I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 866 Find out

After sending the two of them away from Penglai Immortal Island, Hongyun sat alone in the main hall, looking at the original direction of Zixiao Palace and couldn't help but ponder.

It seems that what Yue Lingtu said at the beginning is very likely to be true.

Even Nuwa and Houtu could tell that something was wrong with the teacher's current state. Could it be that he was really plotted by Dao?

Just like Pangu back then!

After thinking for a moment, Hongyun opened a portal directly in front of him, leading to Laozi's Shouyang Mountain.

At the same time, Yuanyin and Tongtian were sent to ask him to come to Shouyang Mountain for a reunion.

On Shouyang Mountain.

I was looking at the pot of pills in front of me, a look of anticipation flashing in my eyes.

After returning from the Wuji World, he used the foreign principles and a large number of resources collected at that station to refine a number of elixirs that would allow him to break through to the saint level.

I have failed countless times during this period, but now I have a little idea that I might be able to do it.

Just when his heart was beating, he heard a familiar voice coming from his ears.

"Junior brother, I hope you will forgive me for coming here uninvited this time!"

When I came back to my senses, I saw someone walking slowly down the mountain. In one step, it seemed as if I had transcended time and space and came directly to him.

Seeing this, I quickly smiled and said: "Senior brother, I'm here this time, but I can't greet you. Please forgive me!"

Hongyun waved his hand slightly, and then said: "Counting the time, the other two junior brothers will be here soon."

I wondered: "Junior brother, are you talking about my two younger brothers?"

Hongyun nodded.

Then, he looked at the furnace of elixir being refined in front of him. His eyes seemed to see through the furnace. After seeing what was brewing inside, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although he knew that Lao Tzu's alchemy talent was unparalleled in the world, he did not expect that he could actually overcome the constraints of the saint.

If this elixir is completed, I am afraid it can help me step into the level of a half-step world master.

When I saw this, I quickly said: "Senior brother, what do you think of my batch of pills?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "It's true. Junior brother's talent in alchemy is indeed excellent. If this elixir can be successfully produced, junior brother may be able to break through the half-step realm master level with the help of this elixir."

Hearing this, I immediately showed a happy look on my face. Just when I was about to ask something, I sensed two breaths coming from far and near.

It was Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian who came to Shouyang Mountain.

The two came to Shouyang Mountain, saluted Hongyun and the others, and said, "I have met senior brother, eldest brother."

After the previous stop in the starry sky outside the Wuji World, the barriers between the three of them were much less, almost nonexistent, and they could at least become brothers.

Hongyun saw the three people gathered together and asked, "I asked you to come here this time because I have something to ask!"

When the three heard the words, they nodded, indicating that they knew everything.

Just listen to Hongyun continue to speak: "During this period, after you returned to the primitive world, did you notice whether there was something abnormal about the teacher?"

When the three of them heard this, they couldn't help but think for a moment.

After a while, I heard Tongtian say: "There is something wrong with the teacher recently. His words are sometimes hot and cold. Sometimes there seems to be no emotion. He treats us like strangers."

When the other two heard the words, their eyes seemed to be reminiscing, and then they nodded and said: "It is true, the teacher has been a little weird recently, and he often asks us to get closer to you in his words, and seems to regard the Wuji World as our own. Way back!"

Hearing this, Hongyun's eyes showed a look of contemplation. Hongjun also said this when he left Honghuang.

At first, he thought that the teacher wanted him to be more considerate of his junior brothers and help them more. Now it seems that the teacher at that time already knew that he had fallen into the trap of the great road.

So find a way out for me and others in advance.

However, several of them are now prehistoric saints and are under the jurisdiction of heaven. It is difficult for heavenly saints like them to escape the control of prehistoric times.

Hongyun glanced at the three of them, then nodded and said: "In that case, I have made some preparations in my heart. I will go to Zixiao Palace to meet the teacher."

Seeing this, I quickly said: "From what I have seen, if I go alone this time, I am afraid that I will scare off the enemy. Why don't we go to Zixiao Palace to take a look."

Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian also nodded repeatedly.

Hongyun pondered for a moment, then said: "That's fine, then I'll trouble a few junior brothers!"

Then he turned around and left Shouyang Mountain, speeding towards the Zixiao Palace.

Sanqing and others followed closely.

Within a short time, everyone arrived in front of Zixiao Palace, but now the door of Zixiao Palace was closed, and they had not seen what was inside.

Hongyun took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "Disciple Hongyun, come and see the teacher!"

Sanqing and others also quickly bowed their hands in salute.

The next moment, a cold and cold voice came from the Zixiao Palace: "What do you mean when you come here this time?"

Hongyun said: "This disciple has just survived a catastrophe before, and now he comes to Zixiao Palace. He has something to ask, and he asks the teacher to help him!"

After the words fell, everyone saw the closed door of Zixiao Palace slowly opening in front of them.

Hongjun didn't know when he had appeared on the stage, looking down at the people in front of him.

Seeing this, Hongyun couldn't help but frown, and then led Sanqing and others into the main hall of Zixiao Palace.

When he came closer, he raised his hands and said, "Teacher, this disciple has just taken control of a part of the world. There are still many things that I can't understand. Please give me some advice!"

Hearing this, Hongjun's eyes seemed to light up on the stage, and then he said calmly: "What you control is the Zhongqian World?"

The person behind him nodded and said, "It's the Zhongqian world!"

Then I heard Hongjun continue to say: "To control a world, you must first control all the creatures in the world and conform to the way of heaven, so as to achieve complete control..."

Hongyun frowned slightly, but he no longer cared about what Hongjun said below.

The person who can make him conform to the way of heaven will definitely not be his teacher, because Hongjun was already conforming to the way of heaven, so he clearly knows the disadvantages of this move.

What's more, now that Hongyun has completely controlled the Wuji world, there is no need to follow the way of heaven.

Sanqing and others behind him also looked ugly, looking at Hongjun on the stage with some suspicion.

Could it be that the person sitting on the stage now is no longer his teacher?

Even though the three of them were suspicious, they did not speak after all.

Hongyun sighed deeply, then turned over his hand and took out the token that Moon Spirit Rabbit gave him, and raised his hand to input the magic power.

I saw strange law fluctuations echoing in Zixiao Palace.

The entire Zixiao Palace was instantly filled...

The next moment, it seemed as if something was being driven out.

Hongjun's body trembled on the stage, and his eyes changed instantly.

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