I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 173 Mountain Guard Thunder Lion!

at this time.

In Ye Elder's eyes, Su Zhan's eyes had turned into a bloody whirlpool!

That vortex slowly revolves, slowly pulling his soul consciousness over!

First class wants to split, but Ye Elder can't even speak!

He can't even close his eyes and divert his eyes.

This feeling is like the night when an extremely terrifying grimace suddenly appears in front of you. You are scared, but unfortunately, after losing control of your body, you can only watch it cannibalize you!


so horrible!

The horror Ye Elder received was at least thirty times stronger than any grimace!

Under this great fear, even though he was a Practitioner in the Ichthyosaur Realm, he couldn't help trembling all over, even his pants were wet.

I was so horrified that I wanted to ask for mercy, but couldn't tell.

Three seconds later.

The light blue light in Ye Elder's eyes disappeared, his eyes were dizzy, the expression of horror still remained on his face, and his body fell back to the ground.

"Ye Elder!"

Lin Hao ran over with a panic on his face. After some investigations, his expression was terrified: "Ye Elder, dead!"

"Dead? How is this possible!"

"Isn't Ye Elder going to kill this Su Zhan with his pupil technique? Why, why was he killed by him instead?!"

"Just look at it and die! Who the hell is he!"

"Too horrible! Too horrible!"


A sound of panic sounded.

The Practitioners of the Practitioner were so scared that their faces were pale, their bodies trembled, and they retreated one after another, away from Su Zhan.

I was afraid that Su Zhan would also look at them and kill them!

In the square, eight inner disciple who maintained order also saw this scene.

I was stunned for about a second, and then all fled in all directions!

Just as Lin Hao wanted to escape, he suddenly remembered the small conflict he had just with Su Zhan, and he trembled, turned and knelt down.

"Su, Young Master Su, I was blind, blind to the dog's eyes, please, my lord, please have a lot of it, let me die!"

"I am the only child under my father's knees, and I, I want to give my parents to the end of their lives!"

"I have a marriage contract, and I am about to get married and start a business. Please take this for your sake, Lord Su, and spare me my life!"


Lin Hao's voice trembled, begging for mercy again and again.

But Su Zhan didn't even go to see him at all.

His gaze fell on the Ye Elder who was killed by his blood pupil occult technique, with a surprised expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, the blood pupil secret technique was more powerful than he thought, and he killed Ye Elder directly!

Under normal circumstances, if a person who is mentally attacked cannot bear it, he will become an idiot and will not die.

After all, most mysterious techniques don't really kill the soul, they just impact your spiritual consciousness.

But this demonic pupil technique can actually kill people directly!

Could it be that this is not purely Mental Energy attacking pupil technique?

Su Zhan felt suspicious in his heart.

There are many kinds of pupil skills, including mental energy and various other magical power attacks.

He didn't know this very well. Although he was a little confused at this time, he could only stop thinking about it for the time being.

Killing Ye Elder at a glance, Su Zhan did not smile, but frowned slightly.

According to his original plan, he just wanted to use the blood pupil secret technique to deter this person, causing his spiritual consciousness to be severely damaged, and it was just right to try the power of the blood pupil secret technique that had just been successfully cultivated.

Unexpectedly, this person, Mental Energy, is so weak.

I actually took a look and died...

It's all right now. Originally, I planned to ask Ye Elder to take him to find the ancestor, but now it doesn't seem to work anymore.

But an Elder is dead, and he will be able to alarm the saint ancestor soon, right?

In this case, it would be nice to wait here for yourself.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan's brows gradually stretched.

As for the death of this Ye Elder, there was no strange feeling in his heart.

He just asked, even if this person is unwilling to help, he shouldn't act directly.

Moreover, that kind of cold pupil technique, although it is not useful to him, but if it is someone else, even if they are not dead, they are still muddled now, it is better to die!

That being the case, no one can blame others for death.

Su Zhan took Ye Elder's storage ring away from the air, and then looked at Lin Hao, who was shivering and crying for mercy.

"get out."

After spitting out two words, Su Zhan stopped looking at him.

This person is not worth seeing.

"Thank you Young Master Su for your mercy!"

Lin Hao turned around and ran away if he was pardoned.


Because he was too panicked, he just turned around and fell to the ground, but he didn't stay for a second, got up quickly, and fled in embarrassment.


In the huge square, only Su Zhan was left.


Great Hall, the main peak of Yu Beast Mountain.

Yu Beast Mountain Sect Leader's gaze fell on the disciple who was terribly alarmed below. After hearing his story, he suddenly became furious!

"Damn it! My Yu Beast Mountain is the overlord of 30,000 miles around! Someone would dare to make trouble on my Yu Beast Mountain?!"

After the anger, there was another suspicious look in his eyes: "Huh? Su Zhan, Su Zhan...how does this name sound familiar?"

"Sect Leader! This person is Su Zhan who killed my three Elders on the Xuling Lake!"

A cold light flashed in Yu Beast Mountain’s Half-Holy Grade Elder’s eyes, and said angrily: “At the beginning, Sect Leader saw that the Elder was at fault, and did not pursue this person’s responsibility. Unexpectedly, he even dared Take the initiative to make trouble on our Yu Beast Mountain!

Sect Leader, this person is immortal, so how does my Yu Beast Mountain face! "

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a wave of agreement.

Of course, there are also objections.

"Feng Elder, are you afraid that you want to use the power of Sect to avenge your dead nephew Feng Yue?"

The other half-sage Elder said calmly: "Sect Leader, I think it's better to have a good talk with that person, let him admit a mistake, and apologize!"

Yu Beast Mountain Sect Leader frowned when he thought of Su Zhan.

"This Su Zhan is rumored to be the first person under the saint. There is a conflict with him. I am afraid that Yu Beast Mountain will pay a heavy price. Let's follow Yun Elder's meaning!"

"Sect Leader Ming Jian!"

The cloud who had just spoken Elder cupped hands gave a salute.

Feng Xu was very displeased: "Then what if the kid surnamed Su doesn't know how to praise, and refuses to admit his mistake and apologize? Let's just forget it? Where is Sect's majesty? Where is our face?!"

This time, Yun Elder did not oppose any more, and said: "This sentence is not wrong. We sincerely seek peace, but Su Zhan may not be willing to bow his head. Therefore, we need enough strength to deter this person and make him uncomfortable. The best way is to not bow your head, but to ensure that there will not be too much conflict, and that both sides can barely make it through Face!"

"In this case……"

Yu Beast Mountain Sect Leader groaned for a while, and when he palmed his hand, a jade card appeared, and he threw the jade card to Yun Elder, saying: "Let's go with the thunder lion guarding the mountain!

Lei Shi did not lose the semi-sage of mankind a hundred years ago, and now that a hundred years have passed, it has been stronger than most semi-sages. With you and Feng Elder, even if Su Zhanzhen can suppress the semi-sages like the rumors, it is absolutely impossible. Is the opponent of the three of you! "

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