I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 152 Let's use my plan!


Chu Xuanyi suddenly had an urge to vomit blood.

Two swords killed the ichthyosaur Fifth Change, isn't it strong?

The key is that you are the second to change!

Still not satisfied?

This is so special!

I am a Realm taller than you anyway, I don’t want a face? ? ?

Chu Xuan was depressed in his heart, and said, "Fellow Daoist Su is right, let's go to the valley to seize the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Spring!"

"Well, by the way, since I ruined your formation flag, I will give you the fellow daoist Chu fellow daoist what was on this person."

Su Zhan's gaze fell in the mess, only some small cracks appeared on the surface, and the storage ring was not completely damaged, and said to Chu Xuanyi.

The material of the storage ring is very special, named Kongyu.

After the master refiner burns the space inscriptions and opens up the inner space in it, unless the destructive power reaches the level of smashing the void, it is difficult to smash the storage ring with one blow.

When the material of empty jade was just discovered, some people even thought of refining it into a defensive armor suit, but in the end it was discovered that empty jade could not block the attacking power.

In other words, if someone else comes with Sword Qi, Kongyu may be okay, maybe people will.

Moreover, once the empty jade is refined into a large area, it is difficult to open up a stable inner space, even the empty jade itself will become extremely fragile and become a waste product!

Those master refiners had no choice but to give up this idea in the end.

But thanks to the special feature of Kongyu, otherwise this storage ring is going to be soaked, and it is estimated that most of the contents will have to be damaged!

Thinking about this, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Zhe's mouth, and he took the storage ring in the air and handed it to Chu Xuanyi.

"Is this not so good?"

Chu Xuan hesitated.

"It's okay, Chu fellow daoist needn't say much."

Su Zhan shook his head and threw the storage ring directly to Chu Xuanyi.

These things are nothing to him.

Besides, what he got from the Fifth Ichthyosaur Aged was more than what was in the storage ring of the cheeky man.

What's more, he had a good impression of Chu Xuan. Since he damaged the formation of others, he would simply use this storage ring as compensation.

At this moment, Chu Xuan saw Su Zhan's decisive attitude, and did not shirk any more, but cupped hands and said: "Thank you Su fellow daoist!"

"Well, let's go find the Wannian Lingquan!"

"and many more!"

Chu Xuanyi took out some extremely small formation flags, moved his body, and inserted them into the desert outside the valley.

"Su fellow daoist, this is a light breeze sensing array. It has no attack and defense capabilities, but it is very concealed. It can sense some powerful auras. By then, it will echo the main formation flag in my hand!

In this way, if someone approaches, we will be able to detect it immediately, and the danger of being ambushed and attacked is eliminated! "


Su Zhan glanced at the formation flags that had been completely inserted into the ground, and unless he concentrated on his mind, it was hard to find, and nodded.

Afterwards, the two walked into the stone valley.

Su Zhan stopped after not getting far.

Chu Xuan was slightly startled, and solemnly said, "Have you sensed that Serpent King?"

"You Snake King? No, but..."

Su Zhan turned his eyes and looked at the little snake that was about one meter long that had crawled out of the crack in the stone.

Chu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and took out a bottle of yellow powder: "This is the ghost snake, fellow daoist Su, you only need to sprinkle this yellow spirit powder on your body, and those ghost snakes will treat you as nothing!"

"This Huang Ling powder... why is it so smelly?"

Su Zhan took it and opened the bottle cap, when a disgusting smell came, he frowned.

"Sue fellow daoist don't mind, the yellow spirit powder is sprinkled on my body, and the peculiar smell will be eliminated immediately after contact with the air, don't you see that my body is covered with yellow spirit powder, isn't it tasteless?"

"Forget it."

Su Zhan shook his head and handed back the bottle of Huang Lingfen.

Subsequently, he directly used the means of refining the gods and manifesting the sacredness.

The cyan sun appeared, and under his control, it attacked the mental energy of those serpents!

Such a powerful means of refining the gods and manifesting the saints!

This fellow daoist Su is obviously a sword repairer. Why is his physique and mental energy so strong?

Feeling the terror of that round of Qingyang, Chu Xuanyi was puzzled.

"Huh? Can't even kill these serpents?"

Seeing that even though the quiet snakes were moving slowly and tumbling more painfully, Su Zhan was a little surprised.

"Su Fellow daoist, You Snake's soul consciousness is a bit special. It can connect dozens or even hundreds of soul consciousnesses. It has great immunity to Mental Energy's attack methods. Although your trick is powerful, it is nothing to the You Snake clan. use!"

Chu Xuanyi explained.

It turned out to be so.

Su Zhan understood, put away the means of refining the gods, and took out the pendant that Su Zhaoyue gave him.

Since the fake Qingyang magic fire is useless, try the real fire!

With a thought, the sun's spirit flew out.

Under Su Zhan's control, it turned into an extremely slender but extremely long line of fire!

The line of fire, centered on Su Zhan, formed a circle.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly spread towards the surroundings!


Countless serpents made painful noises, each spitting out black liquid, and a layer of black light appeared on the surface, trying to extinguish the flame.

But, the sun's essence of fire, the nature of nothing but no burning, can these serpents be able to fight it?

Soon, that circle of flames moved further outside.

There are scorched corpses left behind!

"Damn human beings, dare to burn and kill my serpent clan! I want you to die!"

An angry spiritual message came.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the valley, there was a huge sound, and a huge serpent with a head about the size of a house and a hundred meters long appeared!

You Snake King!

The serpent king opened her mouth wide, and a black light covered the flames.

Suddenly, Su Zhan felt that the sun's essence fire was actually extinguished, and quickly took it back.

Although the sun fire is powerful, it needs to grow slowly with the Practitioner Cultivation Base and the control of the flame.

Today's Sun Jinghuo is obviously not the opponent of the black light in the mouth of You Snake King.

If it is completely extinguished, I am afraid that this strange fire will be completely lost!

"Su Fellow daoist, although Huang Ling powder cannot be ignored by You Snake King, it can interfere with his judgment. Sprinkle it on your body and help me delay it for a while. When I reverse the Five Elements formation, suppress You Snake King for ten and a half days. Months are not a problem!"

Chu Xuan's pupils shrank, and he threw the bottle of Huang Ling powder to Su Zhan. Immediately behind him, a light wing appeared, and large formation flags over one meter long were waved by him or nailed to the mountain or the ground.

Or hang directly in the air!

For every additional array flag, the other array flags will hum, and Spirit Power will surge one after another, connecting these array flags!

"Su fellow daoist, what are you doing in a daze!"

Chu Xuan yelled anxiously when he saw that Su Zhan had actually put away the bottle of yellow spirit powder without any other actions.

Su Zhan felt the aura on You Snake King's body, which was much stronger than the fifth change of the ichthyosaur, so he no longer hesitated and directly aroused the divine body.

Dahi Star's vision appeared in the sky above him, and a little starlight flew out, turning into a slender Dahi Star sword and fell into his hand.

The blue light of Fengshen boots flashed under his feet, and a layer of bright stars appeared on the surface.

Su Zhan is like a god descending into the world, stepping into the air with one step, and while rushing towards the Serpent King, he said:

"Chu fellow daoist, your plan is too troublesome, so let's use my plan!"

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