Chapter 953

The pupils of the mad lion shrank suddenly, and he immediately squatted down. The mad lion quickly searched for cover, which made the face of the mad lion extremely angry.

"The voice came from four o'clock." Mad Lion hurriedly said.

The expressions of several people around here also changed drastically. They hurriedly and carefully watched the surroundings, hiding their bodies beside this obstacle.

"What's the matter? How can someone snipe us this night?" Someone said with a flushed face and angrily.

"Yeah... How could the other party be able to see us this big night? Couldn't they all wear night vision goggles? Even with night vision goggles, it's impossible to see such a distance, right?"

"That’s right, this night vision device also has a certain range of visibility. Even if you wear a night vision device, the other party is unlikely to spot us, and judging from the gunshots, they are a long distance away from us. How did they find us in the dark."

"do not know……"

The complexion of everyone became extremely ugly. In this dark night, the enemy could see them, but they could not see the enemy, which was extremely unfavorable for them.

This makes them wonder, how did the enemy do it? From this perspective alone, the enemy is definitely not very close to them. Since they are not very close, then how did they discover themselves? Even with night vision goggles, it is impossible to ignore the night, right?

"What should we do now?"

Mad Lion frowned tightly. For a while, he didn't know what to do. After thinking about this, Mad Lion said in a deep voice: "Go over there, lower your head, and watch your surroundings carefully, and go around over there. The enemy is at four o'clock. You go behind the enemy and kill the enemy."


This man received the order of the mad lion, and immediately looked forward with a sharp expression. He took a deep breath and quickly walked in this direction.

This person is extremely careful. It can be seen from the hiding of this person that this person is also a master, otherwise, there would be no such pace.

His steps, to some extent, can avoid the opponent's snipers and lock him.

Yu Sheng also frowned, because he noticed that there were countless plants in the surrounding plants calling the police. This scene made Yu Sheng also frowned.

"Someone is coming towards us."

With a slight sentence for the rest of his life, He Chenguang was taken aback for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Could it be that the enemy found us?"


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and said faintly: "They are all top special forces. I shoot, and they will know our location. Therefore, they should be coming towards us and preparing to find our specific location. Kill us with one shot."

As soon as these words were spoken, He Chenguang's expression changed slightly, and He Chenguang said, "What shall we do?"

"Now they still have five people, let me kill this guy first, and then we have to move our positions, from behind them, directly outflank them and kill them."


If he gets the rest of his life, this makes He Chenguang look slightly condensed.

Then for the rest of his life, he set up a sniper rifle and quickly adjusted his position. His brain was also running quickly at this moment, looking for the person's position.

Through the surrounding plants, he can know exactly where the opponent is. However, because the opponent is moving, his muzzle is also constantly moving, and according to the opponent's moving speed, he can determine where to shoot.


At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The gunshot resounded again.

And in this distance, there was a figure who suddenly jumped up. The moment he jumped up, the person's eyes were full of confidence and a sneer.

At this moment, he felt that the opponent shouldn't shoot at him anymore, so he would jump and prepare to jump over the pit in front of him.


But at the next moment, his figure fell to the ground. However, at this moment, there was a bullet that broke the darkness directly and flew toward him like lightning.

not only that.

When he flew over, this figure seemed to meet the bullet. Then, there was a pill in his chest, and yellow smoke appeared on his body. This person was sluggish on the spot, his eyes filled Unbelievable and shocking.

"How is it possible... How did he hit me? It's impossible?"

This foreigner looked dumbfounded, and for a while, he was a little dumbfounded, because so far, he has not understood how the other party hit him?

Let’s not talk about how far he is from the opponent, but now it’s dark, because this is the Whisona Forest. The rumors of the Whisona Forest are a bit weird, but they don’t allow the enemy to hit him instantly, right?

Really hell.

This makes the foreigner's face a little unsightly.

This gunshot also caused the crazy lion's face to change slightly. The crazy lion's complexion looked a little dignified to the distance, and his face was a little unnatural.

"The enemy is shooting again. What is it that gives them confidence? How dare to shoot in the dark? Can they really find that we are not successful?"

These people's faces were a little gloomy.

"In this kind of dark night, five meters away, we can't see clearly. They are unlikely to see us." Another person said in a deep voice, "They must carry something with them, otherwise, they can't. Discover us."

"It seems that our people are already horrible, damn, we didn't even see the enemy's hair, and we lost two people. Damn it..."

Everyone is When I catch them, I must humiliate them severely. If this is on the real battlefield, I will let them know what a prisoner of the battlefield is. "

Everyone is full of killing intent on the people with red blood cells, but so far, they have not been able to find the exact location of the enemy, which makes their faces extremely ugly.

"Retreat first." Mad Lion thought for a while, and said solemnly: "The enemy knows where we are. Let's leave here first, and wait until dawn to kill them."

This is currently the only way.

The night is extremely detrimental to them, unless they are very close to the enemy, but the enemy obviously does not give them this opportunity, so they can only wait, and when it is daytime, they can kill each other.

"Oh shit……"

When everyone heard this sentence, for a while, they felt extremely aggrieved. They dare to die assault team, although they are not afraid of death, but this is the first time they have encountered this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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