I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 186 This mountain should be enough, right?

Is this a sword that an unsanctified human can cut out?

Looking at the star dragon containing the power of destruction, blasting through the air in front, leaving behind a vacuum zone.

Qing Niu's eyes widened, and his heart was shocked.

It's imaginary!

It must be illusory!

I'm the master's cow!

I don't believe that I can't beat a kid who is the fourth change in the fish and dragon!

The heart flared, the blue light flashed wildly on the surface of Qing Niu's body, and with a low roar, the ground under his feet collapsed, and it rose into the air and slammed into the star dragon!


Xinglong Sword Qi and Qing Niu horns resisted.


The air in that space was shattered and turned into a vacuum zone!

Sword Qi Xinglong started from the dragon's head, and it fell apart inch by inch!

But every time it shattered, the green light on the surface of Qingniu's body dimmed by one point!

Even the huge body, as if it could not bear this terrifying force, began to tremble!

In the end, the one-hundred-meter-long star dragon completely dissipated from the dragon's head to the dragon's tail.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan's Dahi Star sword slashed on the horns.

Like the last straw that crushed the camel, the blue cow howled in pain, and the huge body was chopped off by this sword!


The ground below is like being smashed by a meteorite!

The area of ​​nearly one thousand meters is sunken down!

A series of cracks extend from this depression towards the surroundings.

At the central location, Qing Niu felt a little horrified, but at the same time extremely angry.

"Damn it's kid! This cow Vajra is not bad, no matter how good your Sword Technique is, that's - damn it!"

Speaking of ordinary things, Qing Niu suddenly felt a little itchy on the top of his head.

Immediately, it saw half of its horns fall from its head.

Just ahead of it.

Green New Zealand was immediately stunned.

The horns that he had smashed to the sacred weapon were actually broken?

Didn't the master say that under the second-order saint, absolutely no one can interrupt my horns?

Also let me rest assured, don't be afraid, I am invincible among the first-order saints!

This is so special!

Cut my horns off with a single sword, how can I be invincible? ? ?

Just when the Blue Bull was stunned, Su Zhan also raised his sword again.

"Awesome! Take me another sword!"

"I'll pick you up, uncle!"

Hearing Su Zhan's voice from above, Qing Niu trembled with fright, took the horns in his mouth, turned his head and ran!

The extremely fast speed turned into a blue light, smashing all the trees blocking the road in front of him and fleeing.

"This cow...something interesting."

Su Zhan murmured, and did not chase.

Compared to the speed of this green bull's explosion, even if he used Lei Guang escape, he was still slightly slower.


This cow is not Demonic Beasts, it is just an ordinary domestic cow. It's just that, without knowing what great chance it got, it actually cultivated to the Holy Land.

Just now I heard the cow yelling something like a master.

A person who can raise a holy realm pet must be extremely powerful, and Su Zhan feels that it is better not to chase this blue bull.

When I really meet its owner, maybe I won't die, but this Wuguang hill is likely to be swept away.

Thinking like this, Su Zhan looked at Wuguang Hill.

"With so many five-light grasses, when do I have to pick them?"

Su Zhan frowned, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Thought of a wonderful way!

The next moment, his body surface was bright with stars, with the help of the power of the divine body, he came to the hill, put his hands on it, and slammed it!


The whole mountain is shaking!

It's like an earthquake!

Thirty-six dragon veins appeared on Su Zhan's body, and his strength increased again!


That mountain was pushed to the side by him from the ground!

When the hill was about to fall on its side, Su Zhan came to the bottom of the hill, as if carrying a bag of rice, first lowered his body, and then suddenly exploded!


The mountain was uprooted by him!

The Qiantianyang God Real Art worked to the extreme, and Su Zhan put this mountain into the ring of the cave sky.

He clapped his hands and took a few breaths.

"This mountain is really heavy. If you let me run 10,000 miles with this mountain on my back, I'm afraid it won't take me to rest for ten minutes to ease my mind!"

The breath returned to normal, and Su Zhan showed a happy smile.

This time, finally, there is no need to find any five light grasses.

This mountain is enough!

In the following time, Su Zhan took a leisurely walk in the Mangdang Mountain, roasting Demonic Beasts, cultivation cultivation, and very comfortable.

Another day passed.

At the end of the assessment time, a ray of light appeared on the numbered plate, pointing in the direction of the exit.

All practitioners must walk out of Mangdang Mountain within three hours, otherwise the results will be invalid.

Su Zhan directly threw out the Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword, and left with the sword.


Three hours later, thousands of people sat cross-legged on the square.

Take turns to go to the huge jade table where the two saints Elder are, hand in the own five-light grass and the numbered cards together, and register the results.

Many people did not meet the requirements and left with a lost look.

"This time the assessment is really too difficult! Five light grass is so concealed, it's too difficult to find!"

"Not only is it difficult to find, even if you find it, you will face various threats from Demonic Beasts!"

"Oh! Sacred Land is not so easy to enter!"


A series of lost voices sounded.

Ye Kuang glanced at those people and sneered: "You trash, you can't stay in your own den. You have to come out to be ashamed? You can enter Sacred Land?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the anger of those people and walked to the jade table: "Two Elders, I said that I would take fifty five sage grasses, but I never expected that I would kill a few semi-holy ones. Get a few more Demonic Beasts, a total of 53 plants!"

Ye Kuang waved his hand and threw the five-light grass on the jade table.

"Fifty-three plants!"

The two Elders were shocked and their eyes condensed.

"Sure enough, this son of luck, known as the most beautiful in a century, got so many five light grasses!"

"Ye Kuang, you have the grace of a saint!"

The two Elders were shocked, and the women who were following Ye Kuang screamed frantically.

"Ye Gongzi, Ye Gongzi got fifty-three five light grasses!"

"Young Master Ye is too strong, too strong!"

"It is said that Ye Gongzi is the son of luck of our Profound Sky Dynasty dynasty for a century. No matter what you do, Heavenly Dao will help!

Even if he fell off the cliff, he accidentally got the inheritance of the saint! Now it seems that these words are true! "

"Young Master Ye is so handsome, I want to give birth to Young Master Ye!"


Listening to the words of admiration and the shock of the two Sacred Land Elders, Ye Kuang was very proud of him, and enjoyed the admiration very much.

Suddenly, he remembered one thing, and his eyes searched among those Practitioners, and finally fell on Su Zhan: "Now, I have fulfilled my promise, but I don’t know that someone said two days ago that he would pick five hundred trees and five lights. Those who talk loudly, how many five light grasses have now gotten, are there five? Hahaha!"

As Ye Kuang's eyes condensed on Su Zhan, other people also looked at Su Zhan one after another.

All sneered, and some showed sympathy.

Moreover, after Ye Kuang said this, no one suddenly came forward to hand over the five light grass.

Obviously, everyone wanted to immediately see how many five-light grasses Su Zhan, who had spoken out before, gotten.

Of course, most people are waiting to see a joke.

The two Sacred Land Elder glanced at each other, and they were also curious in their hearts.

Yuehe Elder said: "Since the five-light grass registration scores will be available sooner or later, then don't wait. It just so happens to satisfy the curiosity of me and Xiao Elder to see how many five-light grasses you get!"

Xiao Lin also looked forward to saying: "You said so confidently before, could it be that you really got five hundred five grasses?"

"He can get five hundred plants, I Ye Kuang just--this, this, what the hell is this???"

Ye Kuang was halfway through his words, looking at the colorful hill flying out of Su Zhan's storage ring, his face suddenly changed, and his whole person was stupid.


The hill fell on the ground, causing the earth to tremble!

Smoke and dust are everywhere!

Only then did Su Zhan withdraw his true essence power, and looked at the two Sacred Land Elder, whose expressions were dull, and their eyes were about to come out.

"Fortunately, I picked up a mountain. There must be five hundred plants. I have to trouble the two Elders to count the details!"

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