Chapter 962

Yamada took a deep look at Yu Sheng, but he did not agree to Yu Sheng because of Yu Sheng's words. They are not stupid. Although it is a cooperative relationship, the embankment should be embankment.

Yamada Osamu said flatly, "Can you tell me how you were ambushed by this Chinese team?"

After Yu Sheng heard this, his mind moved slightly, and he knew that Yamada Dazuo did not believe his words because of this. Yu Sheng explained solemnly: "It is all due to the tricks of the Chinese soldiers, which caused all of us to lose sight of it. To be eliminated, if it is not for their tricks, then it will be them who will be eliminated."

When talking about this, Yu Sheng still has a little bit of annoyance on his face, as if he is extremely regretful, and Yamada Osa has been paying attention to Yu Sheng’s every move. If Yu Sheng has even the slightest change, he can do it. Perceptible.

But on Yu Sheng's face, he didn't notice even the slightest change. Yu Sheng spoke very naturally, as if this matter was true.

"We are allies. Now our army has a problem. I hope you can help us kill this group of guys. These guys are not far from us. With your strength, it is very easy to kill this group of guys."

"Of course, if you don't help, I won't say anything, but I will tell our people about some of the things that happened here..."

Speaking of this, Yu Sheng's sharp eyes stared at Yamada Dasuo, which made Yamada Dasuo's face sink. Obviously, Yu Sheng's words carry a threatening taste. If they don't help Yu Sheng, that means. In other words, it will be directly reported to the people above, which is likely to affect the alliance between them.

Moreover, the alliance itself has a certain agreement.


Yamada groaned for a while, thought about it, and decided to help Yu Sheng. I am afraid that Yamada Dazu could not even dream of it. This David was just pretending to be Yu Sheng.

"Where are they now?" Yamada Osamu said solemnly.

"It's not far from here, about two kilometers." Yu Sheng said solemnly.

"About two kilometers?"

Yamada's brow furrowed, and the distance was not very far, but now the fog was so thick that he couldn't see his fingers. It was really not that easy to value the other person.

If in this situation, they are only suitable for close combat, because they can't see each other's figure, so their guns become fire sticks, meaningless.

"Let's go over together and kill them." Yamada Dasuo decisively said in a solemn voice: "After we passed, we touched it quietly. There is heavy fog here. If we want to shoot, it is difficult to hit each other, but we can get close. They, use close combat to kill them."


The rest of the people heard the words and said in unison.

"Go, let's go."

Having said that, the group of people quickly walked in this direction. On this road, Yamada Dazuo has been paying attention to Yu Sheng’s every move. Of course, this is also because Yamada Dazu did not directly believe in Yu Sheng. They all It is to represent their respective countries to participate in this competition, naturally they will not easily trust others, even if they are allies between them, they can not be absolutely trusted.

Therefore, Yamada Dazuo has been paying attention to Yu Sheng to see if there are any flaws in Yu Sheng. If there are some flaws in Yu Sheng, they will take action without hesitation.


It turned out that Yamada Dazuo was a little confused, is this kid in front of him really the team of Lao Mi? Is there really a Huaxia team that killed their team? Otherwise, walking along the way, why didn't this kid show any flaws?

If this guy hides deeply, it's a bit scary.

"Hold on."

At this moment, Yu Sheng said solemnly: "Now the enemy is very close to us, we have to be careful."

Yu Sheng's reminder convinced Yamada Osa to be more or less convinced. Yamada took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Disperse, look for the enemy, wait for the order, and kill the enemy."


All these old Japanese nodded one after another, and then dived into the forest. For the rest of their lives, he took a deep look at Yamada Dazuo, his complexion slightly frozen.

He waited patiently and didn't make a move.

At this moment, He Chenguang and others who were hiding in the dark were carefully watching every move here. At this time, Li Erniu couldn't help but said, "Why haven't people come yet?"

"Don't talk." He Chenguang whispered: "It's probably coming soon."


As soon as these words were spoken, everyone’s eyes flickered. They waited patiently, but soon they noticed some shadows moving. When they saw this scene, it made them feel very happy. With a slight movement, they suddenly looked forward.


Immediately, Chen Shanming's eyes all became sharp. They stared at the team in front of them. Although they didn't know how many people there were in this team, they could perceive the team's strength. exist.

They dare not take the slightest care. After all, the teams that can enter here are all top teams. These teams are extremely scary and must be careful.

"what is this?"

At this moment, a very low voice resounded.

"It's blood..." the man said solemnly.

"Why is there blood here? Could someone be killed?" Another voice said solemnly.

"Impossible. We have empty bullets in our guns. This thing can't kill people, but there is blood here. Could something really happen here?"

Seeing the blood on the ground for a moment, everyone's complexion became a little dignified, and blood appeared here, which is indeed not normal.


But at this moment, a roar resounded, and the roar was a wolf cry. The sudden sound also changed the complexion of all the people present.

"It's a wolf..."

This made everyone's complexion a little dignified, and immediately said: "We have to withdraw quickly. It is the wolf pack. The blood here must have attracted the wolf pack. Let's leave here and report it to Da Zuo."


These people also acted decisively and rushed behind them immediately, but...just after they had just walked a few steps, a pack of wolves blocked their way.

The sudden situation has also changed their look!


(End of this chapter)

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