I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 999: This kid is not human

Chapter 987

"The blood of the Thousand-Year Overlord Dragon, the first form, overwhelming..."

With Yu Sheng’s violent yell, in the next instant, Yu Sheng slammed towards pi with a punch. Facing the punch of pi, Yu Sheng did not retreat, and he was in the most positive posture. Boom directly...

Such a punch is unparalleled.

"Dare to go head-to-head with me."

Pi obviously hasn't noticed the horror of Yu Sheng's punch. When Pi saw that Yu Sheng was about to confront him in the most positive posture, it made Pi also sneered.

This kind of strength was also practiced by him himself. In order to develop this terrible explosive power, he did not know how much he suffered. Not only that, but also between life and death, he developed this terrible. explosive force.

At that time, in order to cultivate this kind of sudden explosive power, he spent a lot of thought, and it was also in an accidental process that he found out how to push this kind of explosive power to the highest level.

But the same.

In this terrible explosive situation, there is also a side effect, and that is weakness.

The duration of this explosive force will not be very long, because he has to exhaust his whole body's strength to break out, so he will concentrate his whole body's strength on one point.

At that time, he relied on this terrible explosive power to directly kill a person alive, and now, the best way to do so was to dodge for the rest of his life.

But for the rest of his life, he didn't, and he even had to head-on with him in the most positive posture. In his opinion, it was purely seeking death... Seeking death...


Under these countless gazes, the two fists suddenly collided together, and the terrible power also broke out in an instant under this scene.

The muffled sound reverberated. Originally, Pi, with a smile on his face, instantly froze on the spot at the moment of the confrontation. Then, the depths of Pi's eyes were revealed. A little bit of amazement and fear.


At this time, a crisp voice resounded from Pi’s ears, and then, a heart-piercing pain was passed into Pi’s arm, which made Pi’s face change again and again, the next moment, Pi's figure fell heavily on the ground.

Yu Sheng...his figure also took a few steps back, and then he took a look to stabilize his figure. Yu Sheng also looked at Pi with a solemn expression, and he was also a little bit astonished.

His blood of the Thousand Years Overlord Dragon is a new skill that uses genes and blood to fuse. It is extremely powerful. Before, he used this skill to kill the master of the Yin Division.

And he also knows that during this period of time, the Yinsi people are also looking for his whereabouts. After all, he has killed a lot of the Yinsi masters, and the Yinsi people will definitely not let him go so easily.

But I did not expect that the strength of this pi is not much weaker than my own. Fortunately, my physical fitness has been transformed by blood, so it has become extremely tough. Otherwise, even he would be injured by this punch, but even it is. In this way, for the rest of my life, I still feel an indescribable numbness in my arm.

"How can your strength be so strong?"

Pi slowly stood up and looked at Yu Sheng with a horrified expression on his face. He looked at Yu Sheng in front of him in a somewhat unbelievable manner, obviously frightened by Yu Sheng's power.

At this moment, his arm has been dislocated. The sound just now was also the sound of dislocation of his arm. He did not expect that the power of the rest of his life was so strong that it was not even under such a powerful explosion. Opponent for the rest of his life.


When the voice fell, Yu Sheng stepped on his feet, and instantly bombarded pi. Yu Sheng also knew that he was ill to kill him. At this moment, he didn't want to continue talking nonsense with pi.

Seeing Yu Sheng attacked again, this made Pi's face finally changed, and Pi kept dodging for a while, which was in contrast to the situation just now.

All of a sudden, pi retreats steadily, and from time to time he hit Yu Sheng's punch. Obviously, he just beat Yu Sheng with this punch, which also caused a serious decline in pi's combat effectiveness.

After seeing this scene not far away, Yi's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that this rest of his life would be so powerful. Even pi was not his opponent. You must know that pi is their captain, and their captain's combat effectiveness. How strong it is, there is no doubt about it.

Unexpectedly, even their captain is not the opponent of this guy in front of him. How strong is this guy?

Yi gritted his teeth and shouted violently. When fighting with He Chenguang and the others, it was even more like a death. This fight was a fatal move. For a while, He Chenguang and the others were a little strenuous to parry. .

Only now did they know how terrifying a soldier king really is.


On the side of Wang Yanbing and the others, Wang Yanbing kicked the guard member's stomach, and the player wailed in pain. The next moment, Li Erniu kicked the guard member again. With a kick, Wang Yanbing took out his dagger and wiped it towards the guards.

Facing Wang Yanbing and the four of them, this team member didn't even have a chance to resist.

Four people hit one, which is too passive.

"You are dead." Wang Yanbing scolded immediately.

As soon as these words were spoken, the members of the guards turned pale. He looked at Wang Yanbing with a somewhat ugly expression, and then looked at Wang Yanbing's knife. He knew that he was dead...

After I was eliminated, I need yi and pi to face these eight people, and eight people beat one person. It looks like bullying...

I thought that killing them for the rest of their lives would be a sure thing, but I didn't expect it, but in the end, they lost in a mess.

The team member took a deep breath. He stood motionless. The rules of this acting must be understood. After all, this is an international situation. If something goes wrong, it will lose the face of their guards.

"Wang Yanbing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ come and help." He Chenguang hurriedly said.


After He Chenguang shouted, Wang Yanbing's four people didn't talk nonsense. They joined the battle group and fought with Yi...

With the participation of Wang Yanbing and others, the pressure on He Chenguang and others has dropped sharply, but... the pressure on this yi has increased a lot...

Because, at this moment, it is equivalent to seven people beating him alone. Although he is the king of soldiers, it does not mean that he can beat seven of them all...

Of course, if he was asked to fight alone, he still had full confidence to kill Wang Yanbing and the others, even if they were twenty people, he was confident to kill them.

But this kind of close hand-to-hand combat right now...

I have applied for a lot of certificates today... I have been busy all day and just finished writing. Thank you for your reward and support. It will be October 1st soon. Those with girlfriends and boyfriends can go out and have fun. I wish you all a happy October 1st in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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