I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 991: Back around

Chapter 979


But then, He Chenguang realized that if he hits the opponent's body, then the device on the opponent's body will inevitably be activated, causing a strong yellow smoke.

but now……

There seems to be something wrong with this situation. The other side obviously didn't emit yellow smoke. In other words, I didn't hit the other side, but how could it be possible?

Obviously hit the opponent... Did the opponent cheat?

He Chenguang's brain is running fast, and yi frowned at this moment, and yi secretly thought: "It's actually changed... it doesn't seem to be alone."

For a moment, Yi realized that something was wrong with this person. For the rest of his life, he felt like a poisonous snake. It was very dangerous. Once he appeared on his head, he would be instantly sniped off by the rest of his life. But the shot just now was obviously not. The shot that Yu Sheng fired seemed to be a different person.

Although this person is also very tough, the feeling of danger given to him has been greatly shortened...This made Yi a little surprised.

"It seems to be their teammate."

Yi secretly thought that he had basically judged the position of He Chenguang through this shot. He didn't know the position of He Chenguang before, so he didn't dare to shoot rashly. Now that he has judged the position of He Chenguang, he will naturally not go anymore. What to hesitate.

Yi put the clothes away, and what He Chenguang just hit was just the clothes that Yi had exposed. This was the main reason why there was no yellow smoke on Yi's body.

Yi is carefully watching He Chenguang's side, his eyes flickering.


But at this moment, Li Erniu suddenly took a head, which happened to be seen by Yi, Li Erniu just moved like this, and He Chenguang's expression changed greatly.

"Er Niu, don't move."

The next moment, Wang Yanbing grabbed Li Erniu instantly, and Li Erniu's head dropped a lot.


At this time, a bullet was shot behind Li Erniu, and the sudden situation shocked everyone, especially Li Erniu, who was in cold sweat.


Li Erniu just wanted to look at the enemy's location, but he didn't expect that the enemy was sniping him. If it weren't for Wang Yanbing to pull him, this shot would probably kill him.

Li Erniu also took a breath.

"Er Niu, don't move around, the other party is very powerful, a master of a master." He Chenguang hurriedly said.

At this moment, Song Kaifei, Xu Tianlong and others are all concealing their bodies. They dare not expose their existence. Once exposed, that will be the real trouble...

Unexpectedly, this time the enemy would be so tricky.

"Who are these people? How come they are so strong?" Xu Tianlong asked hurriedly.

"Who knows." Chen Shanming shook his head and said in a condensed voice: "However, from the perspective of the opponent's sniper operations, the opponent seems to be the Chinese guards."

"Guards?" As soon as these words were spoken, everyone was stunned. Obviously they hadn't heard of guards.


Chen Shanming said solemnly: "You should know that China is not as good as the Forbidden City. It is only 0.44 square kilometers, but their combat effectiveness is very strong, especially their Pope, who is also a master of masters. The guards are just the worst on their side. In addition to them, they also have elite guards, king guards, royal guards, and pope guards. The combat power of these guards is one by one. powerful."

"I've heard before that a team of the Pope's guard directly destroyed a team of a thousand people. Although I don't know how to destroy it, the battle became famous."


After everyone heard these words, they all couldn't help taking a breath. They didn't expect the Pope's guard to be so perverted...

"Then what kind of guard does this guard belong to? Isn't it the elite guard?"

He Chenguang couldn't help asking.

"It should not be."

Chen Shanming said with a heavy face: "This elite guard team is basically organized by the king of soldiers. The opponent may not be an elite guard team, but should be just an ordinary guard team."


After He Chenguang heard this, it made He Chenguang look dumbfounded and startled. What a joke...

Ordinary guards?

This ordinary guard is so strong? So how strong should the Royal Guards be? How strong is the Pope’s guard? It seems that I really can't underestimate these countries...

"Now we have found two places. There must be other people in the dark. We must be careful." Chen Shanming said immediately: "We will cover the rest of our lives and protect the rest of our lives. After the rest of our lives go around, We can play with the rest of our lives and catch them off guard."

"Try not to shoot at each other, we may not be right at each other."

Chen Shanming's words made He Chenguang and the others a little dignified, everyone nodded slightly, and He Chenguang now looked towards Yu Sheng.

At this moment, Yu Sheng had already left their sight. They couldn't see where Yu Sheng was now, and the direction Yu Sheng was going was the direction of the next cliff.

Because of the heavy snow cover, this makes this side seem very dangerous, especially on the edge of this cliff, if one accidentally stepped on it, it would fall directly.

This is also the main reason why fighting in the snowy mountains is extremely dangerous.

However, for the rest of his life he was like an agile monkey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He came to the edge of the cliff, and then he stretched out his hands and grabbed the rock next to him. Shanming and the others will inevitably exclaim when they see it. If it is replaced by anyone, it is estimated that they will not dare to play like this, right?

Playing like this, this is simply looking for death.

If it's a normal mountain, this rock climbing practice is also a common thing, but now, there is heavy snow here, and the rocks are even frozen. This way of playing for the rest of my life is simply terrible.

However, when Yu Sheng is climbing, he is different from some people, because Yu Sheng’s hands are very stable, and there is no sign of slipping at all. Yu Sheng follows the edge of the cliff and is a little bit towards the side of the guard. Swimming, as long as he walks behind the opponent, then he can form a flanking posture with Chen Shanming and the others, so that the enemy will become very passive.

Obviously, the guards didn’t find the direction they were going for the rest of their lives...

Because no one would have thought that someone would dare to do this...

It's a bit late today. Just finished

(End of this chapter)

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