I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 986: Snow Mountain Ambush

Chapter 974 Snow Mountain Ambush

When they reappear for the rest of their lives, what is reflected in their eyes is a big mountain, a white-covered piece of the mountain, which has just returned to life. In the blink of an eye, it has become white and white. The difference in weather is indeed It is a thought of heaven and hell.

They stood at the foot of the mountain for the rest of their lives. At this moment, He Chenguang and the others were shaking and couldn't help saying: "Fortunately, we got some thick clothes over here, otherwise, we will have to freeze to death here."

"It's still for the rest of my life to have the foresight." Song Kaifei couldn't help but said: "If you don't prepare some clothes in advance, it's really difficult to survive in this harsh environment."

"Yes, apart from the snow-capped mountains, there is a desert over there. Such a harsh environment is indeed a big test." Chen Shanming nodded solemnly.

"For the rest of my life, what are we going to do next? In the snow-capped mountains, there are too many places where people can hide. Maybe there are people hiding underneath. We have 182 points, which is too arrogant. Many people are definitely waiting. We might even have done an ambush. At that time, we may not only face one team, but also a few teams or even more than a dozen teams. If this is the case, we will be in a very difficult situation. Trouble." Xu Tianlong said solemnly.

When Chen Shanming and others heard the words, they all had solemn expressions. They also encountered a lot of trouble along the way. They were coveted by these people when they scored a few points before, not to mention that they are now one hundred and eighty-two. Points, it would be strange if these points are not coveted.

Coupled with their slightly weaker combat effectiveness, they will naturally be coveted by others.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled coldly, and immediately said: "Just go straight away. The wind will cover the water and soil. When the time comes, listen to my orders."

Yu Sheng's words made He Chenguang and others look at each other. They looked at each other, and then Chen Shanming said, "Should we make some preparations?"

"How can we prepare?" Yu Sheng asked rhetorically.

"This road is the only way to go. If they are waiting for us on the road, we have almost nothing to do. We can only pass from here. No amount of preparation is useless." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly.

As he analyzed, their equipment and everything are limited. They want to make detours on the snowy mountains, which is obviously not realistic. The snowy mountains are too steep, cliffs are everywhere, and the road is not so easy. They found it, so they must pass through some necessary places.

And if those people lie in wait in these places, they have no choice but to be careful and walk past them step by step.

If there is a plane, you can naturally take it there, but... if you can really use the plane, do you really dare to take it?

At least the rest of my life feels safe on the ground. In the air, if there is any accident, it will almost certainly die. It is a luxury to want to live.

"That's not bad." Miao Lang nodded slightly, and said: "Now the enemy is waiting for us in the dark. These places are still necessary places. It is useless if we make more preparations. If this is the case, then we will Go straight up like this."

"It seems that this can only be done." Chen Shanming sighed slightly and said: "Okay, let's just go over."

"Let's go."

Yu Sheng also nodded slightly. With an order, the group walked towards the mountain. After walking for an hour, everyone began to walk towards the mountain. I have to say that there are many places in the snow-filled mountains. Can't go, because you don't know what is buried under the snow.

If you are not careful, you may fall under the cliff. Every year, there are countless people who have conquered certain mountains. The dangers of the mountains are beyond your imagination.

For Yu Sheng, they walked towards the mountain step by step, but while climbing, Yu Sheng's eyes revealed a little dignity. His eyes kept looking around, and the surrounding scenes were all captured by him.

If there are people hiding somewhere around, he will definitely find out, because no matter how powerful this person is, it will be difficult to get rid of all the traces around him. After all, this is snow but nothing else.

Of course, if you stay in this place for a long time and the snow will cover your body again, it will be difficult to find even for the rest of your life. However, if these people will be forced to be exposed outside, he will still be able to find out. .

For most people, they don't have such abnormal skills for the rest of their lives. They can see clearly at three kilometers. This is really a bit powerful. I am afraid that no one can expect that for the rest of their lives, they will have such an abnormal ability.

For the rest of their lives, they walked for two hours, and this mountain stretched for a long time. It would take at least a week for them to walk through this mountain without any danger. If someone blocks the way, they can Not being able to go out alive is still a huge problem.

For the rest of my life, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Be careful. If I expected it well, this place is prone to avalanches."

A sentence from Yu Sheng reminded Chen Shanming and the others that this made them all look solemn and avalanche, which is a terrible existence. Once covered by heavy snow, it is very difficult to survive.

Especially in this kind of place, without rescue, in the snow-capped mountains, the most fearful thing is to encounter an avalanche.

If it hadn't been for the reminder from the rest of their lives, they would have forgotten this.


Chen Shanming and others all nodded slightly, and then everyone continued to walk forward.


At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this other place, there is also a team. Among the snow-capped mountains, their eyes reveal a little sharpness. They are all holding sniper rifles, and their bodies are covered with heavy snow. , At this moment, snowflakes are also floating in the sky, falling on them one after another.

There are 7 people in their team.

If anyone is here, they will definitely recognize it, because this team is called the "Guard", which is the guard of the country within the country.

This is also a very terrifying team, because there are at least two soldiers in it. Such a fighting force is indeed very powerful.

The head of the person is named pi (the abbreviated name is not replaced by Chinese). This name sounds very peculiar, like a fart...

However, this man is the captain of the guard, the leader of this time, and also a king of soldiers, a very terrifying existence.

(End of this chapter)

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