I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 125 The Strongest Sword!

As soon as the voice fell, nearly a hundred Practitioners from the battleship flew out, faintly surrounding everyone below.

"A group of pigs and dogs in Tiannan, soon we will be able to kill!"

"Those people are half-step ichthyosaurs, so it's better to be careful!"

"What are you afraid of! Xu Sheng, Elder, is the third strongest ichthyosaur, and the other three fellow Elders have also reached the second ichthyosaur change. Do you still need to be afraid of these wastes?"

"That's right! Huh? That little Little Sister looks so good-natured, I like it!"

"Get out! I want that woman, don't look at her cool and clean look now, at night, look at me—"

A jet-black Sword Qi swept across, cutting a total of four Danjianzong Practitioners including the half-step Ichthyosaur Practitioner who was squinting at the female emperor into two sections.

The speed is so fast and the power is so powerful that there is even no chance for them to scream!

Su Zhan held the Mo Jiao Sword and glanced at the Practitioners whose expressions had changed drastically, and said indifferently:

"If you disappear from my field of vision now, you can live."

Those Practitioners looked at each other and panicked.

"Well, you have no chance."

A second later, Su Zhan said another sentence, and then the Mo Jiao Sword cut out a pitch black Sword Qi again.


Among the more than a hundred people, an old man among the other three ichthyosaurs second strongest who was accompanying him screamed and cut his sword towards the ink Sword Qi.


He flew upside down for several tens of meters, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Su Zhan with some fear.

Although he didn't use the Sword Technique of the Heavenly Star Dragon Soul, Su Zhanjian's casual sword was still not an ordinary ichthyosaur that could resist the second change.

"Is this your strength?"

Above, Xu Sheng, who watched Su Zhan's hands but was indifferent, suddenly laughed: "I thought you were arousing such a vision of the world, I was quite jealous, it turns out that you only have such a little strength!

Sure enough, what I expected was good.

Zhao Fang was probably poisoned by your combination of Tiannan, or killed by some kind of big formation. As for you, since you only have this strength, then you will die! "

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Sheng stretched out his palm and patted down at the place where Su Zhan was receiving Heavenly Dao at will.

A handprint tens of meters in size appeared in the sky above, falling towards Su Zhan's place.

There was still a hundred meters below, Qin Jincheng and others felt the terrifying power contained in the handprint, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Innate Breath, Pure Essence Jade Bone, Yin Wei Sheng Vein! The third transformation of the ichthyosaur, there is already a small part of the Holy Yuan in the body. This is the handprint of the Holy Yuan condensed, far surpassing the power of the True Yuan!"

"The Six Changes of Ichthyosaurs, although they are the six small Realms in the Ichthyosaur realm, but the gap between them is much larger than that of the middle stage and late stage of the Yuandan realm! Especially the third transformation of the Ichthyosaur just just opened up the saint. Pulse, Practitioner's combat power has a qualitative Ascension!"

"No matter how strong the Yulong is in the third change, I also believe that Su Zhan can defeat it. After all, he himself cannot be treated with common sense!"

The others were tense, but Su Zhan, who was located under the handprints condensed by the power of Saint Yuan, had a calm expression.

With a random punch, he shattered the handprint about ten meters above his head.

Xu Sheng's eyes condensed, and he remembered the scene he saw in Yingzhu: "It seems that you are a body cultivator. The really powerful thing is your fist and your sword, but it's just a display!

Fist, hehe, let me see Xu Sheng, is it your fist or my sword? "

After speaking, Xu Sheng's toe was a little on the bow, and he flew towards Su Zhan.

At the same time, a blue long sword appeared in his hand, a sword slashed towards Su Zhan!

"Dahe Sword Technique!"

Sword Qi intertwined and turned into a big wave, coming towards Su Zhan!

In the nearby space, there was also an impulsive sound of water flow, and a trace of water vapor appeared, as if the area hundreds of meters ahead was already a big river floating in the sky!

Sword intent! Dahe Sword intent!

Su Zhan didn't care about the suppressing power of the Sword intent, Star was infinitely moving, and he blasted out!


The space was trembling, and there was a distance of more than two hundred meters from the place where Su cut his fist to the Sword Qi river. A visible ripple appeared in the sky, which was caused by the punching force!


The two forces collided.

The river of Sword Qi suddenly dissipated, and that punch of force penetrated countless Sword Qi, and blasted on the body of Xu Sheng's sword.

The next moment, Xu Sheng flew out backwards, just hitting the bottom of the battleship.


The entire warship shook, and the inscription on the surface flashed wildly, almost falling from the sky!

"He actually punched Xu Elder back!"

"This person's physical power is too strong! Let's step back. A battle of this level, even if it spreads, is bound to die!"

"This should also be his strongest blow, and Xu Elder, but he hasn't used his natal sword and pill swordsmanship yet!"


Nearly a hundred disciples of the Pill Sword Sect all retreated some distance away. The two originally planned to assist Xu Sheng in the second transformation of the Yulong Realm. Seeing Su Zhan’s power, they looked at each other, too. Exit some distance.

"Ahem! Unexpectedly, your physical strength has reached this level! It seems that the vision you caused is a divine vision that strengthens the function of the physical body!"

Xu Shengxuan was in the air, looking at the big day Star vision above Su Zhan. He saw this vision hundreds of miles away, but he saw that Su Zhan’s Sword Qi was not very powerful, so it was not too powerful. Take it to heart.

After all, no matter the divine body or the sacramental body, they are the people he will kill in this trip anyway. It is useless to care about these!

But now it seems that Su Zhan’s divine body is just an augmented divine body, so...

Xu Sheng was heartbroken, took out the pill of anger and blood, and swallowed it down.

Immediately afterwards, his eyebrows flashed, and a fiery red long sword appeared in his hand.

A golden Medicine Pill appeared in his left hand, shot on the blade of the long sword!

Sacrifice swords with blood, melt swords with pill!

It is the most powerful blood pill swordsmanship in pill swordsmanship!

It can maximize the power of the sword pill, of course, after the battle, it will lose its own qi and blood.

But at this moment, Xu Sheng even ate the blood pill, so naturally he wouldn't care about it.

The palm of his hand was wiped inch by inch above the sword's edge, and Xu Sheng looked at Su Zhan very nervously.

Pill Swordsmanship actually has one of the biggest drawbacks, that is, it takes too long to be cast, and it is easy to be interrupted by the enemy.

And if you quickly pass the sword's edge, the greatest power of pill swordsmanship will not be able to be used.

Therefore, Xu Sheng was afraid that Su Zhan rushed to find him at this time, and his pill swordsmanship power would be greatly reduced.

But to his surprise, Su Zhan had a calm face, and even a little curious in his eyes. He looked at him expectantly, without any intention of interrupting him.

When the blood pill swordsmanship was fully used, Xu Sheng laughed: "Ignorant boy, you had the perfect opportunity to fight with me, but you missed it by yourself!

Now, facing me, who is already the third peak of the ichthyosaur, you can wait to die! "

After that, Xu Sheng shot towards Su Zhan!

"The strongest sword of Yulong's third change peak. I wonder how it compares with my strongest sword?"

Seeing Xu Sheng's momentum climb to the peak, Su Zhan's face was calm, and he murmured quite expectantly.

Then, a little starlight flew from the center of the eyebrows, and the Dahi Star sword fell into his hand.

The divine body is stimulated to the extreme, with thirty-six dragon veins revolving.

Su Zhan cut out with a sword!

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