I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 960: Terrible Wisana Forest

Chapter 947

"Although Posona is kind-hearted, Posona also knows what the meaning of this fountain of youth is. Back then, his family died because of the fountain of youth. For her, this fountain of youth represents evil, so , Posuna left the place where Bu Laoquan was."

"Because of this, she later met this man, but... when this man met her, he knew at a glance that she was from an ancient race, and he still had the legendary immortality in his hands. Quan, this makes men greedy."

"He wants to get the Fountain of Agelessness. If the Fountain of Agelessness can be researched out, then he can obtain a lot of money, and he may even become the most prominent person in the world."

"It is precisely because of this that he is together with Besona. This man has been suppressing herself for two whole years. He doesn't want to let Besona know that she is close to him. If she knows her purpose, Purpose, then, he knows that Busuna will definitely leave him, and he wants to find the Fountain of Youth, which is basically a foolish dream."

"So, over the years, he has been cautiously disguising himself, pretending to be the man that Sona likes, but I have to say that this man is indeed very powerful."

"To some extent, this man is also very good. If this man is not good, it is estimated that it would be difficult to be admired by Basuna."

"In this way, it lasted for two years without being seen by Busana. If this is a veteran, even if the man hides it deeply, two years will be enough to see something wrong."

"Later, the man met his wife. This is something that even a man never expected. In the past two years, he has not contacted his wife for two years. Later, he contacted his wife."

"And since Basona comes from a very old race, she naturally has some means of her own, so Basona discovered that this man originally had a wife."

"This makes Bussana very angry."

"Later, Busura wanted to find a man to pay attention to, but... Busura did not look for a man, because he felt that it didn’t make much sense to find a man in this way. Instead of that, it’s better to leave the man secretly and go. Go to a place with no one."

"After I figured this out, Basona left this place and came to this forest. Basona plans to settle down in this forest."

"But no one expected that this man actually found her. No one knows how he found her. After finding her, the man first asked for her forgiveness."

"Posuna is soft-hearted, but he still did not choose to forgive the man, because he knew that a man has a wife, and he is not suitable to be by the man's side, so Busura rejected the man."

"The man even proposed that he could divorce his wife, and only begged her to forgive his concealment and stay with him, but she still did not agree to the man's request, because of his existence, if the man divorced the other party If you do, this makes Posana feel very sorry."

"What's more, Busura has already planned to give up the man completely, so Busura rejected the man in words, but... at this time, the man showed his fangs."

"Since Busona refuses to reconcile with him, then he can only use some tough methods to force Busona to agree."

"So he threatened her. If she didn't tell him where the fountain of old age was, he would kill her. When she saw the situation in front of her, it made her very sad, because He didn't expect that this man who had been in love with him for two years would turn out to be like this."

"Is this the man she once loved?"

Posuna was very, very sad, but she still did not tell the men the location of the fountain of youth, because she also knew that the fountain of youth was evil. If she told these people the location of the fountain of youth, then the world would probably do it again. It caused a series of fights, caused great turmoil, and the whole world would die because of the fight for the fountain of youth, which was not what he wanted to see.

"So, even if he is dead, he doesn't want to say it."

"When the man saw this, he was also furious, and he simply locked her up, and used the most cruel torture to torture her every day."

"I even found someone to strengthen her, her heart was ashamed, and gradually, the love for men in her heart disappeared completely."

"Every day, the man will use the various tortures he has learned on TV to torture her, and she will not let her die, but she is still extremely strong, and he has never exposed half of the position of the fountain of immortality. After a month of torture, the tortured person of Busuo Na is neither human nor ghost, and her long hair is all white."

"What's more, Posana's eyes are beginning to become hollow. They are dark and hollow, and they look very scary."

"Finally, Busuna died suddenly one day."

When Yu Sheng said this, it shocked He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others. Wang Yanbing asked hurriedly: "How did he die? Could it be that he was killed by a man?"


Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, and said faintly: "In the beginning, no one knew how he died. No one knew, even this man didn't even know how Busuna died."

"Whsona's death ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has become a mystery. After the man saw her death, the man was also furious. He did not expect that Bussona would have died, as if he had committed suicide. What made him curious was that Busuna was **** by herself, even if she committed suicide, it was difficult to do it."

"Look at her body again. There are no other injuries. The tongue is also intact. In other words, she died suddenly. When he tortured her, he had full confidence. Her torture will not make her die, it will only make her life worse than her death."

"However, Busuna died suddenly. This made the man furious. He persisted for two years. During these two years, he tried his best to guide Busuna a little bit, wanting to follow Posuna knew the location of Bu Laoquan, but she never expected..."

"Bsona died so bizarrely. After being furious, the man directly did something terrifying."

"What's the matter..." Wang Yanbing and the others were also breathing, watching Yu Sheng nervously, because Yu Sheng's words were too attractive, especially at this critical moment...

(End of this chapter)

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