"Feng Yue! Madman Feng Yue!"

"It is rumored that his methods are extremely harsh. He once put the enemy on the fire for three days and three nights before letting him breathe!"

"This person is very narrow-minded, Yazi will report it, let's retreat quickly, don't irritate him!"


The two Practitioners who were just about to get angry, heard Feng Yue's name and felt the terrifying power of Feng Yue Yulong's Fourth Change, their expressions changed, and they left one after another.

Although the requirements of the Void Hall are below the holy ones, many people who came to the Void Hall to explore during this trip still had many second and third changes.

After all, although the void map is precious, it is circulating throughout the Profound Sky Dynasty and even other dynasties, and the total number is not large.

Moreover, some homes with enough Spirit Stones can also be purchased through various channels. The Void Map itself is not a great treasure, but it is only considered a treasure in Jiuhe County.

And the fourth change of Yulong, especially Fengyue, is a fierce man who is famous in Jiuhe County, Dan Jianzong and other big forces must give him Face, and it is definitely counted among the many Practitioners who come to explore the Void Palace. The top is the strong.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Yue dares to be so arrogant.

Of course, before falling, he also probably sensed the Cultivation Base of the Su Zhan people below, and then unscrupulously said the words that made others get out.

In fact, his deterrence is also very useful.

There were a total of four people on the island, including Su Zhan, and two had already run away.

Chu Xuan hesitated for a moment, and said to Su who did not move: "Su Fellow Daoist, this person has a reputation in Jiuhe County, and his strength is considered strong in the Fourth Change of Yulong. Let's go. It’s nothing but a place."

Su Zhan gave Chu Xuan a surprised look.

Unexpectedly, this person would remind him to leave, but it made him a little surprised.

With a faint smile, Su Zhan said, "Chu fellow daoist, if you want to go, let's go. This is a place to stay, not a censored site. They are qualified to let me leave."


Chu Xuan smiled bitterly, "Is it the first time that Su Fellow Daoist has come out to practice? In this world, how can it be said? I think Su Fellow Daoist is so young, and it is a pity that he died. Su Fellow Daoist, don’t you smell it, a living talent Eligible to reason?

Hearing my persuasion, there was no face for a while. I waited for the Practitioner. I don’t know how much younger he is. The gentleman takes revenge, it’s not too late for ten years! "

"What are you two babbling about? Don't you get out of here!"

Seeing that Su Zhan and Chu Xuanyi hadn't left yet, Feng Yue began to talk instead, thinking of him as air, and suddenly angered.

"Su fellow daoist, say it all here, it is only the third change of the fish and dragon in the next, even if there are some methods, it is to show off in the void hall, now, Su fellow daoist take care!"

Chu Xuan hesitated, but chose to leave.

He and Su Zhan are just strangers. Although they have some affinity, they said a few more words, but it is obviously impossible for him to fight hard for a stranger.

"Chu fellow daoist go well."

Su Zhan said, there was no surprise in his heart.

If Chu Xuanyi really stayed here and confronted Feng Yue with a stranger who didn't know his strength and had a detailed knowledge, he would think that Chu Xuanyi might have broken his head instead.

Or, have ulterior motives.

"When you were cultivating just now, I had already clearly sensed that your Realm is only the second change of the fish and the dragon. If you still don't get out, do you think your life is too long?"

Feng Yue looked at Su Zhan in surprise.

"You have to stay here, yes, but you are not qualified to let me go. This is the truth that your parents should have taught you. Do you want me to teach you again?"

Su Zhan said lightly.

Just now, he and Chu Xuan communicated in a low voice. Many people didn't hear it. This time, he looked at Su Zhan's Practitioners curiously, and when he heard Su Zhan's words, they all froze for a while, and then they laughed.

I think, how can there be such naive people in this world?


It's ridiculous!

On a small island close to Su Zhan’s island, a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe sneered: “I’m really an ignorant kid. You are reasonable with the brother. Do you want me to teach you a lesson for the brother. Boy?"

"It turned out to be Xie Yun fellow daoist. When the old man goes to Quling County, he will definitely go to your Xie's house for a cup of tea. As for this brave boy, don't bother fellow daoist!"

Feng Yue glanced at the middle-aged man who was also quite familiar with Yulong's Fourth Change, snorted coldly, and pushed out towards Su Zhan with a palm.

"Brother Xie, do you think Feng Yue is so stupid? Let you take this opportunity to make him owe him a favor?"

Next to Xie Yun, a Practitioner smiled.

"It doesn't matter, I just try it."

Xie Yun said: "Speaking of which, in Jiuhe County, people who dare to provoke Fengyue this old guy are almost extinct. This kid is only the second change of the fish and dragon, and he dares to call Ban Fengyue. Could it be that he is a big man with a deep background? Nothing?"

"It shouldn't be! The core geniuses of the big powers are out traveling, how can they not protect Daoist? Right now that kid is about to be beaten to death, and no one has come out to help."

"Well, it makes sense, but it's a pity that if I just killed this guy directly and Feng Yue was in front of so many people, I wouldn't be able to get through without thanking me. If I need his help in the future, I will speak better and blame me. I thought too much for a while, a little hesitant, hesitated, alas!"

Xie Yun sighed, thinking that he should just shoot and kill Su Zhan directly.

As soon as Chu Xuan fell on the surface of the water, his true essence revolved, stopping to watch, and his eyes were a little curious.

The second change of the ichthyosaur is so emboldened.

Could it be that he really has the strength to fight against Feng Yue?

As soon as this thought emerged in his mind, he saw a bright starlight suddenly appeared on Su Zhan's body.

Feeling Su Zhan's Blood Qi power, Chu Xuan's eyes condensed.

body cultivator!

Among the many cultivation paths of the Practitioner, the body cultivator has the strongest frontal combat power with swordsmanship.

Moreover, because there are too many sword repairs, the good and the bad are uneven, generally speaking, the body cultivator will be more powerful than the same Realm sword repair!

Because the road to the body cultivator is extremely difficult, every body cultivator has an extremely tenacious mind to go on this road!

If it is a body cultivator, mastering some extremely strong body training methods, boxing skills, and special tempering of the body constitution, it may not have the opportunity to fight against Fengyue!

After all, the second change of the ichthyosaur is just the beginning of a strong body cultivator!

Chu Xuanyi just thought about it in his heart. When he saw the scene ahead, the thought disappeared. Even his brain, because the scene he saw was too shocking, so there was a short blank. transfixed.

I saw it.

Ahead, Su Zhan turned the Star Promise Body and blasted out with a punch.

Then, just now, he was still arrogant and overbearing, Feng Yue, unexpectedly flew out at a faster speed than when he rushed towards Su Zhan!

Like a meteorite, it crashed on a reef hundreds of meters in front.


The reef burst instantly, and Feng Yue smashed into the lake!

A wisp of blood surged upwards, bringing that small piece of lake to the surface.

Dye red!

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