I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 116 I am against!

"Su Zhan, that's Liu domineering!"

Chen Changfeng pointed to the tall, middle-aged man on the Black Yanying, and said: "Liu Domineering was also a masterpiece genius who was famous for a while. Dragonland cultivator is much stronger!

More than 40 years ago, he overpowered all the strongest players in the Ichthyosaur realm at the Martial Dao conference, and was recognized as the number one strongest in Southern Heaven. At present, Cultivation Base should be the peak of the first change in the Ichthyosaur realm! "

"Yulong's first peak...Who is the person next to him?"

Su Zhan's gaze fell on a rickety old man next to Liu Domineering. The powerful Mental Energy made him keenly aware that that old man seemed to be stronger than Liu Domineering.

"That person..."

Chen Changfeng took a closer look and shook his head: "I don't know, the old man, and the young man next to the old man, I haven't seen them. They should not be from the Liu family, but for some reason, they will also take the Liu family black flame eagle to Martial Dao. Conference, it feels weird in it!"

"The two of them have indeed never appeared in the Martial Dao conferences over the years, but they may also be the masters hidden in the Liu family. Let's wait for Liu's domineering and wait for the introduction! The Liu family who participated in the Martial Dao conference for the first time, he can't I won't introduce it."

Qin Jincheng said.


Chen Changfeng nodded and said nothing.

Soon, the black flame eagle landed on the square, Liu Domineering and those people walked down one after another, and the black flame eagle flew away and headed towards a nearby mountain.

A total of seven people came from the Liu family, plus the four people on the stone platform of Wu State, making it eleven.

After seated, the tall, beard-looking Liu Domineering glanced at the other fourteen stone platforms, and said, "Everyone, I know you must want to ask me why the Martial Dao conference was advanced. Actually, the reason for doing so. , Liu is doing everything for your benefit!"

For our benefit?

Hearing this sentence, many practitioners raised their spirits and paid special attention to it.

Seeing this, Liu domineering showed a satisfied look, and continued: "Everyone should know that our Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are exhausted, and Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are also very lacking. As a result, we often have a ichthyosaur in the Tiannan region for hundreds of years. The strong of the second change appeared, and even the first change of the Yulong Realm was very few!

Moreover, because I waited for the Yulong Realm Practitioner to have only a few thousand meters of air limit, if it is too high, it will be squeezed by the spiritual pressure layer above the spiritual world, injured, and even fall!

And the height of several kilometers, not to mention the countless powerful monsters in the Tiannan Mountains, even some Demonic Beasts can attack us by special means. After so many years, how many people are lucky to remove those who have reached the second stage of the ichthyosaur In addition to the success of crossing the Tiannan Mountains to the outside world, the other people who wanted to go out were swallowed by Demonic Beasts, with no bones left!

Our Tiannan Practitioner is surrounded in this remote place, like a frog at the bottom of a well, without seeing the sun!

But all this is about to change soon. The Young Master Chen sitting next to me is a huge Sect outside the Tiannan Mountain Range, the young master of the Pill Sword Sect!

He was looking for an elixir in the Tiannan Mountains and accidentally found a safe road across the Tiannan Mountains!

By then, you all have the opportunity to go to the outside world and breakthrough Realm! "

After listening to Liu's overbearing words, a crowd of Practitioners suddenly boiled!

"Can you leave Tiannan?"

"Great! Tiannan has very little information about the outside world, but all of them say that the outside world is much stronger than Tiannan! It is said that some big Sects even have saints in charge!"

"Sage! Transcendent sanctified existence!"

"It's good to go to the outside world, but is there no other conditions?"

"Brother Liu, if you have any conditions, please state clearly!"


After the excitement, everyone calmed down, and a strongman in the Yulong Realm directly asked Xiang Liu overbearing.

"It turned out to be Brother Li! This condition naturally exists."

Liu domineering smiled: "However, it's not a big deal. Young Master Chen just hopes that you will be respected by Pill Sword Sect and pay tribute every year, as well as the secret realm of the dark star forest that we have in hand. Swordsman control.

Everyone, that secret realm in the dark star forest can only be entered below the Yuan Dan realm. It is useless for me!

As for the respect of Pill Sword Sect, isn't it normal for the weak to submit to the strong?

Besides, by taking refuge in Pill Sword Sect, we will get more cultivation resources, which is a great thing! "

Liu domineering finished.

Those Practitioners who were still very excited just turned gloomy.

"What is the useless dark star forest? That's where we cultivate the geniuses of the younger generations! Is it possible that someone is born with the original pill? Isn't it all cultivated step by step?"

"Liu senior, my Practitioner, is an example of each country. How can we abandon our dignity and submit to an outsider like this?"

"Although Daddy hasn't read many books, he also knows the truth that scholars can be killed but not insulted! Nowadays, he wants us to be dogs, and smiles to give away the future of our descendants to outsiders!"

A round of unhappy voices sounded.

The Li Yulong Practitioner, who first asked Liu domineering, said angrily: "Liu domineering! You are my example of Martial Dao! You are proud! You become a dog yourself, and you still want us Tiannan 15 Tens of thousands of people in the country, will you be a dog together with you!"

"Li Su! You are looking for death!"

Liu domineering was furious, and blasted Li Su with a punch!


In the space, thunder sounded!

A thunderous fist mark headed towards Li Sufei!

As a strongman in the Yulong Realm who was already second only to Liu's dominance, Li Su was not to be outdone, and flew out with a sword to his fist!

Sword Qi emerged, but in front of the fist imprint, he persisted for only a second before he was blown away!

"The second change of the ichthyosaur!"

Li Su's pupils shrank, and his sword blocked.


His body was beaten and flew out 100 meters, fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and even stood up, it became extremely difficult!

"Ichthyosaur changed second! Liu domineering Ichthyosaur changed second!"

"No wonder! No wonder he dared to speak such words against the opposition of the entire Tiannan Martial Dao world!"

"It's over! The second change of the fish and dragon is pure yuan jade bone, and the increase in Practitioner who is biased towards body refining is even greater!"

"Even Li Su was seriously injured by a punch by him, who can stop him?"

"Our Tiannan Practitioner, should we really lose our dignity today and be someone else's dog?"

"Damn! Even if daddy is dead, he shouldn't be a dog of the Sword Sect of bullshit! If daddy does this, wouldn't daddy's grandson, grandson of grandson, be unable to hold his head forever?"


Voices sounded one after another.

There was shock, fear, and indignation.

These, after Liu overbearing unabashedly inspired the Eucharist and pushed his power to the extreme, they all turned into despair.

"Huh! To tell you the truth, I rely on Master Chen's Medicine Pill to break through to the second transformation of the fish and the dragon!

You guys don't want to face it! Wasn't it just screaming badly?

Why are you dumb now? Are you afraid of death?

Let me ask one last time, are all the forces in the Martial Dao realm in the southern sky, surrendering to the Pill Sword Sect and offering the Dark Star Forest, are there any objections that are not afraid of death? ! "

Liu Badao looked towards the stone platforms.

The people he saw all bowed their heads and dared not look at him, let alone say anything against it.

After feeling Liu's overbearing terrifying power that could easily kill any of them, everyone fell silent.

Some of them glanced at Su Zhan secretly.

But soon, he vetoed the idea in his heart.

Although Su Zhan is very powerful, Liu domineering has already reached the second change of the fish and dragon.

Moreover, the strength of that pill sword sect that can make Liu domineering willing to be a dog can be imagined, Su Zhan would not have the courage, nor the power, to fight against this behemoth...

Those people looked back, desperate in their hearts.

Seeing this, Liu overbearing sneered: "A bunch of dog stuff, don't give it to your face, I have to do it to know that I'm afraid! Since you have no objection, then, give me honestly to Master Chen, to Dan Jianzong— —"

"and many more."

Just now.

Su Zhan stood up, his eyes slightly cold, and fell on the arrogant Liu Domineering:

"I object."

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