I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 145 Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword!

Don't even let the sows go?

Su Zhan glanced at the deadly Huo Lao.

Damn it!

Then he looked at the Elders.

Feeling Su Zhan's gaze, those people trembled. Two of them even drenched their pants.

They also know.

Whether he can survive or not depends on Su Zhan's attitude now.

Nie Yuan's brain turned extremely fast, and he suddenly said loudly: "Master Su, apart from exposing Huo Lao's conspiracy this time, I have one more thing!"

Su Zhan was a little surprised: "You still have something to do?"

"Now that the position of Sect Leader in Dan Sword Sect is vacant, Young Master Su is extremely strong, upright, and unparalleled in talent. I would like to invite Young Master Su to serve as our new Sect Leader in Dan Sword Sect!"

The voice just fell.

Several other Elders also spoke quickly.

"Yes, please Master Su as our new Sect Leader!"

"Su Gongzi has both ability and political integrity, this Sect Leader is not qualified except Su Gongzi!"

"I would like to support Young Master Su!"

Those Elders showed their loyalty.

They are not fools either.

If Su became the Sect Leader, everyone would be his own.

It is estimated that they will have to survive no matter what.

Su Zhan also saw what these people were thinking, and said lightly: "I won't stay here for a long time, and I don't intend to be a Sect Leader. As for you... Although you didn't take action against me, I also know what you think in your heart.

Since you haven't done anything, of course I will not kill indiscriminately. Except for Nie Yuan, I will abolish Cultivation Base by myself and leave! "

Self-abolished Cultivation Base!

Those Elders glanced at each other, feeling bitter in their hearts.

But no one dared not obey them, and one by one they abolished Cultivation Base and left miserably.

At this moment, Su Zhan looked at Nie Yuan.

The latter was quickly grateful: "Master Xie Su, Master Su, thank you for not killing!"

"Nie Yuan, don't kill you. First, it's for you to catch Huo Lao. Second, I need someone to help me supervise Dan Jianzong."

Su Zhan said: "I don't intend to be a Sect Leader, but your Pill Sword Sect, who is tyrannical and domineering, has a limit. You have to leave a way for people to survive.

After that, let the disciples cultivate well and don't do anything to bully the weak. "

"Yes! I will follow Master Su's orders!"

Nie Yuan nodded quickly.

"Okay, take me to your Sect treasure house!"


Nie Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Su Zhan.

Soon, under the leadership of Nie Yuan, Su Zhan entered the Pill Sword Sect treasure house.

"Where are the books about Movement Technique?"

Su Zhan glanced at the wooden frames where the treasures were placed, and said.

"Master Su follow me!"

Nie Yuan hurriedly led Su Zhan to the wooden frame where the Movement Technique cheat book was located, and respectfully said: "These Movement Techniques are the best Movement Techniques of the Dan Jianzong. They are not comparable to those in the library. Young Master Su, do you think What kind of Movement Technique do you want."

"Let me see for myself."

As Su Zhan spoke, he began to look up the Movement Technique cheats.

It didn't take long for him to choose a mid-level escape technique.

Lei Guang escape.

Suitable for short-distance burst speed.

With his extremely strong physical power, he can rush to the enemy's side and kill the enemy with one punch!

Afterwards, he checked some palm techniques, Fist Technique, but there was nothing particularly suitable, and he did not choose.

The general Fist Technique, palm technique, did not have much effect on him.

"Huh? This sword..."

Su Zhan's gaze fell on a golden long sword, and he saw that the material of the sword did not seem to be metal, but bamboo. He was a little curious and grabbed it towards the sword.

"Master Su, be careful!"

Nie Yuan hurriedly said: "That is the Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword, and you must cultivate the lightning attribute Cultivation Technique to master it, otherwise you will definitely be lightning in the sword - how is this possible?!"

Before he finished speaking, Nie Yuan was a little confused when he saw Su Zan who was unscathed while holding the Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword.

Su Zhan ignored Nie Yuan. With the aura of strange treasure turned on, there would be no treasure that he couldn't use, let alone a sword.

The rank of this sword should reach the top rank of the king's weapon, and even, because the Jinlei bamboo is a special material that releases the evil spirits and the gold thunder has a special effect on the enemies of the demons. This sword is facing the evil repair, Demon Cultivator, Almost equivalent to those half-sacred artifacts.

In the first memory, weapons are divided into common, spiritual, mysterious, king, and god.

However, after reading so many books, Su Zhan also knew that the so-called divine weapon should actually be said to be a sacred weapon, but the strength of the Qingcheng Su family was too weak at the beginning, and these divisions were wrong.

Semi-sacred artifacts are basically treasures that failed to refining sacred artifacts. Such treasures are weaker than sacred artifacts, but stronger than ordinary king artifacts, so they are called semi-sacred artifacts.

The true yuan is poured into the golden thunder bamboo sword.


Small golden arcs appeared one after another.

That is the golden thunder bamboo that punishes evil spirits. After using it, it only takes a while for the golden thunder bamboo to absorb the spiritual Qi from the heavens and the earth on its own, and then it will be refilled again.

"This sword is not bad, I took it."

Feeling the power of the Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword, Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

The Dahi Star sword is a natal sword. More often, it needs to be conceived and grown. Naturally, it also needs a sword for daily use.

This Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword is far more powerful than the Mo Jiao Sword, which is just right.

Nie Yuan on the side, looking at the thunder and lightning, remembered the invincible scene that Su Zhan had just turned.

Suddenly, Su Zhan didn't agree to the Sect Leader of Pill Sword Sect.

If Young Master Su were to serve as the Sect Leader, then the Pill Sword Sect would definitely become stronger in the future, and he Nie Yuan would naturally have many benefits.

It’s just a pity that Young Master Su doesn’t like it at all...

Nie Yuan sighed in his heart.

In the future, there will be some fierce elders who will confuse yourself against Master Su, so you can just grab them and offer them to Master Su!

Anyway, it is impossible to really defeat the abnormality of Young Master Su, it is better to make a contribution!

Nie Yuan thought secretly, showing more respect for Su Zhan.

Afterwards, Su Zhan searched again.

He unceremoniously took away all kinds of Medicine Pills, strange treasures.

After coming out of the treasure house, he came to the position of the Sect Leader Hall of Pill Sword.

This place is very vast, and it is also one of the strongest Spiritual Qi among the many mountain peaks, which is very suitable for cultivation.

In the next time, Su Zhan began to cultivate the Thunder Light Escape Technique, the Heavenly Star Dragon Soul Sword Technique.

And Nie Yuan also designated the mountain where Su Zhan was located as a forbidden place, and no one to disturb him, and began to reform the Dan Jianzong, abolished all the previous rules of the extreme exploitation of other forces and the Practitioner, and restrained the doormen.

On the second day, the incident of the Dan Jianzong's accident spread, and a few days later, all the major forces in the radius of a thousand li were all known.

This kind of thing can't be concealed, after all, one Sect, only Nie Yuan and the golden robe Elder are left. How can you conceal it?

However, despite the news, no power dared to act rashly.

None of them are fools.

In the legend, the mysterious Young Master Su who killed the Sect Leader of Pill Sword Sect and dozens of Elders with his own power is still in Pill Sword Sect!

They couldn't get the benefits in the past.

Death is very possible!

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