let him run it. It's just a pity that Gatling will find a way to follow this kid and bring this gun back. "

"If you lose such a gun, you will lose out."

When Zhao Yunfeng heard the words, he also got a sullen face. It really means that there are just as many students as there are instructors, and everyone knows the virtues of your old fan back then.

At this time, Zhao Yunfeng didn't know what to say to kill for a while.

At this time, the rest of his life had already climbed onto the plane. When Yu Sheng got Gatlin on the plane, the movement directly attracted everyone's attention.

Especially on the side of Lei Zhan, all of them stared at the big killer Yu Sheng had brought up.

When Lei Zhan saw this thing, his face twitched fiercely. As for the old fox, little bee and others, they were all dumbfounded.

"Fuck, what did this guy get?" Little Bee asked with a dazed expression.

"It seems to be Gatlin." The old fox took a deep breath and said in shock: "This guy, why did you get Gatlin on the plane? What is he going to do?"

After Lei Zhan saw this large Gatlin, he was also a little speechless. He was also very curious about what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, and he actually got Gatlin up directly. Isn't this a joke?

Does Gatlin play casually? Besides, this thing is so heavy that even they can't carry it around...

"This guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shouldn't it be that he wants to carry Gatling to fight, right?" Hades noticed this scene and couldn't help but speak.

"What's a joke, Gatling is so heavy, unless it is still on the spot, or when it is aggressively offensive, it can be used. He is carrying this thing and running around, it can make him alive and tired." Yuan Bao is also Tucao for a while, said.

"But...what the **** did this guy think." Harley also complained.

"Who knows this." Daniel couldn't help but said, "But I feel that 80% of this kid's brain is convulsed..."

For a while, the members of the Raiden Commando were all talking about it, and they looked at Yu Sheng with a touch of admiration. After Yu Sheng climbed up, when they used their hands hard, they carried Gatling towards him. Walking next to the seat, Yu Sheng put Gatling next to him.

However, this muzzle was facing Lei Zhan's side, and Lei Zhan's face was twitched fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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