I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 181 Xiaoling Mountain, Lingyu Tower!

A few days later.

Northern Tianxuan Dynasty.

Amidst the wild mountains.

Lei Shi is racing fast.

The half-holy Demonic Beasts' power is spreading, and no other Demonic Beasts dare to beat Suzhan and others along the way.

"Fellow daoist Su, has already entered the edge of Xuantian Sacred Land, at most hundreds of miles, you can almost see Xuantian Sacred Land!"

Chu Xuan glanced across the surrounding wilderness, estimated the location, and said with a smile.

Su Zhan was a little surprised: "It's already on the verge. It takes hundreds of miles to see?"

"Su Fellow daoist, the Profound Sky Dynasty is different from other dynasties. There is only this Sacred Land. Of course, the Profound Sky Sacred Land is also a very powerful level among the many Sacred Lands in the Eastern Wasteland. It is only the land occupied by the Sacred Land building. , It reached a radius of three thousand miles!

If you add some miscellaneous peaks, such as the mountain peaks dedicated to taming Demonic Beasts, some areas for disciples' trials... and so on, the Sacred Land of the Profound Sky occupies an area of ​​about 30,000 li!

It is only a few hundred miles away, and it is indeed considered to have reached the edge. "

Chu Xuanyi explained.

After running for hundreds of miles, I can already see the towers and pavilions of Sacred Land.

"Because it is so huge, Sacred Land has twelve mountain gates, eight of which are outer gates and four inner gates. We are less than fifty miles away from that outer gate."

Chu Xuan pointed to the door in front of him and said.

It didn't take long for Thunder Lion to come to the gate of the mountain.

Even if it is Sacred Land, there are also low-level disciples.

The disciple guarding the Waishan Gate, but only the Cultivation Base, saw this thunder lion, and he was shocked.

However, they didn't show much fear. As Sacred Land disciples, even if they were a janitor, others would be against them, and they were afraid.

"Senior stop!"

The respectful cupped hands of that disciple of the Waishanmen saluted Lei Shi.

"Excuse me, why did the senior come to Sacred Land?"

"We are here to participate in the appraisal of Sacred Land recruiting disciples."

"It turns out that this is the case, but Sect has rules. No matter who it is, you must first enter the information and leave a breath of true vitality as an identity certificate, so as not to be mixed into Sacred Land by some people with ghosts. Forgive me, senior!"


Su Zhan was not displeased either. He stepped down from Lei Shi, entered his identity information according to the procedure, and after the registration was completed, he joined Chu Xuan and Zhang Ling continued towards the Inner Mountain Gate.

The outer mountain gate covers an area of ​​30,000 miles, and there are still many wild mountains and forests. Only the five thousand miles in the inner mountain gate can be regarded as the real Sacred Land!

"This Su senior, he doesn't have any airs!"

"Yeah, so is the Chu senior, and the thunder lion, which is much better than the quality of those who came to participate in the assessment these days!"

"Speaking of that thunder lion, the level of information recorded just now is semi-sage level, but its owner, Su senior, is only the fourth change of the ichthyosaur, which is really incredible!"

"Looking at this young Su senior, most of them are the core geniuses of some big forces. It's not a big deal for the elders to get a half-saint as a mount for him! After all, our holy son, that can choose the saint to protect the way! "

"makes sense."

Several disciples of the Waishanmen chatted a few words and continued to guard the mountainmen.


More than an hour later, Su Zhan came to the inner mountain gate.

After seeing Thunder Lion, those mountain gate disciples were also respectful and treated him as a powerful senior.

Even after hearing that he was participating in the assessment, less than ten minutes later, a semi-holy guide came.

"Brother Su, Brother Chu, in Xiajin Building, it is the Sacred Land deacon, responsible for guiding the two to participate in my Xuantian Sacred Land core disciple assessment!"

Wearing a pale white dress, Jinlou's cupped hands, who looked about 30 years old, gave a salute and glanced at the half-holy thunder lion beaten into a pig's head, his expression even more humble.

"Jin Deacon, I also have a little girl who intends to participate in your Sacred Land seedling assessment. What procedures are needed?"

Seeing that Jin Lou did not have the arrogant posture of Sacred Land at all, but was rather humble, Su Zhan also cupped hands and asked.

"Brother Su, you can surrender even the half-sacred thunder lion, and you must be a genius among geniuses. I'll let people take her to participate in the seedling assessment, and you don't have to worry about Brother Su."

Jinlou smiled, took out a white jade card, and stuck it to the center of his eyebrows. After a few seconds, he took it down.

"Brother Su, I have sent the nearest deacon through the holy card, he will be responsible for all this, we can go."


Su Zhan shook his head.

He didn't feel relieved if he didn't personally see who took Zhang Ling away.

"Then what Brother Su said."

Jin Lou was not impatient either.

Only in the fourth change of the ichthyosaur, there is a half-sacred thunder lion as a mount.

There are only two possibilities.

First, Su Zhan is the core training genius of the big forces.

Second, Su Zhan's strength is extremely strong, already surpassing the average half-sage.

Either way, it shows that Su Zhan is not an ordinary person, and it is best to befriend him.

With this in mind, Jin Lou took the initiative to introduce some of the regional divisions of its Sacred Land, and set up rules and regulations.

A few minutes later, a deacon from the Yuan Dan realm rushed over.

"Big deacon, two seniors, in Xia Qishan, came to pick up the seedlings to participate in the assessment Zhang Ling."

Qi Shan respectfully bowed to the three of Jinlou Su Zhan.

Even in Sacred Land, the Yulong Realm belongs to the upper echelons and is respected.

Su Zhan's gaze fell on Qi Shan, remembering this person's face, exhorted Zhang Ling a few words, and watched Zhang Ling follow Qi Shan.

Later, he brought the thunder lion into the spirit beast ring, and followed the golden building to a mountain full of pavilions and houses in Sacred Land.

"Brother Su, Brother Chu, this is Xiaoling Mountain. The core disciple is recruited once every ten years. Practitioners from all over the world live in this mountain. The Spiritual Qi on Xiaoling Mountain is quite rich, which is about several times that of the outside world. !

And every house and pavilion has spirit wine and spirit fruit that can enhance the Cultivation Base. If necessary, you can also shake the bells arranged in it. Even if you need a few female companions to serve, it is not impossible.

After all, there are many Practitioners in the world, and some people use the method of cultivation dual cultivation. Of course, such convenient and favorable conditions are not free to use.

From the day of move-in to the end of the assessment, no matter how many days you live, you will be charged 10 million Spirit Stones. Those pavilions will be charged an additional 5 million Spirit Stones. Among them, the spiritual rain building from the mountainside to the top of the mountain has a minimum of 20 million. Spirit Stones started, according to the location of Xiaoling Mountain, for every Spirit Rain Building higher, one million more Spirit Stones will be charged! "

Jinlou pointed to Xiaoling Mountain, and said that there were more than 20 delicate small buildings distributed like a ladder-like height of the same rank.

"So expensive??"

Su Zhan was stunned.

Just accommodation costs 10 million Spirit Stones to start, Sacred Land is Sacred Land!

This is so cruel than grabbing directly!

"Ten million Spirit Stones are just ten thousand sacred stones! Sacred Land is the peak of the Martial Dao of the Profound Sky Dynasty! Are Spirit Stones expensive?

It's really a frog at the bottom of the well. I'm afraid which ravine came out for the first time? "

At this moment, a luxurious car frame approached. In the car, a young man in a golden robe held a jade fan, glanced at Su Zhan, and turned his head in disdain to the fish standing aside respectfully. The Dragon Realm deacon said: "Li deacon, I want to stay in the best place in Lingshan. How many Spirit Stones are not a problem!"

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