I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 191 No Sword Saint King!

"Junior Ye Kuang, I would like to be the first person in the second round of assessment!"

Ye Kuang stood in front of the stone pillar, and his cupped hands saluted those sixteen-line powerhouses in a proud tone.

"Ye Kuang? Ye Family Ye Kuang?" Alchemy's Elder stared slightly, and showed a faint smile: "Ten years ago, I had practiced Medicine Pill with the Dan Sage of the Ye family. At that time, I had heard about it. Your name is, the point star body, thirty-six starlight veins, and it is said that you are born with strong Mental Energy and extremely high savvy."

"I'm familiar with this name. Ye Kuang, although your Ye family is not as good as Sacred Land, your cultivation conditions as the heir of the Ye family are not much worse than in Sacred Land. Why did you give up the opportunity of cultivation at the Ye family and come to participate? Our Sacred Land assessment?"

Elder from the Kendo department was a little curious.

"Thank you Dan Sheng senior for exaggerating, as for Sword Saint senior's question."

Ye Kuang said proudly: "In the Profound Sky Dynasty, although my Ye family is not weak, it is always headed by the Xuantian Sacred Land. Since I am Ye Kuang, since I am the proud son of heaven, I naturally want to cultivate in the best place!

Besides, when I enter Sacred Land, Ye Kuang will surely become a holy son. I will be holy in ten years and holy king in a hundred years. "

Hearing what he said, the representatives of the Sixteenth Series, Elder, were stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed.

However, no one blamed Ye Kuang.

Ye Kuang's words are very arrogant.

But in the name of his genius in the Profound Sky Dynasty, he has the right to be arrogant!

"Well, Ye Kuang, we all know your talent, but since you participate in the assessment, you should follow the rules and test it!"

An Elder said impatiently.


Ye Kuang nodded and walked into the four stone pillars.

As he moves the true essence, on top of the four stone pillars.

A series of inscriptions began to light up.

Those sacred places Elder also concentrated all of a sudden.

The four stone pillars actually represent four different levels of cultivation talent.

Inspiring a stone pillar to shine, it is low-grade, and all four shining, it is top-grade.

Of course, due to the small difference in talent, the brightness of the stone pillars is not necessarily the same between the same grade. The greater the light, the better the talent!


A ring of golden light appeared from the root of the first stone pillar, moving towards the top with great speed!

Where the golden light passes, the surface of the originally gray stone pillar becomes golden light!

In an instant, the first stone pillar completely turned into a golden light pillar!

Then, the second one!

While the stone pillar was lit up, Ye Kuang's talent in his body was constantly being stimulated. &

Strips of azure blue Meridians appeared on his body.

That is the special starlight Meridians.

More powerful than ordinary Meridians!

After stepping into the Saint Realm, the Meridians are completely sanctified, which will also make his combat power stronger than ordinary Saints!

"Thirty-six starlight veins! This alone is worth a sacred body!"

"Sure enough, Bufan, who is known as the son of the fortune of the Ye Family for a hundred years!"

"The thirty-six starlight veins are nothing, wait a minute, and see his point star god body, you will know what shock is!"

"Indeed, I have not actually seen the divine body, but the point star divine body is also extremely strong among many divine bodies, and it is only one point weaker than the strongest divine bodies such as the big sun divine body and the moonflower divine body. !"

"Those divine bodies are too illusory, I haven't seen them before, so take a good look at Ye Kuang-his divine body is aroused!"

Nearly a thousand geniuses from all over the world all stared.

Look forward.

Above Ye Kuang's head, several stars appeared!

When these Stars appeared, the 36 Meridians on Ye Kuang's body were also brighter!

A faint star radiated from him, and at the same time, the remaining stone pillars were all lit up!

The four stone pillars exude brilliant golden light!

The best cultivation talent!

Sixteen Series Elder's eyes shimmered, but he was not too shocked.

This situation was expected by them.

What they are more concerned about is Ye Kuang's 16-line specialization talent. This is the key to determining which line of cultivation Ye Kuang finally enters!

Three seconds later.

On the stone wall in front.

The first pattern began to shine.

The frescoed human body that seemed to be cultivating its physique started from the soles of the feet and reached the neck, stagnating.

Top grade refining talent!

Refining system represents Elder's face with joy.

Then, there are pill refining, refining tools, Fu Dao...

The last mural is a test of kendo talent.

That small sword, from the hilt to the end, is full of golden light!

The ultimate kendo talent!

Elder, the representative of the Kendo department, was ecstatic.

He said directly: "Okay, very good! Ye Kuang, the old man is the master of the kendo system, a tenth-order sage, and he intends to accept you as a disciple. Would you like to cultivate kendo with me?"


Ye Kuang refused without hesitation, his face full of arrogance.

Seeing this, Elder, the representative of the refining system, hurriedly said: "Ye Kuang, I am the Maya Elder of the refining system. My strength is not below our system master. Your refining talent is only slightly inferior to the kendo talent. Do not conflict!

With your talent, you can use your physique to assist kendo and increase your physique with kendo! Moreover, the strength of body refining is not inferior to kendo! Are you willing to worship me as a teacher and join me in the cultivation system cultivation? "


Ye Kuang said lightly.

Afterwards, the powers of the Fudao system, the magical system, etc. all wanted to take the leaf condition as a disciple, but they were all rejected!

Ye Kuang looked very arrogant, and suddenly, he looked towards the side of the square in response.

Where, I don't know when a tall old man with white beard and hair appeared, wearing a big blue robe, walking towards this side.

No Sword Saint King!

Ye Kuang's heart was suddenly very excited, the arrogant color on his face instantly faded, and he respectfully bowed to Tang Wujian's cupped hands: "Ye Jia Ye Kuang, see King Without Sword!"

A hint of surprise appeared in Tang Wujian's eyes: "Hey, do you recognize me?"

"Back then, the King of Swordless Sage killed three hundred powerful demon clan powerhouses at the border of the Profound Sky Dynasty with the Great Freedom and Phaseless Sword. Junior had followed his father at that time and was fortunate to have seen the King of Swordless Sage from afar!"

"Oh, I see."

Tang Wujian smiled slightly: "I have received the letter from the ancestor of the Ye family, and I have just seen your talent. It is indeed very good!"

"No Sword Saint King Absurd! Junior is not worth mentioning compared to Saint King senior!"

Hearing Tang Wujian's praise, Ye Kuang was overjoyed, but his face became more humble.

He is arrogant, but he also knows that in front of Tang Wujian, he has no arrogant capital.

Because, this is a terrifying existence that can subvert their entire Ye Family on their own!

"Don Elder, why are you here?"

Sixteen series Elder was shocked and quickly saluted.

Although they are all Elders, Tang Wujian is a holy king, and his status is much more noble than them!

"Why, the old man sees the genius he likes and wants to come over to accept disciples, can't he?"

Tang Wujian glanced at those people, not having a good air.

Don Elder wants to accept disciples?

Is it because of Ye Kuang?

That's right! Listening to the conversation between the two, Tang Elder did appreciate and praise Ye Kuang!

When those Elders heard these words, they almost concluded that Tang Wujian was going to take Ye Kuang as a disciple.

Ye Kuang felt the same way.

He even glanced at Su Zhan secretly.

His eyes were full of provocation, contempt, and disdain.

Nearly a thousand other geniuses from all over the world also looked at Ye Kuang with envy and jealousy.

At this moment, Tang Wujian's gaze swept across those people and fell on Su Zhan.

He smiled and said: "Su Zhan, my name is Tang Wujian, I am the Sacred Land Sacred King. Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

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