I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 139: Breaking the Formation!

Chen Ye's face changed slightly, and he turned his head and said: "Old Huo, you open the main hall, I will go and have a look!"

"Yes, Sect Leader!"

The old man in a fire-red robe nodded.

Take out a hexagonal plate of formation cornerstone, inject the true essence, and the cornerstone of formation shines brightly.

A series of inscriptions emerged from the copper pillars of the Great Hall and appeared on the ground. In the end, they turned into a golden light curtain, covering the entire Great Hall and the area of ​​a kilometer in a radius.

Seeing that the formation was activated, Chen Ye felt calm and sent out a few sound transmission notes to notify the nearby Elder, and then he also headed out of the hall.

Standing on the platform outside the hall, looking at Su Zhan hovering outside the formation light curtain, Chen Ye clenched his fists with both hands, and endless hatred appeared in his eyes.

"Su Zhan! It's you! Killed me Juer!"

A roar resounded ten miles around.

Su Zhan also turned his attention to Chen Ye and said, "You are the Sect Leader of the Pill Sword Sect? That's good. Your son Chen Jue wants to kill me, so I killed him. You sent a fish dragon to change the third. Came to kill me, and I killed him too.

Now, it's your turn. "

Su Zhan's words sounded, although his tone was not so angry, it was even a little flat.

But this kind of tone was so plain that it was as if talking about a trivial matter, but it made the hearts of nearly a hundred Practitioners of Pill Sword Sect below tremble, and they looked towards the sky in shock.

"Su Zhan? In a radius of thousands of miles, there doesn't seem to be a strong person named Su Zhan, right?"

"This person actually said that he killed the Young Master and Elder, the third change in the Yulong? How is this possible!"

"Look, that was Xu Elder, who seemed to be held hostage by him. Sect Leader saw this person as the first time he opened the main hall array. Perhaps, what he said was true!"

"The main hall has been opened. With the importance of Sect Leader to this person, even if this person is not the opponent of Sect Leader, he is definitely a strong enemy!"


A series of discussions sounded, and the Dan Jianzong Practitioner below had a solemn expression.

Those in the mask are okay, they barely feel safe.

Outside the mask, whether it was a handyman, a deacon, or a guard disciple standing guard, they all moved farther away in horror.

Although they didn't think Su Zhan could beat Chen Ye.

But this level of war between the strongest has spread to the slightest, and they are gone. How can you not be afraid?

As for what Su Zhan said was true or false, no one doubted it.

Because Chen Ye opened the main hall array, which fully demonstrated his fear of Su Zhan, this Su Zhan is definitely a strong enemy of Sect!

"Asshole! I want you to die today!"

Chen Ye roared and was about to rush out of the formation mask, but Huo Lao from behind stopped him.

"Sect Leader! Nope!"

Huo Lao glanced at Su Zhan with a solemn expression: "This person can kill Xu Sheng and dare to rush to our Pill Sword Sect alone. He is absolutely strong!

Now, we haven't even figured out his details, Sect Leader, you are too irrational to go out to fight rashly.

Moreover, Sect Leader, Elder and the others have already captured Weeping Liushan two days ago, and they are about to return now!

It's better to wait for the big Elder and the others in the formation to come back, and then work together to kill Su Zhan, this way, it will be foolproof! "

"I can't wait! I want him to die now!"

Chen Ye was furious, and the ground exploded with a "bang" under his feet, and his body shot out like a cannonball.

The natal sword in the purple mansion is directly sacrificed!

"Die to me!"

One sword cut towards Su Zhan.

Although this sword did not use the Sword Pill, as the Sect Leader of the Pill Sword Sect, Chen Ye's own combat power was already very close to the Fourth Variation of the Ichthyosaur, and he was much more powerful than Xu Sheng who was taking the Rage Blood Pill!

Su Zhan's eyes condensed, bright stars appeared on the surface, and a punch suddenly blasted out!

Xingguang turned into a fist mark and collided with Chen Ye Sword Qi.


A wave of air swept between the two, and Chen Ye fell from the sky.

Where he landed, the white stone ground was centered on where he landed, and it was abruptly sunken!

After taking another two steps, standing still, Chen Ye looked at Su Zhan in shock.

"The body cultivator! Obviously it is only the first change in the Yulong Realm. The body is actually so strong, and this type of body cultivator... is so strong!"

"It's not that I am strong, but you are too weak."

Su Zhan stood in the sky, watching Chen Ye's Sword Qi Yu Wei blasting on him, not even reacting to the starlight of his body guard, shook his head, and said calmly.


"What are you, you are seven and eighty years old, you don't know how many hundreds of years of cultivation, you are still so weak, have you cultivated on a dog?"

Chen Ye's body trembled, his teeth squeaked, and he stretched out a finger to Su Zhan: "You bastard, I must crush you to pieces!"


Su Zhan was surprised: "Then you can't come? Is it possible that you want to avenge your son with your mouth? Or, your son is dead, in fact, you are very happy in your heart, pretending to be angry, just show it to outsiders ?

You are so cold-blooded! "

My son was beaten to death. Am I still very happy?

I am happy your ancestor for eight lifetimes!

Chen Ye's fingers pointing towards Su Zhan trembled with anger, blood surged up, and the injuries in his body could not be suppressed and burst out.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, Chen Ye only felt his brain buzzing, and Su Zhan's words were still echoing.

"Sect Leader, don't worry!"

The face of Huo Lao who had also reached the third change of the Yulong Realm changed, and he quickly supported the staggering Chen Ye, took out a golden token, and said: "Our Jianzong Jinpao Elder can feel each other within five hundred miles. , I have sensed the Elder Order of the Big Elder just now, which shows that they are already within five hundred miles!

I have already informed the Elders about the things here through the Elder Order, and at their speed, it will be there in no time!

By then, kill Su Zhan, no more! "

Huo Lao's voice was deliberately raised a lot, so that Su Zhan could also hear clearly, and wanted to deter Su Zhan and let him leave quickly.

Big Elder?

There are reinforcements?

Su Zhan frowned.

It seems that it can't be delayed any longer!

With a thought in his heart, he directly aroused Dahi Star's divine body!

The Qian Tian Yang Shen Zhen tactics turned to the extreme, and the whole person stood there, making people feel like a big sun that exudes endless light and heat!

Da Ri Star's sword turned into starlight and fell into his hands. Su Zhan did not hesitate to cut out with a single sword!

A bright star dragon headed towards the golden formation mask.

"God! Divine Sword! And the Sword Technique... Even though I'm so far apart, I can feel the terrifying Sword intent!"

Chen Ye's face changed drastically, and he shouted in disbelief, "This, this! Isn't he a body cultivator!!!"

Old Huo also trembled in his heart, but soon, thinking of the extremely strong defensive power of the main hall array, his heart settled slightly.

"Sect Leader, don't panic!

The Golden Light Array is a very strong defensive formation. Even if it is the strongest ichthyosaur's fourth change, it will take a violent bombardment for one or two days to break the formation!

This person sits on a well to watch the sky, knowing that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and actually tried to break the formation with brute force! That's perfect!

When he was exhausted, Elder and the others just arrived. We besieged back and forth, and we can definitely besie Su! "

Hearing Huo Lao's words, Chen Ye calmed down and showed a sneer: "Yes, how strong is he? When the big Elders arrive, we will form a sword formation, even if it is the fourth change of the ichthyosaur, we can kill it!

I'm sitting cross-legged here to adjust my breath, I want to see, what can he do with me-Huo Lao! What's happening here! "

Before I finished speaking, I saw the sky ahead, under the bombardment of the star dragon, it shook suddenly, the inscription broke, and even a golden cracked formation mask appeared.

The smile on Chen Ye's face suddenly disappeared, and he cried out in horror.

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