I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 161 Wan Jian penetrates the heart, Deva is one!

"No, it shouldn't! Wan Jiantu is not a Practitioner can inspire. For thousands of years, it has been silently hanging the Great Hall of the Void, so that people can watch and understand, how can it be actively inspired today!

Moreover, these Sword intents are just shocked once, and I have a headache! It only takes six or seven Sword intent shocks at most, and my mental consciousness must collapse!

too frightening! Sue fellow daoist, let’s get out of here first! "

While Chu Xuan was panicked.

The other Practitioners in the Ichthyosaur Realm also changed their faces.

"Ten Thousand Swords! The Great Hall of the Void Treasure Thousand Swords Chart has appeared!"

"A Sword intent almost destroyed my spiritual consciousness. According to legend, this picture is the ancient strong cultivation Mental Energy, the treasure of tempering the Sword intent. Is this really capable of cultivation Mental Energy, Sword intent? Instead of directly rushing people into Stupid???"

"Damn! In the past, Ten Thousand Swords pictures were hung in the Great Hall of the Void and would not be inspired. Our Cultivation Base can barely gain insight. Now it is like this. A Sword intent is unbearable for me, let alone. There are so many things!"

"Run out of this area, otherwise, even if we are physically immortal, we are afraid that the rest of our lives will be muddled and become idiots!"


A famous Yulong Realm was terrified, and he escaped for more than ten miles, outside the area covered by Wan Jiantu, before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Xuanyi was also very anxious in his heart: "Su fellow daoist, if you don't leave, you--"

Su Zhan was a little surprised: "Chu fellow daoist, you didn't mean that Wan Jiantu is a treasure for tempering Practitioner Mental Energy, Sword intent. Now that I have a chance to temper, why should I leave?"


Chu Xuan gave a wry smile: "I said, but that refers to the Wanjiantu that hasn't been activated. Now that the Wanjiantu is excited, even if it is only excited by 1%, the effect is more than ten times more than before!"

Su Zhan was even more surprised: "Isn't this better?"

Chu Xuan was completely speechless.

The special daddy's head is almost destroyed by these Sword intents, you tell me it's better?

That’s right, it’s a pervert who forgets you, let me tell you a hammer!

You won't have any trouble!

Thinking that Su Zhan is not an ordinary person at all, Chu Xuan quickly said: "Su fellow daoist, slowly cultivate, I will run away first, and wait for you outside!"

After speaking, Chu Xuanyi's wings spread behind his back and flew towards the outside.

"Chu fellow daoist is such a good person! He actually gave me all the opportunities for such perfect cultivation!"

Su Zhan was a little emotional.

When Chu Xuan, who was flying in the air, heard this, his wings crooked and almost fell from the sky.

Ha ha!

Am I not letting you wait for death here? ? ?

Chu Xuan speeded up and fled this area.

Looking back, Wan Jiantu lowered two small swords made of Sword intent and charged towards Su Zhan.

"Su Fellow Daoist! It is said that in the Insight Wanjian map, only one Sword intent can be insight at the first time, then two, four, eight... Su Fellow daoist, be careful! Don't impulsively induce too many Sword intents. The soul can't bear it!"

Chu Xuanyi's voice came.

Su Zhan frowned slightly.

Two ways.

Four ways.

Eight Roads.

Sixteen roads.


Ten thousand Sword intents, when will it be cultivation?

No, instead of waiting for the number of passive Ascension Sword intents, it is better for me to actively attract those Sword intents to come!

Cultivation one after another is too slow.

In that case, let's do it all!

Thinking in his mind, Su Zhan took a deep breath and looked up at the huge Wanjian Tu. Mental Energy tried to stretch towards the Wanjian Tu. At the same time, the swordsman halo, mental energy halo, xinxing halo, and savvy halo were all opened!

Dacheng’s Heavenly Star Dragon Soul Sword intent emerges!

The next moment, a sword with a handle on the map of 10,000 swords really seemed to resonate, shining brightly.


One after another, the small sword transformed by the Sword intent rushed towards Su Zhan!

Ten Dao.

Hundred Ways.

Thousands of ways.

Ten thousand ways!

At first, the ten Sword intents rushed down first, like a ditch.

At the end, Wandao Sword intent converged!

Turn into a big river purely composed of Sword intent!

"Su fellow daoist, this, this, is this crazy????"

Just now he reminded Su Zhan to be more careful, and seeing this scene in a blink of an eye, Chu Xuan was stupid.

It's not just him.

Those Yulong Realm Practitioners who also paid attention to Su Zhan were also stunned.

Su Zhan is indeed abnormal.

They all admit it.

Therefore, even if Su Zhan could ignore the threat of Wan Jiantu and cultivate there, they didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Even if Su Zhan instigated thirty or fifty Sword intents at one time, they at most admired: Su Gongzi is truly unparalleled in the world!

But this is ten thousand, ten thousand!

Even if you are a saint, you dare not do this, right?

Are you really afraid of being rushed into an idiot? ? ?

Everyone looked at Su Zhan dumbfounded.

But Su Zhan was very happy at this time.

Under the influence of several protagonists' auras, the impact of those Sword intents on his Mental Energy has been infinitely reduced, but the understanding of Sword intents has greatly increased!

As the river of Sword intent rushed through him one by one.

His Sword intent Realm quickly Ascension, and finally, the 10,000 Sword intents were washed out and returned to the Ten Thousand Swords Map.

And Su Zhan also stood up from the ground.

He didn't take the initiative to lead the Sword intent anymore, but pierced forward with two fingers and sword at will.


In the space ahead, a ripple immediately appeared, as if pierced by a sword!

"Heaven and Earth Qi Machine..."

Su Zhan murmured, put away the Sword intent of the Heavenly Star Dragon Soul, drew out the Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword, and slashed out a sword at will.

This sword looks very ordinary, but it is so ordinary.

Let life be a kind of, this sword is not from Su Zhan at all, but the feeling that heaven and earth are born on their own!

Moreover, when this Sword Qi flew out, the surrounding world Spiritual Qi also poured into the Sword Qi, making this sword more powerful!


This Sword Qi was cut on the roof beams and pillars outside the Xutian Great Hall.

Liang Zhu, who had gone through the fierce fighting and was safe and sound, suddenly shook, and immediately, a clearly visible crack appeared on it.


The upper eaves and the upper part of the beams and columns slide down the incredibly smooth cut surface and collapse!

"Deva is one!"

"Regardless of the artistic conception, at the highest Realm, it is the unity of Deva!"

"This is a level that many sages can't perceive! Deva is one, human fatal intent is heavenly fatal intent! You can mobilize heaven and earth Spiritual Qi for your own use, and increase attack power!"

"The Unity of Deva... Since ancient times, everyone who has achieved the Unity of Deva will eventually become a sword master far beyond the existence of ordinary saints! This is a future sword master!"

"The question is, why did he carry 10,000 Sword intents to assault? Did he realize that Sword intent is the highest Realm, and Deva is one?"


Those Practitioners who were so excited and shouting, heard this sentence, and fell silent.

You ask us?

We want to know why he is so outrageous!

At this moment, Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

Deva is one, known as the highest Realm of Sword intent!

Many saints don’t want Insights. If I encounter the blood-eyed demon clan now, I will only need three swords at most to disintegrate his body and use that incarnation of the devil energy Dafa!

Su Zhan secretly said in his heart, putting away the sword, ignoring the sporadic Sword intent impact, and heading towards Chu Xuan.

"Su fellow daoist, you, you are really, but really..."

When it came to his lips, Chu Xuanyi couldn't say it again, so he had to silently add in his heart: It's really abnormal!

Su Zhan didn't care either, turning his head to look at the picture of Ten Thousand Swords.

As soon as Chu Xuan saw what Su Zhan was thinking, he smiled bitterly: "Su fellow daoist, be content! You are all in one Deva, is it possible that you still want to take away Ten Thousand Swords?

I said before that under the saint, it is impossible to take it away, but in fact this sentence is wrong.

Outside, many saints have said that even if they can come in, they may not be able to collect it.

Sue fellow daoist you—"

"If you don't try, how do you know?"

Su Zhan smiled, opened the aura of the strange treasure, stretched out his hand, the power of the true essence emerged, and pulled at Wan Jiantu in the air.

It's like tearing off a curtain.

The Wanjian Tu that covered the sky and the sun was torn from the sky by him, and flew towards his hand!

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