I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 130 Since he is out of the sword, how can there be any after? (Fifth more!)

"Master Su! That's Master Su!"

King Xia looked at the sky and exclaimed a little excitedly.

As King Xia, he should have been extremely stable, but after knowing what Su Zhan had done in the past few days, even if he saw Su Zhan coming, he would be able to talk to such a peerless power in person when he thought of waiting. , It is still inevitable to get excited.

Hearing King Xia's words, the many powerful men in the meeting room ran out one by one, awed and admired to look at the green rainbow.

The disciples of the Su family nearby also looked at Qinghong one by one.

However, their Cultivation Base is humble, and they can only see a cloud of blue light, and they can't see Su Zhan's figure at all.

"It's really Su Zhan? He can defend against the sky. Doesn't it mean that he is already in the master state?"

"Impossible? He has only been away from the Su family for more than two months, more than two months before he has become a soldier?"

"It's not impossible, he is a real genius! Much better than Su Heng!"


All the disciples of the Su family looked to the sky expectantly.

Among them, Su Heng's gaze is the most focused.

He really couldn't believe it. When he finally broke through to the Qi Sea realm middle stage, Su Zhan had already made a breakthrough in the main realm of soldiers!

But as Qinghong gets closer and closer.

He also saw Su Zhan's figure clearly, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Fortunately, he was still the first genius of the Su clan at the beginning, and compared with Su Zhan, there is actually such a big gap!

"It's Su Zhan Young Master!"

"Master Su Young is really a master of soldiers!"

"Master Su Young is really a peerless genius!"

The Su disciples cheered.

Those half-step strongmen in the fish-dragon realm suddenly twitched their mouths when they heard these words.

What is the home of ghost soldiers?

Su Zhan is the number one fierce man in the south who even punched Liu overbearing to death, okay!

Those strong guys are slanderous. If it weren't for the Su family, they were worried about offending Su Zhan, and some had violent tempers. They were afraid that they would release the coercion of the true essence to make all these nonsense guys lie on the ground and couldn't move!

Above the sky.

Su Zhan also saw those half-step ichthyosaurs strong, and for a while, he was a little surprised.

What are these people doing in my house?


That would be too shameless!

With curiosity in his mind, Su Zhan landed in the small square in front of the Su family meeting room.

Su Tianhai ran over and was pleasantly surprised: "Zhan'er, you can count as coming back, father wants to kill you!

By the way, Zhan'er, these are—"

"Xia Linquan, see Young Master Su!"

As soon as Su Tianhai was about to introduce it, he saw a scene that made him almost drop his chin!

I saw that the dignified King Xia actually knelt down on one knee towards Su Zhan, saluting respectfully!

This is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, the strong knelt down with a respectful look!

"Little pool country Li Yan, pay homage to Master Su! Master Xie Su is very kind!"

"Shen Xingmen Ye Tuo, thank you Young Master Su for what he has done for the Martial Dao Realm of Tiannan!"


Including Mo Canglan, eleven strong men above the Yuan Dan realm knelt down respectfully!

At this moment, everyone in the Su family was shocked.

King Xia actually bowed down to Su Zhan!

Moreover, those people seemed to be peerless and powerful men who were not weaker than King Xia, and they all knelt down!

How strong is Su Zhan already? !

Those Su family disciples were dumbfounded, trying to say something, but they couldn't say a word.

Because they were so shocked that they felt a lack of oxygen in their brains and didn't know how to speak.

Su Heng's brain was blank and his expression was in a trance. He stepped back and fell to the ground.

It turned out that Su Zhan was not just a host of soldiers.

Instead, it has become the existence that makes King Xia respectfully kneel down!

Did he compare himself with Su Zhan just now?

This is too ridiculous...

Su Heng was ashamed, and only felt that he was a joke!

Su Tianhai reacted, his expression changed, and he hurriedly went to Fuxia King.

But King Xia was like a huge boulder, motionless.

The same is true for other strong players.

"Zhan'er, this is King Xia!"

Seeing this, Su Tianhai said to Su Zhan anxiously.

"Xia Wang?"

Su Zhan glanced at King Xia and smiled lightly: "Get up all, you don't need to be like that."

Hearing his words, those strong men dared to get up from the ground.

"The visitor is a guest, come in and talk if you have something to do!"

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he walked into the meeting room first.

Those strong people have followed suit.

Su Tianhai was even more bewildered when he saw that those strong men listened to Su Zhan's words like this, and he gritted his teeth and stopped King Xia.

"My lord, I dare to ask, what exactly did Zhan'er do? Let you treat it like this?"

"You still don't know what Su Gongzi did?"

King Xia was also a little surprised.

Su Tianhai said helplessly: "Just now, customers came one after another, all offering treasures. I just got some free time and wanted to ask. You came, the king. Where can I ask?

Besides, those people are too unfamiliar. If they know about Zhan'er, my dad doesn't know it. Instead, I asked them, isn't it a joke! But now I can't help it anymore, please let the king clarify! "

"I see."

King Xia smiled and said, "Patriarch Su, you don't know that Su Zhan has already made it to the Yulong Realm, right?"

"Fish, where is the fish?"

"The Yulong Realm is the Realm above the Yuan Dan!"

"The Yulong Realm! Zhan'er made his breakthrough to the Yulong Realm!"

Su Tianhai opened his eyes wide, breathing quickly, and laughed wildly: "I Zhan'er, breakthrough in the Ichthyosaur realm, Ichthyosaur realm! No wonder, no wonder you respect Zhan'er so much!"

"I didn't come here because of Su Gongzi's breakthrough in the Yulong Realm."

King Xia shook his head.

"Huh? Why is that?"

Su Tianhai's laughter stopped, a little puzzled.

"Liu domineering, don't you know? The fifteen countries in the south of the sky are recognized as the number one powerhouse! Not long ago, he held the Martial Dao meeting in advance in advance to collude with the Sword Sect, the forces outside the south of the sky, in a vain attempt to make my world of Martial Dao in the south of the sky become a pill. Sword Sect slave!

Capture the alien space in the southern sky, the dark star forest, and treat the Tiannan Practitioner as a pig and dog! "

"There is such a thing? Damn it too much!"

Su Tianhai was filled with righteous indignation. Immediately, he wondered: "But what does it matter to me?"

"Of course it does matter! That overbearing Liu was beaten to death by Su Zhan! And the two people who came from Pill Sword Sect were also killed by Su Zhan!"

"Huh, huh!"

When Su Tianhai heard this, he pressed his chest, his breathing was extremely rapid and shocked. Because he was too excited, his voice trembled: "Zhan, Zhan'er is already so, so, so powerful! No, I, I want to personally go……"

"Oh, wait!"

King Xia, grabbed Su Tianhai who was excited and walked towards the living room: "It's not over yet!"

"It's not over yet? Those people are killed and it's not over yet?"

"Nonsense! Pill Sword Sect is so powerful, how could it be possible for Young Master Su to give up their young master to death!"

King Xia said speechlessly: "Soon, they will send a strongman who is the third change of the fish and dragon to pick up the Heavenly Dao field to avenge the young master!"

"The third change of the ichthyosaur? What kind of Realm is this? Isn't the ichthyosaur realm early stage, middle stage, late stage?"

Su Tianhai looked dumbfounded, feeling that he couldn't understand it anymore.

"This... also, below the Yuan Dan realm, unless you are from a big power, you can't have a specific understanding of the Yulong realm."

King Xia explained: "This way, you know that Liu domineering! He is very strong, the third change of the fish and the dragon, about the equivalent of a hundred willow domineering! Maybe even stronger!"

"So powerful! How does Zhan'er respond?"

"It is said that at that time, Young Master Su cut out a sword, tsk tsk, a sword turned into a star dragon, the mighty power!"

King Xia looked admiring, and after speaking, he walked towards the living room.

Su Tianhai was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed up: "My lord, what then? How do you say half way! What happened then?"


King Xia said in amazement: "Then that person is gone! Since Young Master Su is all out of swords, where can there be anything?"

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