I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 143: Pure Yuan Jade Bones!


Those Elders hesitated.

Elder Nie Yuan hesitated and said, "Huo Lao, is this not so good?

Since that Lord Su didn't intend to kill us, let's just leave it alone. In case that Lord Su was not destroyed by the power of Shengyuan Medicine Pill to destroy the Meridians, wouldn't we go to die? "

"Humph! Waste!"

Huo Lao snorted: "The old man pill refining for more than two hundred years, and knows the power of various Medicine Pills. How can it be wrong?

That Su Zhan, so young, could kill Chen Ye. What he condensed was the Divine Sword of Life, and it was also a divine body. Don't you wonder what secret treasure or chance he has in him?

Besides, although he didn't kill us, he forbids us to collect the Spirit Stones quarterly money of 10,000 li. In this way, the cultivation resources that you and I can allocate every month are also greatly reduced?

Moreover, Big Elder, Chen Ye is dead now. Sect prestige is highest in me and you. I have no intention of being the Sect Leader. If you help me kill Su Zhan and seize the pendant, I will vigorously recommend you to become the new Sect Leader. !

how? "

Become the Sect Leader of the Pill Sword Sect?

Elder Nie Yuan moved in his heart, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! Today Nie and Huo Lao will kill Su Zhan!"

As he said, he turned his head and glanced at the other golden robe Elder who was still hesitating: "Everyone, Su Zhan, killing me Sect Leader is tantamount to insulting me Sect! Now, there is a great opportunity given by God, what else can I hesitate about!

Today, if you don't kill Su Zhan, you will not pay it back! "

"Okay! Now that Elder said so, I will join!"

"Daddy saw that Su Zhan was not pleasing to his eyes! He must be killed!"

"A ichthyosaur's first change, what's so scary?"

"If you don't kill Su Zhan, you won't pay it back!"


Exciting group sentiment!

Seems to have won.

Seeing this scene, Huo Lao smiled happily.

"Everyone, Na Su Zhan is a pill refining master, Mental Energy must be very powerful, so let's not get close first, lest he master a special mysterious method and probe our tracks!"

Huo Lao said: "According to the old man's calculations, in about four hours, the power of the Medicine Pill in his body will reach the level that he can't suppress it desperately. At that time, his true essence will not be able to use it. No matter how strong the body is, it will Don’t let me wait for the slaughter?"

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Huo Lao is worthy of being the think tank of our Pill Sword Sect, so it's nothing to miss!"

"That kid seems to be less than twenty, Mao Tou kid, how do you know Huo Lao is scheming?"


The Elders fluttered and flattered.

Huo Lao is also very useful and laughs heartily.


At this time, Su Zhan was already sitting close to his eyes several hundred meters near Danchi.

The refining aura is on.

He began to concentrate on refining.

Although the medicinal power of the Saint Yuan Pill is very powerful, under the powerful true essence of his divine body, dragon veins, Qiantian Yang Shen Zhen tactic, and refining aura, it can't turn over any waves, dissolve extremely quickly, and transform into his true essence. Yuan power.

In just two hours, he refined most of the Medicine Pill power of the Saint Yuan, and the True Qi in his body reached the peak state of the ichthyosaur's first transformation.

After a pause, Su Zhan took out some other Medicine Pills that could assist breakthrough Realm from the storage ring, regardless of whether there would be conflicts between Medicine Pills, and directly stuffed them into his mouth.

Anyway, there is a halo of refining, a hundred poison does not invade the halo, even poison can be refined, afraid of being an egg.

As time passed, thirty-six dragon veins gradually appeared on his body.

Another hour passed.

Above the sky, several stars suddenly appeared!

Those Stars released a faint starlight light falling from the sky, infused his body, and tempered his flesh.

And Su Zhan's body surface dragon veins are also stimulated to the extreme, like thirty-six true dragons dormant!

Refining those energy at extreme speed!

The bones of the whole body began to become whiter, and all of the Impurities were discharged.

At the end, Su Zhan felt a crackling sound from the bones and hair all over his body. After a sharp pain, the real yuan in Dantian was compressed several times, which can hold a huge amount of real yuan Ascension!

A white light shining from Su Zhan's body.

That's where the strength of the bones of the breakthrough Realm just leaked out!

The second change of the ichthyosaur, pure yuan jade bone!

Because it was just a small Realm, this breakthrough did not automatically arouse the divine body, triggering hundreds of miles of visions.

But even though it is a small Realm, Su Zhan can feel that the power of the physical body, Ascension is very big!

The stars in the sky gradually disappeared, and those stars disappeared.

The light of the whole body converged, and Su Zhan mobilized Mental Energy to look inside.

I saw that the bones were as white as jade, without a trace of Impurities!

Which is full of powerful true power!

Even with the muscle fibers and muscle cells of the whole body, the strength contained in it is also greatly Ascension.

"Originally, only my whole body dragon veins and Dantian could store true essence power, which can reach the second transformation of ichthyosaurs, pure essence jade bones. There are also some true essence powers in my bones. Every day and night, these true essence powers are Strengthening my bones, flesh and blood!

No wonder, no wonder it is said that the second change of the ichthyosaur is a Realm that has greatly increased the physical strength of the Practitioner. Can the physical body be tempered every day, can it not increase significantly? "

Muttering in his mouth, feeling the substantial enhancement of his physical body, Su Zhan smiled.

Subsequently, he did not get up, but continued to refine.

The medicinal power of the Shengyuan Pill was stronger than he expected. It has now broken through to the second transformation of the fish and dragon, but there is still a very small part of the medicinal power that has not been fully refined.

"Huo Lao, he seems okay?"

At this time, Nie Yuan and others also came to the vicinity of the Danchi and looked at Su Zhan who was still refining with his eyes closed, Nie Yuan whispered.

Huo frowned, and immediately shook his head resolutely: "Impossible! Never! I just saw the power of Xinghui coming. If I expected it, it was he who inspired the divine body, inspired the power of the Star, and wanted to suppress the holy yuan. Medicine Pill force.

Now that Xinghui's power has disappeared, it shows that his suppression has failed. Now, I am afraid that he sensed that we are coming, and deliberately pretended to be safe and sound, wanting to scare me away! "

Nie Yuan hesitated: "Could it be that he has finished refining?"

"End of refining?"

Huo Lao sneered: "It seems that you don't understand the Holy Yuan Pill at all! Let me tell you this! Even the Holy One cannot completely refine a Holy Yuan Pill in four hours! What's more, he Su Zhan? "

Nie Yuan was still hesitating, and the other Elders were already a little impatient.

"I think Mr. Huo is right!"

"Huo Lao is the master of pill refining, doesn't he understand Medicine Pill?"

"Come on! It's all here, now I regret it, I guess it will be settled by Su Zhanqiu!"

"Kill! If you don't kill Su Zhan, you won't pay it back!"


Over the past few hours, through the brainwashing of Huo Lao's endless words, all of those Elder felt that they had a chance to win and were foolproof.

With an order from Huo Lao, he rushed out.

Nie Yuan gritted his teeth and followed.

However, he deliberately slowed down a bit and didn't rush to the front.


Five hundred meters.

One hundred meters.


The Elder who rushed to the front laughed loudly and slashed towards Su Zhan.

"At such a close distance, he still can't avoid it. It seems that this person's head belongs to me—"


The words are not over yet.

Su Zhan suddenly opened his eyes, the starlight all over his body was dazzling, and he blasted out a punch.


The long knife in the Elder's hand burst into pieces.

His hand burst.

Like being smashed down by a meteorite, his whole body even screamed in the future and burst into pieces!

The sky is full of blood and rain.

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