I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 195 Xuantian Great Hall!


"Why, do you think I am wrong, Master?"

Tang Wujian's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a while.

Kill everyone who wants to kill you...what a thing!

Why do I sound like you are not a powerful enemy, but a bunch of Chinese cabbage? ? ?

Can you kill if you want?

Tang Wujian was speechless, but changed his mind.

Su Zhan's metamorphosis, the fourth variant of Yulong can easily kill the saints, it's really not impossible to do it!

Thinking about this, he was a little depressed and said: "Yes, you are right!"

"Well, Master, don't ask me such simple questions from now on."

Su Zhan said earnestly: "Although you are old, you should always use your brain so that you don't get dementia..."

"Presumptuous! You—"

The dignified saint king was said to be dementia, and Tang Wujian was about to get angry subconsciously, but he immediately thought that this was the baby apprentice he had finally received, and his tone changed suddenly: "What you said makes sense..."

"Okay, Su Zhan, let's stop talking about this, let me see the Holy Lord!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Wujian waved his sleeves, took a white cloud in the sky, and stepped on the cloud, as if he was about to leave.


Su Zhan nodded, and also boarded Baiyun.

Tang Wujian breathed a sigh of relief. If he talks about this dementia with Su Zhan again, he is afraid that he will vomit blood with anger!

The holy power revolved, and that white cloud carried him and Su Zhan and flew towards the core area of ​​Xuantian Sacred Land.

Until this time, nearly a thousand geniuses from all over the world recovered from the shock just now.

"Ten series top grade, five series top grade! Kendo talent...super grade!"

"Super-grade cultivation talent, super-grade kendo talent, from ancient times to the present, even those legendary Deva, no one can match Su Gongzi in talent!

This is the level of talent that belongs only to him! "

"My God! Sword Fairy! I can guarantee that Young Master Su is definitely the reincarnation of the Heavenly Sword Fairy! Definitely!"

"Sword Immortal reincarnation? I think that after thirty or fifty years, Lord Su will become a real sword immortal!"

"Master Su is so handsome! After returning, you must ask your father to check the history of Master Su carefully. If you can marry him with his family... Then I will be complete in this life, Chen Yuwei!"

"But, I remember you were still cheering for Ye Kuang just now?"

"Bah! Ye Kuang doesn't fart in front of Su Gongzi, Chen Yuwei only loves Su Gongzi, don't talk nonsense!"


Excited, enthusiastic, and shocking words sounded one after another.

All the women showed admiration.

Su Zhan is simply the perfect genius they dreamed of. The cultivation talent is super-rank, the kendo talent is super-rank, the five-series top-ranking, and the ten-series top-ranking!

This kind of enchanting genius, they knew in their hearts that they would only meet Su Zhan in their entire lives.

Other geniuses, even those saints who have long been famous all over the world, will be eclipsed in front of Su Zhan!

The sixteen series Elder was also amazed one by one, and it has been a minute since Su Zhan left.

However, they didn't mention the meaning of continuing the assessment at all. They seemed to be immersed in the shock of the talent just now, and even forgot about this!

"Super, super..."

Ye Kuang's lips were stained with blood, and he slumped on the ground, a trace of bitterness appeared on his face.

Since childhood, he has been the most outstanding of his peers, so he is extremely arrogant.

But today, I saw Su Zhan.

I just learned about his talent, but it doesn't count as a fart.

Not only cultivation talent, the fifteenth element talent was crushed, even the last fig leaf.

The kendo talent was also trampled on the ground by Su Zhan!

"Genius, genius, what a genius... son of luck... Hahaha!"

Ye Kuang was in a trance, suddenly stood up from the ground and laughed frantically.

After a few seconds, he threw a "plop" to the ground, his crazy smile turned into a bitter smile, his voice dry: "What son of luck, what kind of shit genius... I Ye Kuang...no fart..."

Recalling how arrogant he was in front of Su Zan these few days, it was the result now.

Ye Kuang only felt his heart twisted. He got up from the ground, his eyes dull, his feet staggered, and he walked down the mountain in despair.


Xuantian Sacred Land, the most central area.

About thirty miles in radius, there is a huge square suspended in the sky.

Around the square, there is a circular transparent shield, which is invisible to the naked eye, but Mental Energy can sense its existence by sensing it slightly.

"Su Zhan, this is the core of my Xuantian Sacred Land, Xuantian Great Hall!"

Tang Wujian pointed to the huge palace road that was at least five miles long on the suspended square.

Next to the palace, there are some gardens such as spiritual flowers planting Spiritual herbs, animal gardens with small and beautiful spirit beasts, and even a light blue river that also hangs in the air.

That river has been pouring water towards a huge pool below, forming an extremely beautiful waterfall with blue light. The source of the river is just a small pool also located on the square, but the water in the river is like infinite. Flow down.

Seeing such a peculiar scene, Su Zhan also looked more curiously.

Tang Wujian noticed his gaze, and explained with a smile: "That is Xuanling River, in fact, it's nothing great. It was built by a holy king who is proficient in formation in Sacred Land. The special formation, invisibly, collects the water vapor, so it is continuous and has no other effect, so it looks good."

"Speaking of it, isn't it the same as the Wuguang Mountain where Master is yours?"

"Nonsense, my Wuguangshan has..."

Halfway through the conversation, Tang Wujian noticed something was wrong, and coughed slightly, "Ahem! Who said that tacky mountain is mine? Let's go, take you to the Holy Lord!"

After speaking, Tang Wujian pressed his hand on the light wall.

After a second, a ripple appeared on the light wall, spreading towards the surroundings, forming a hole with a diameter of 35 meters. Su Zhan also followed Tang Wujian into the suspended square from the hole.

As soon as he entered this area, the white clouds under his feet dissipated, and he could clearly feel that a pressure appeared and wanted to press him down.

"Su Zhan, there are restricted air Restrictions here. If you don't take the air, this pressure will dissipate."

As Tang Wujian said, he took the lead to land on the ground.

Su Zhan also nodded, and when it fell to the ground, the pressure was instantly dissipated.

Since he couldn’t protect himself from the sky, and Tang Wujian maintained his unpleasant speed, Su Zhan simply slowed down, admiring the strange flowers and weeds he had never seen before, as well as the peculiar spirit beast, and those from the side from time to time. Going up, the beautiful maid who respectfully salutes Tang Wujian.

At this speed, it took no more than a minute to explode at full speed, and it took a full ten minutes before Su Zhan arrived in front of the mysterious Great Hall.

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