I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 178 Don't you mind? (Sixth!)

"I don't see how."

Su Zhan said calmly.

Immediately, the Sun Moon Star divine body aroused!


A magic light emerges!

Above Su Zhan, Stars emerge to form a sea of ​​stars!

To the left of Xinghai, there is a big golden sun, glowing with scorching light!

To the right of Xinghai, there is a bright white moon, exuding cold moonlight!

At the moment when the divine body was aroused, a terrifying aura erupted from Su Zhan's body!

Thirty-six golden dragon veins appeared on the body, and Su Zhan cut them out with a sword!

Star Dragon Soul Sword Technique!

Sword Qi intertwined and flew out into a star dragon!

"What kind of divine body is this!"

The ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain standing on the cloud was shocked when he saw Su Zhan's divine body vision.

It's not that he hasn't seen the divine body.

But what is so special about, Star, Big Sun, Bright Moon, what the hell is the divine body with the three powers mixed together?

Moreover, the power of this peculiar divine body... so strong!

And this star dragon Sword Qi!

It's not something that can be cut out under the saint!

His gaze fell on the star dragon, and he sensed that every trace of Sword Qi contained terrifying power, and the pupils of the ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain shrank.

The power of the Saint Yuan in the body is exerted to the extreme.

The White Tiger roars!


Xinglong collided with the white big seal.

Failing to hold on for even a second, the White Tiger phantom above the white seal collapsed invisible!

The white big seal wailed, and cracks appeared on the surface!

The extremely pure white Saint Yuan gushes out from those cracks!

The next moment, the big white seal on that side flew out, unbiased, and hit the ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain above the clouds!

The ancestor of Yushoushan stretched out a hand, and the big white seal on that side shrank rapidly and changed into an ordinary seal, which he held in his hand.


The moment he caught the big seal, the power of Xinglong Sword intent was also transferred to him through the white big seal.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, and the ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain fell directly to the cloud under the bombardment of this terrifying force!

He smashed his body on Xiaoyun Mountain, which was in ruins below, and vomited blood again!

Many cracked seals in his hand returned to the Purple Mansion, and the ancestor of Yu Shou Shan put down a little bit.

Just now, if he directly collects the Great Seal into the Purple Mansion, he is afraid that he will be smashed into the Purple Mansion directly by this force, and he will die!

But if he avoids it.

The natal weapon is broken, and his injury will be more severe than now!

Therefore, he risked being bombarded by the power of the Star Dragon Sword Qi and wanted to take back the Great Seal.


This force is stronger than he thought!

Just a sword hurt him seriously!

"Sure enough, the saint is more powerful than I expected! You can't kill with a single sword!"

Above, Su Zhan's voice sounded.


The ancestor of Yushoushan spit out another mouthful of blood.

A dignified sage, who has not been killed by a ichthyosaur with the fourth sword, can he be called powerful?

Moreover, if it weren't for the White Tiger Sacred Seal that had resisted too much Sword Qi's power, that sword, I'm afraid it could really kill itself directly!

However, the White Tiger seal has now been damaged and cannot be used anymore.

He was seriously injured and couldn't show his strength.

Besides, even in the heyday, he couldn't stop Su Zhan with a sword. What is the difference between him and waiting for death now?

Thinking about this, the ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain quickly begged for mercy: "Su Zhan, Su Xiaoyou, please spare your life! I give up, give up!"

"You admit defeat?"

Su Zhan, who was just about to slash with a sword, stopped.

With a surprised look: "Then what about your face?"


The ancestor of Yushoushan was extremely ashamed, but in order to survive, he also gave up.

"My face doesn't count as a fart in front of Su Xiaoyou! I offended Xiaoyou Su just now! Didn't you say that Xiaoyou Su just now, those Elders are damned, let me restrain the doormen and not trouble Dan Jianzong?

I think you are too right! I will do it right away, do it! "

"But, would it be easier if you were to be killed?"

Su Zhan's eyes flashed and said.

The ancestor of Yushoushan suddenly felt horrified, and said hoarsely: "No! No! I swear, I swear I will never offend people related to Dan Jianzong and Su Xiaoyou! By the way! I am willing to offer me Yushishan Zhenshan. Give the treasure to Young Master Su!"

As he said, he took off the bracelet he was carrying with his left hand, and the bracelet gleamed. Several very special Demonic Beasts flew out of them, all with an inexplicable expression. You can see the ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain. With a miserable appearance, he suddenly shrank to the side, shivering, afraid to make any movements.

"Little Friend Su, this is the treasure of my Royal Beast Mountain, a spirit beast ring of the highest level of kingship!

Among them, the space is vast, and it has a great effect on Demonic Beasts, which can make those Demonic Beasts Ascension faster!

Also, placing Demonic Beasts in this spirit beast ring can strengthen the power of the beast beast rune and ensure that your spirit beast pet will not break through the beast rune and betray the owner! "

The best king?

Su Zhan's eyes gleamed slightly.

This is the strongest treasure under the sacred artifact.

As for the sacred artifacts, it is said that they are not in the hands of many saints, just like the ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain in front of them, and they did not obtain a sacred artifact.

This spirit beast ring of the best kingship level is indeed a rare treasure!

Now that the beast Taming aura is on, this spirit beast ring will definitely come in handy in the future!

Thinking like this, Su Zhan took the spirit beast ring, looked at it, and put it away.

Afterwards, he looked at the ancestor of Yushoushan: "I came here because I wanted to make it clear to you. You have to kill me if you want to, otherwise I didn't plan to shoot."

"Yes, yes! What Su Xiaoyou said is right, we were so wrong! I beg Su Xiaoyou forgive me once! I must change my mind and be a new man!"

The ancestor of Yushoushan nodded quickly.

"Since you recognize your own mistakes and swear to repent, then I won't kill you. However, you Yu Beast Mountain, that Elder, seems to be trying to kill me all the time?"

Su Zhan looked at Feng Xu.

The latter trembled and almost fell from the sky.

"Bastard! Don't you want to apologize to Young Master Su!"

The ancestor of Yushoushan roared.

Dragging the seriously injured body, he abruptly grabbed Feng Xu and brought it to Su Zhan.

"Of all the people in Yu Beast Mountain, you have the strongest intention to kill me.

Su Zhan's gaze fell on Feng Xu, and there was some doubt in his heart.


Feng Xu was terrified, his body trembled, and he stammered speechless for a while.

"Enlighten Young Master Su, he is the uncle of Feng Yue! The three Elders on the Xuling Lake were also instructed by him to besiege Young Master Su!"

Yun Elder rushed over and knelt on the ground.

Su Zhan's eyes were cold: "So, since you hate me so much, now I'm standing in front of you, why don't you take action?"

"No! No, no! I dare not, please--"

Feng Xu's horrified voice stopped abruptly.

A red line appeared on his neck, and after a short period of time, a lot of blood gushed out.

And he also fell while clutching his neck, his face was full of regret, and he died in horror.

Killing Feng Xu with a sword, Su said: "Since the matter has been clearly stated, then I will also leave. I hope you remember what you said."

"Definitely, if I violated it, let me be struck to death by the sky thunder!"

The ancestor of Yu Beast Mountain swears quickly, he sighed with relief when he saw Su Zhan turning around and preparing to leave.

But The next moment, seeing Su Zhan turning around again, his heart immediately became frightened and uneasy again.

Cautiously and respectfully said: "Little friend Su, also, is there anything else?"

Su Zhan said: "There is nothing else, that is, I'm going to the far door, planning to borrow your mountain guard spirit beast from Yu Beast Mountain to ride, you won't mind?"

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