I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1001: Yu Xiaokeng

Chapter 989

In fact, Pi wants to repay the bill. After he is gone, he will definitely find someone to kill him for the rest of his life. This so-called transfer is just a refusal. After that, he still needs to give the rest of his life 10 million. U.S. dollars, unless he has nothing to do when he is full?


Who the **** would have imagined that in Yusheng's side, he could really pull out a cell phone.

Fuck, this is a bit too much.

You are still not an individual. After entering the exercise, isn't it possible to say that there is communication such as mobile phones? Nima, it doesn't matter if you just get a cell phone and come over. It looks like it's still a **** satellite cell phone. Fuck, you're a bit too much.

What pi doesn't know, however, is, in fact, where does anyone do not have a mobile phone? Even if there is no mobile phone, there will be some other communication equipment. Otherwise, how can the people in the headquarters contact them and reveal some information to them?

This kind of thing is also the default. As long as you don't play too much, you will definitely be fine. This is also the default of everyone.

However, pi really doesn't know about this, because the people above have not told them, it seems that they are very confident in them.

"I have a phone here." Yu Sheng said slowly: "Let's call."

"Well, UBS has to ask me to go in person... the phone doesn't seem to work." Pi hesitated and couldn't help but speak.

"Ha ha."

Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes, stared at pi in front of him with a smile, grinned, and said, "No? Well, then I will kill you first. Anyway, you are also a poor man."

As soon as Yu Sheng said this, Pi's face changed slightly. Pi looked at Yu Sheng in front of him with a green complexion. He was so angry that he was so mad, but if he said this, someone had to believe it.

At this moment, Yu Sheng squinted his eyes and stared at Pi with a smile. Pi understood in an instant. Obviously, Yu Sheng knew what these words meant and how the Swiss bank withdrew money.

Pi hesitated for a while. This tens of millions of dollars is not a small amount. Even for him, it is a huge sum of money. Over the years, he has saved this money for a long time. Is it really necessary? For the rest of my life.

Thinking of this, Pi's face became a little gloomy. If he was given to Yu Sheng in this way, he would be unwilling. How could a person like them give Yu Sheng so easily.

If it is really given to Yu Sheng, how will they come out and mix in the future? Therefore, this made Pi's face a little unnatural, not to mention that he had never thought about giving it to the rest of his life before.

But now...

If they don't give it, they will definitely not be able to leave here. If they can't leave, they will be eliminated. This is not what they want to see.

Thinking of this, Pi gritted his teeth and thought secretly: "Hmph, now I will give in to you first, and later I will bring someone to destroy you, and then take the money back."

Thinking of this, Pi also breathed a sigh of relief. They are all kings of soldiers and have extremely strong combat effectiveness. As long as he finds other teams, with their influence, he can completely kill the red blood cells. After all, the red blood cells are not very powerful. There is a team of soldiers, and it only takes a while to end the battle.

At that time, he can grab the money back, and no one will say anything.

Thinking of this, pi said coldly: "Okay, I'll transfer the money."

"Give me the phone."

I didn’t talk nonsense for the rest of my life. I threw the phone to pi, and waited patiently for the rest of my life. Pi quickly made a call. After the call was connected, he quickly said a few words and hung up the phone. Pi returned the phone to Yu Sheng again, and Pi said coldly: "The money has arrived, you can check it."

As pi's voice fell, Yu Sheng dialed the phone at will. He was surprised to find that the money had actually arrived in the account, which surprised Yu Sheng.

The money has arrived.

This guy is really **** rich...10 million dollars, just give it? This is your uncle, this is simply the God of Wealth...

"Well, this matter is for the two of us." Yu Sheng said casually: "Throw away the gun on your body. There are other weapons, throw away all of them. I don't want to be shot in the back by you. ."

Yu Sheng’s words make Pi’s face even more ugly. Pi can only throw away all these things. In front of Yu Sheng, Pi doesn’t dare to play tricks, because Pi knows that Yu Sheng is also a master, or a very terrible master, if he dares to dare. If you resist...With this shot for the rest of your life, you will directly kill him.

Of course, Pi didn't have the confidence to survive this shot for the rest of his life.

Otherwise, he would have done it a long time ago.

Yu Sheng looked at these things, and then walked forward and trampled on these things. Yu Sheng's foot was very strong. Although this thing would not be crushed, it was obviously impossible to open it in this shape.

For the rest of his life, he walked slowly toward He Chenguang and the others. At this moment, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were fighting against Yi. Under the encirclement and suppression of He Chenguang and the others, Yi suffered a lot of injuries. These injuries were caused by He Chenguang and the others.

But it would not kill Yi.

However, Yi did not have the slightest resistance. It was obviously impossible to fight seven. Even if Yi was the king of soldiers, it was impossible to do it, because He Chenguang was a half-infantry king, only one step away. You can become the king of soldiers. As for the rest, they are all the top special forces. If they can't even fight one by seven, then they will be training for nothing, and it is better to go home and farm.

Yu Sheng held the gun and pointed at Yi faintly and said: "Stop it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng's voice fell, and everyone at the scene listened to it, and after Yi noticed the gun, it made yi His face changed drastically, and Yi immediately looked at Pi who was aside.

This shocked Yi.

"What... Is pi defeated?"

Thinking of this scene, Yi was horrified and inexplicable, and her whole heart sank to her bones, her face ugly.

Pi's combat effectiveness is more tyrannical than him. It is not easy to defeat Pi. At least the opponent is a high-ranking soldier. But now, looking at the appearance, it is obvious that the rest of his life has defeated Pi. How is this possible?

Defeat pi. Is this guy a high-ranking soldier? For a while, Yi was also taken aback, but facing Yu Sheng's muzzle, Yi did not dare to move, just like the previous pi.

Because, he could feel a kind of powerful pressure on Yu Sheng, that kind of pressure made him a little jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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