I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 166: Is He Worthy Of Me To Take Action?

This statement came out.

Those Practitioners who were still in the shock of Ling Hao being killed by the town had suddenly awakened.

All the pupils shrank, and my heart was terrified.

"No, no no! Misunderstanding! It's a misunderstanding! I will never offend you, son!"

"Young Master Mingjian, I'm just watching the excitement!"

"My son, please forgive me! I'm still young, only ninety-eight years old, and still have a great time!"

"I'm only eighty-five, and I just became a dao companion with the person I like, please spare my life, I will enshrine the son in Immortal Cave, kneel down and pray day and night!"


One after another begging for mercy sounded.

After seeing Su Zhan slaying Ling Hao with a single sword, everyone was terrified, for fear that the next one would be themselves!

Those Practitioners knelt on the ground one after another, trembling, a little timid, already scared to urinate, and a large part of their crotch was wet.

It's not that they are too bad.

Rather, when they knew that they were trying to kill the object of the treasure, it was the strong man who could decide their life and death with a single thought.

The fear of Death is too strong!

Many people are very regretful in their hearts.

Secretly scolded himself for being stupid.

Now that there is a half-holy here, it is absolutely impossible for them to make a profit, so what are they still doing here?

Even if you are watching a show, stand farther away!

It's all right now, Ling Hao is dead, and they are also in danger!

The intestines of those Practitioners in the Yulong Realm were all regretful, and they knelt on the ground, waiting for Su Zhan's disposal.

In front of Su Zhan, they didn't even have the courage to escape.

Because the strength gap between the two is too big!

"Ninety-eight, eighty-five..."

Su Zhan was a little speechless, and said, "Since I have reached the age of entering the earth, I will give you a ride!"

As soon as the voice fell, the heavenly divine power descended, and the dozens of Ichthyosaur Practitioners all felt a terrifying force falling on them!

"Do not!"

"I don't want to die!"



Screams sounded one after another, and those Yulong Realm Practitioners aroused all their strength and wanted to resist.

But under this supernatural power, it was all in vain!

A few seconds later.

The internal organs and bones of those Practitioners were crushed forcibly, and all of them died.

The world is quiet again.

Listening to the screams, watching those people die in frustration, resentment, or despair.

Su Zhan's heart was calm.

These people came to kill him.

If he didn't have this kind of strength, he would be the one who died.

Moreover, just now, he also heard these people gleefully expecting him to be killed by Ling Hao.

These people are more than guilty.

Slightly raised his head and glanced further away, Su Zhan did not chase those Practitioners who were watching from a distance and fleeing in horror.

Although those people had the same purpose as these dead Practitioners at first, they didn't take action on themselves after all, and they didn't gloat for him to die. In that case, he didn't bother to take care of it.

What's more, it's troublesome to chase after running so far.

Taking photos of all the treasures of the dead Practitioner and Ling Hao in the air, Su Zhan looked back at Chu Xuanyi, who was still in shock, and took out some high-level storage rings from Ling Hao and Moguang. Healed Medicine Pill and handed it to him.

"Chu fellow daoist, don't go hunting for treasure these few days, take care of yourself!"

"Thank you Sue fellow daoist!"

Chu Xuanyi took over those healing Medicine Pill.

Afterwards, he was a little embarrassed: "Ashamed to say, my strength is too low, I can't protect Su fellow daoist at all..."


Su Zhan shook his head.

"By the way, fellow daoist Su, you are so talented, do you have the idea of ​​going to Sacred Land?"

When Chu Xuan remembered something, his heart moved: "If Su Fellow Daoist is interested, you and I can go together. I originally planned to go to Sacred Land after my visit to the Void Hall, and I would go to Sacred Land to apprehend a saint of the way of formation. , Concentrate on cultivation!"

"Is there any benefit in entering Sacred Land?"

Su Zhan asked curiously.

If there are only some saints teaching, it is actually useless to him.

"Entering Sacred Land, the benefits are too many to think of!"

Chu Xuan's eyes lit up and said, "First of all, Sacred Land disciples, no matter where they are, even those whose Cultivation Base is slightly higher than yours, will be respectful. Secondly, Sacred Land disciples will distribute many cultivation resources every month!

Moreover, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi in Sacred Land is at least ten times that of the outside world!

It is said that Sacred Land also controls many passages in foreign spaces. In those foreign spaces, there are various rare treasures that are not in the spiritual world! Only by becoming a disciple of Sacred Land can you be qualified to enter those exotic spaces! "

Exotic space?

Su Zhan suddenly thought of the Dark Star Forest. At the beginning, his trip to the Dark Star Forest allowed him to achieve the Star Divine Body. The alien space that Sacred Land mastered was probably more advanced than the Dark Star Forest, and there were more treasures in it!

Moreover, Sacred Land has more than one foreign space!

With this alone, entering Sacred Land can bring him great benefits!

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan nodded: "Then let's go to Sacred Land together! However, fellow daoist Chu, in the Yulong Realm, can only be an ordinary disciple in Sacred Land?"

"Of course not!"

Chu Xuan smiled dumbly: "The Yulong Realm, even in Sacred Land, is considered the upper level. If we successfully visit Sacred Land, we will be the core disciple of Sacred Land!

Moreover, in the core disciple, the one with the highest talent and the strongest strength will be selected as the holy son. Sacred Land resources are freely available, countless maidens of the sky are posted upside down, and the holy person protects the way for you. It is an infinite scenery! "

"So that's it, okay, about Sacred Land in the future, on our way to Sacred Land, fellow daoist Chu fellow daoist, let's talk more about it. It's important to heal the injury first."

"Yes, Sacred Land still has a while to recruit disciples this time, so I'm not in a hurry."

Chu Xuan nodded, swallowed a healing Medicine Pill, closed his eyes and refined.

At this time, the vision of heaven and earth began to fade away.

Su Zhan smiled slightly after turning Zhenyuan slightly.

After incorporating the Yuehua Divine Body, his talent has greatly increased!

Moreover, if you encounter other stars in the future, the physique of the sun and moon attributes, even if the opponent is also a divine body, will be suppressed by his divine body, and it will be difficult to exert its power!

"Da Ri, Star, Yue Hua...I am no longer Da Ri Star Divine Body, perhaps, it can be said to be Sun Moon Star Divine Body!"

With a whisper, feeling the power of the Sun Moon Star divine body, Su Zhan sat on the ground and continued to cultivate.


A few days later.

There was only less than half a day left from the ten-day period of the Void Hall.

Outside the Void Hall, on the Xuling Lake.

A huge monster bird fell from the sky on a larger island.

On the demon bird's back, four men fell to the ground.

"Feng Yue, the second change in the mere fish and dragon, is it really as difficult as you said?"

Just after landing, one of the skinny old men glanced at the surrounding empty lake and asked.

Hatred appeared in Feng Yue's eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "Lao Li, this kid with the surname Su is no ordinary person!

Although there is only the second change in the ichthyosaur, I feel that if he goes all out, his strength is no weaker than the fifth change in the ichthyosaur!

I almost lost his life that day! If it weren't for the luck to run into our Yu Beast Mountain people, take me back for treatment, I'm afraid I'm already dead at this moment!

This person and I are blood feuds, and I also ask Mr. Li to wait for the meeting to do his best, and not to give him any chance! "

"The Fifth Change of Fish and Dragon?"

Lao Li didn't speak yet, another middle-aged man wearing a green robe and a few flower-green bags tied around his waist laughed at Feng Yue's words and said with disdain:

"Feng Yue, are you making me laugh? The fifth change of the fish and the dragon. I can't even beat my spiritual pet. He is worthy of me to shoot?!"

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