I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 302 You can go to the soil!

"Brother Xu, you owe me more than 12 million sacred stones that you haven't given yet."

Su Zhan looked at Xu Qingmo and said lightly.

"Qing Mo, do you owe Su Zhan so many sacred stones?"

Mo Wentian frowned: "What the hell did you do!"


Xu Qingmo didn't know what to say for a while.

Could it be that he was killed by Su?

This is actually not the key. The key is that with the importance that Xuan Sacred Land attaches to Su Zhan today, if you say it by yourself, I am afraid that it will not have any effect besides being a joke, right?

And... Although it was indeed pitted.

But he really said those words.

It's so unreasonable at all!

On the contrary, he appears to be stupid!

Seeing Xu Qingmo's hesitation, Su said: "Holy Lord, Brother Xu bought a batch of treasures from me. The price is clear and the IOU is ready, but now--"

"Wait for Junior Brother Su!"

Seeing those holy kings look at them with weird faces, even the Emperor Profound Sky cast some contemptuous eyes, Xu Qingmo hurriedly called out: "It's true that I don't want to hide it, 12.56 million sacred stones... in a short time. Inside, I really can't get it together, but I definitely don't mean to go wrong!

This is five million sacred stones, and the rest will be given to you within one month! "

Xu Qingmo threw a storage ring to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took the storage ring, and the extremely powerful Mental Energy swept across it.

Five million sacred stones, if it is really counted one by one, I don’t know how long it will take, but under his powerful Mental Energy, it is like a scan. It only took three minutes to remove five million sacred stones. The inventory is complete.

Putting away the storage ring, Su Zhan sighed, "Okay, let me just trust Brother Xu again! Speaking of which, I knew Brother Xu you were so poor, so I won't sell it to you, alas!"

Xu Qingmo's lungs almost exploded when he heard Su Zhan's words.

What do you mean, I knew I was so poor and wouldn't sell it to me?

Do you think I want those rags?

It's obviously your blood earned, and it looks like I earned it?

Her heart was so angry that Xu Qingmo didn't dare to show her dissatisfaction at all, so she smiled sullily, and quickly changed the subject: "Junior Brother Su, what about going to the battlefield of the demons--"

"Don't go."

Before Xu Qingmo could finish, Su Zhan shook his head directly.

Xu Qingmo's face changed: "Junior Brother Su, didn't you say that you will follow me to practice when you finish your affairs?"

"But I have something else now!"

"you you!"

Xu Qingmo took a deep breath and kept a calm tone as much as possible: "Junior Brother Su, are you kidding me?"

"Who is kidding you?"

Su Zhan looked at Xu Qingmo with a foolish look: "I am very clear. Why can't you even understand such a simple meaning?"

"Could it be that Junior Brother Su is scared?"

Xu Qingmo suppressed his anger and said with a slight sarcasm: "Junior Brother Su is exceptionally talented, but he does not dare to face the demons. A cowardly person, no matter how talented he is, it may be difficult for him to climb to the top of the high-rise building for cultivation!"

"Oh, how many years have you cultivated, what Realm?"

"I am only eighty-one years old, and I am already at the eighth stage of the Holy Realm. Even, I am only a short distance from the ninth stage of the Holy Realm. Within three years, I will be able to make a breakthrough!"

Speaking of cultivation, Xu Qingmo raised his head slightly.


Su Zhan said in amazement: "In my hometown, you are almost ready to enter the soil at your age. How about cultivating?

I suggest that you quickly find a good place in Feng Shui and build a tomb!

So as not to find a place to bury when he suddenly died one day. "


Xu Qingmo was furious, pressing his hand on his chest, the blood in his body was surging with Su Zhan's energy!

Su Zhan didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

Turning to Mo Wentian, Tang Wujian and others arched their cupped hands: "Holy Lord, Master, the natal sword has been condensed. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Well, you go!"

Mo Wentian and Tang Wujian both nodded.

After that, Su Zhan Tathagata took the flame ice holy car and left.

However, what was different from the time he came was that this time he left, there was not a lot of discussion from the juniors, and no screaming screams from the juniors.

This is because the younger brothers and sisters are already confused at this time.

The visions of heaven and earth covering thousands of miles, Kunpeng, true dragons, handed down Divine Armament, back-feeding of qi luck... All of this has a huge impact on their brains!

A few minutes later, the holy kings had already begun to leave, and they came back to their senses.

"The visions of heaven and earth cover thousands of miles! It is said that when the Holy Lord broke through the Holy King Realm, it has only evoked the visions of thousands of miles of heaven and earth!"

"The Holy Lord is the Holy Lord, Senior Brother Su is Senior Brother Su, one is a human being, the other is the reincarnated body of a true immortal, it's definitely incomparable!"

"I have a hunch, maybe in a hundred years, Brother Su will become the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Wasteland domain!"

"Your hunch is wrong! Senior Brother Su is so abnormal, I guess he only needs 30 years!"

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. When Senior Brother Su passed by, he secretly glanced at me. Is he interesting to me?"

"Chen Yuwei, you are one hundred and seven years old, you can save it!"


One after another shocked, admired, admired and even...the voice of eagerness sounded, and the disciples talked for a while, but did not leave.

Because of Su Zhan's condensed and handed down Divine Armament relationship, this area of ​​temporary heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is still very rich, they simply took this opportunity to cultivate in place.

"Su Zhan!"

Xu Qingmo boarded a large and magnificent ship, while heading back to his Immortal Cave, while looking in the direction Su Zhan was leaving, his eyes were splitting.

"His Royal Highness, do you want me..."

"We can't touch him!"

Xu Qingmo glanced at the hunchbacked old man who followed him and was also protecting Daoist, and said solemnly: "He is now the most favored son of the Profound Sky Sacred Land. Even if we kill him, we will definitely Will be buried with him!

pity! I originally wanted to use the hands of the demons outside of Tiangu City to test his depth, if possible, let him die on the battlefield of the demons! "

The humpbacked old man pondered for a moment, and said, "Since I can’t deal with him right now, it’s better to reconcile with him. The position of Holy Lord depends not only on talents but also on performance. Your current deeds and first saint, my Majesty. The son is almost the same, he is not comparable to a guy who has just entered Sacred Land, why not make him an ally?"


Xu Qingmo squeezed his fist: "To be honest, I did think so when I didn't go to Zhantian Peak a few days ago!

At the beginning, I didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted to borrow the hands of the demons to see his hole cards, and then when he was suppressed by the demons, I would save him and subdue him for my use!


This Su Zhan is too arrogant, too arrogant, too knowing what's right! "

Xu Qingmo became uncontrollably angry at the thought of being vomited by Su Zhanqi that day.

After a few seconds, he calmed down a little, thought for a moment, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said to the old man: "Although he cannot be shot at him for the time being, he can be cowardly and afraid to go to the demon battlefield with me. Sacred Land, and even the entire Profound Sky Dynasty!

Let everyone know that he Su Zhan is a cowardly and selfish person!

This matter must be done secretly, do you understand? "

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