I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 994: Close combat

Chapter 982

Therefore, everyone did not shoot easily!

But... to say that this is an exception, there is only one person, and this person is the rest of his life.

After Yu Sheng realized that Pi and the others had also lost the smoke bomb, this made Yu Sheng's face also a touch of joy, Yu Sheng smiled coldly...


Others may be able to see a piece of weapon, but for Yu Sheng, this is an opportunity, because his third form of earth-sensing shooting technique caused him to hit the target even with his eyes closed, of course. , This is also a premise...


The next moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet flew out. The direction that the bullet flew out was the location of pi.

At the moment when he aimed at him for the rest of his life, Pi's whole body's hairs exploded instantly, and he noticed a sudden threat of death, which caused Pi's expression to change drastically, and Pi's hand was a shot.


When the bullets collided, the two bullets were instantly collapsed, and Pi’s expression was also a little gloomy. Obviously, what he did not expect was that the enemy could still lock his position under the cover of his own smoke, which made him somewhat fear.

In this case, how could the other party be able to lock his position... This makes no sense...

And for the rest of his life, his complexion was stiff, and there was some shock for the rest of his life. I never expected that under this situation, the opponent was still not killed, but was sniped and dropped the bullet...

How can this be?

You know, the enemy is not the same as him. Even in this harsh environment, he can still lock the enemy's position, but the enemy is different...

He has this skill because of the existence of the system, but what about the enemy? Is it also impossible to have a system? It feels unlikely for the rest of my life, but it does not rule out the possibility that the enemy will also use the system.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

He knows that the trouble encountered this time is huge. If after these people are safe, once they break free from their encirclement, then they will inevitably suffer crazy revenge from these people. This is not a problem for them. Good thing, being retaliated by two men who are at least the king of soldiers, that might really be fatal.

"No... I can only get close."

At this moment, some of the methods used for the rest of his life were basically not enough. He thought he had broken through to the realm of the king of soldiers. As long as he didn't encounter a team where the opponent was a king of soldiers, he would be perfectly fine with it, but now it looks like this situation. Obviously it was not like that. It was just the cooperation of the two kings of soldiers, which made him helpless. If a team is all kings of soldiers, and these kings of soldiers cooperate with each other, they cooperate very well... The combat power is even more powerful and somewhat terrifying...

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and his eyes flickered. The next moment, when he stepped on his feet, he quickly ran to the side. He was extremely careful. If there is only one person on the other side, he is naturally not afraid, because He can also snipe off the opponent's bullets, but... there are two masters in it. No matter how powerful he is, he only has one gun in his hand. It is basically impossible to snipe two bullets with one shot.

Therefore, Yu Sheng was cautious when approaching these people. Yu Sheng ran extremely fast. After a while, the distance between the people was about 100 meters. As for He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others, they all rushed one after another. When they came up, they were cautious and didn't dare to be careless, but even so, they were still about 200 meters away from each other.

"Catch up."

The moment when Pi and Yi noticed this scene, there was a little killing intent in their eyes. For the rest of their lives, if a person dared to catch up with them, it would be a dead end.

"Kill him."

Pi did not hesitate, and threw a shot without hesitation. The same was true for Yi. Pulling the trigger, Yu Sheng had already made evasive actions before the opponent fired the shot, because he noticed that the opponent was lingering. The killing intent, that kind of killing intent, made Yu Sheng's hair all over his body instantly stand up, which can be described as an early prison guard. This is the so-called radar warning.

As long as the enemy is intent on killing him, his radar warning can be detected in advance and evade.


After Yu Sheng rolled, he quickly rolled to the side. At this time, two bullets were embedded in the ground he had just left. Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and he raised his hand to shoot.

This yi and pi also knew that Yu Sheng would shoot in advance, so the two of them were also avoiding Yu Sheng's bullets.


Yu Sheng noticed this scene and sneered. Immediately, Yu Sheng ran from the side like lightning. Yu Sheng's running speed was extremely fast, which was also trained during exercise.

Although it is snowy, the impact will be great, but this soldier will not hinder the speed of the rest of his life.

The rest of his life is extremely fast.

At this time, pi and yi have already fled to a place. At this time, pi's face was a little gloomy, and he immediately said in a deep voice: "After escaping their encirclement, find a way to kill them, a rookie team almost disappeared. Our guards, this is a deep shame."

This is indeed a deep shame for Pi and them. They have participated in various battles and survived, which naturally represents their excellence.

But originally they could ambush each other and make them all hate on the spot, but this result surprised him...

Unexpectedly, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is a pervert, actually crawling from the edge of the cliff to the fuck, you must know that there is ice on the edge of this cliff, not only that, it is extremely cold, the temperature here is already It fell below twenty degrees under the order.

That's fine, under this kind of cliff, if there is no special tool, even they would not dare to mess around, but the other party actually climbed over forcibly, this is simply a lunatic...

After all, this is a game. There is no need for such a life-threatening. If it is on the real battlefield, they would not easily choose this dangerous way, because this way comes here, if one is not careful, it will be fatal...

Although they are not afraid of life and death, it does not mean that they want to die...If they can not die, they naturally don't want to die...

However, Yu Sheng, in this way, did not want to kill him, and climbed over directly, which caused them to lose a lot...Although he was angry, he had to admire Yu Sheng's courage, and the other party could also snipe his bullets. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is obviously not worse than them...

"Huh? Where's the other person?"

(End of this chapter)

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