I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 159 The protagonist's adventure halo!


Moguang's mouth twitched.

The senior was beaten to death by you, what do you want me to say?

I said your uncle!

He cursed in his heart, but when he thought that Su Zhan could even kill the blood-eyed demons, the magic light trembled in his heart.

The next moment, he finally couldn't restrain the fear in his heart, he bent his knees and knelt down!

"Master Su, spare your life! I am willing to surrender Master Su!"

From the back, Bloodfang stared at this scene blankly, with a trance, feeling that he was still in a dream.

He used Blood Essence to build a blood formation and finally broke the seal, and the powerful demon who was released was actually killed by Su Zhan?

Isn't it invincible under the saint?

Why was it killed by a third ichthyosaur? ? ?

After the dumbfounded force, bloody teeth felt horrified in his heart.

Su Zhan's ability to kill the Blood-Eyed Demon Race does not mean that he is invincible under the Holy One?

That is to say, he is the strongest among all the Practitioners in the Void Hall!

Own, actually clashed with such a terrorist figure?

In front of the valley, still brazenly wanting Su to be killed without a burial place?

If at that time Su Zhan really rushed out of the valley...

Isn't he dead? !

After a while, Bloodfang was afraid, his back clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and his whole body shuddered. He knelt down like a magic light, and his voice trembled: "Master Su killed the demons, it's really a great blessing for my human race!

The demons and our human races don’t share the same heaven. Although our Blood Demon sect is a little different from the general sect, we still stand in the human camp. The demons are released from this place, but it is just to bring out and kill him with the power of a big formation. !

Now Young Master Su, you are slaying demons for me and us. On behalf of the Blood Demon teacher, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Young Master Su! "

When the magic light in front heard this, he almost suffered an internal injury.

The Demon Senior, who was finally released, was beaten to death, so why does the Blood Demon Sect thank Su Zhan?

I thank his ancestor for eight lifetimes!

His heart was extremely angry, but the magic light on his face did not dare to show the slightest.

He even agreed: "Bloodfang is right, we teach Blood Demon, to Master Su, you... sincerely thank you!"

Su Zhan frowned, just about to speak, suddenly his face changed slightly, and he looked at the huge demon corpse with feeling.

"Human race boy, I remember you, you wait, I will make you worse than death!"

A voice of infinite anger and hatred sounded.

That demon clan turned into a cloud of black energy and flew quickly towards the distance!

His head was cut open, but he was not dead yet?

Su Zhan was also a little surprised for a while, the true essence in his body was revolving, and small electric arcs emerged from him.

The next moment, he turned into a thunder light, caught up with the black devil, and cut it down with a single sword!

Star Dragon Soul Sword Technique!

However, this time it was not in the form of a Sword Qi star dragon, but cut out a wide Galaxy Cluster. In the Galaxy Cluster, there is a golden real dragon roaming!

That Galaxy Cluster Sword intent shrouded a large area in front of it, and the blood-eyed demons could not escape and were cut to the ground.


A big pit appeared on the ground, and in the pit, a group of black magic energy gleamed, and it seemed to have been cut by this sword.

"Not dead yet?"

Su Zhan slashed again with a single sword.

The second sword, the third sword, the fourth sword...

That area has already been cut out by his Sword Qi into a terrain like an underground canyon.

But that group of black energy, except for a little weakened, still hasn't completely dissipated.

In the black air, a pair of blood-red eyes appeared, exuding endless hatred.

"Human kid, you can break the'Incarnation Devil Qi Dafa' of this seat? The opening period of the Void Hall is not a few days, right? When your time is up, it will be sent out. At that time, this seat will be restored to the Cultivation Base. , To go out of the Void Hall, you must be cut with a thousand swords! A thousand swords with a thousand cuts!!!"

"Really can't kill?"

Su Zhan frowned.

Although every sword can weaken a little bit, it is very small. If it continues like this, if it continues for a few days, it really may not be able to completely kill the blood eye demon clan.



Incarnate devilishness?

Su Zhan's heart moved and put away the Dahi Star sword.

Instead, he took out the weaker golden thunder bamboo sword.

If you remember correctly, the golden thunder bamboo sword contains the evil golden thunder, and it is dedicated to the evil spirits?

"Golden Thunder Bamboo! How can you have Golden Thunder Bamboo!"

Just now there was no fear, the extremely angry Blood-Eyed Demon Race saw the golden thunder bamboo sword in Su Zhan's hand, and his voice suddenly trembled!

Jin Lei bamboo sword, punish evil Jin Lei!

Of course, if he was in his heyday, not to mention the Golden Thunder Cultivation, it was the Heavenly Thunder Wood stronger than the Golden Thunder Bamboo. The Sky Cultivation Thunder contained in it, even if it was released from the hands of a sage, would not be able to do anything. Up him!

Even, as long as he still had a physical form and was not forced by Su Zhan to use the Incarnation Demon Qi Dafa, he had the means to evade and resist the evil gold thunder.

After all, Su Zhan's Cultivation Base is low, and he doesn't have a special lightning technique for cultivation, and he can't fully utilize the power of Jin Lei.

But now, he was forced to incarnate demon energy, unable to change his form in a short time, but he didn't have any means of resisting the evil Jin Lei!

The fear in his heart reached the extreme, and the devilish energy of the blood-eyed demon flew towards the distance.

Want to escape.

But it was too late.


The golden thunder bamboo sword burst out from Su Zhan's hand, like a golden thunder light, inserted into the black magic energy!

Immediately afterwards, the evil Jin Lei contained in it was suddenly released!

"Do not!"

The blood-eyed demons let out a heart-piercing scream.

One second later.

The dazzling golden thunder light dissipated, and the black energy also dissipated invisible, leaving only two blood-red eyeballs on the ground.

Until this time, those onlookers woke up like a dream.

"He, he actually killed the demons!"

"Although this Young Master Su is the third change of the fish and dragon, he is already invincible under the sage!"

"Invincible under the saint? How do I think he might really kill the saint?"

"Young Master Su is naturally very strong! Today I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that Young Master Su would kill the Demon Race, which is equivalent to saving my life!"

"If it weren't for Young Master Su to stand up, with the brutality of that Demon Race...we would all be devoured by him!"

"Master Xie Su's great favor!"


An old man knelt down first, respectfully worshiping, his voice shook the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a famous Practitioner knelt down.

"Master Xie Su's great favor!"

Voices sounded one after another.

Chu Xuanyi was a bit tangled at this time.

This... how to say Sue fellow daoist is his teammate.

If he kneels like this, is it a bit too awkward to lose face...

At this moment, Su Zhan hadn't heard the voices of those people.

He didn't even put away the pair of bloody eyes.

Because, his attention now is completely focused on the system message that suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Ding! Complete the achievement task'First Time Killing the Demon Race' and unlock the new halo [Protagonist's Adventure Halo]!"

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