I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 313: Begging for Mercy! (Fifth)


Su Zhan also reluctantly accepted this fact.

It seems that he is still suitable for one punch and one sword, and too complicated combos are not suitable for him.

It's hard to show it.

Thinking secretly in his heart, Su Zhan looked at the other demons.

"Young Master Rao——"


The demons lying on the ground just asked for mercy, and Su Zhan killed him with a punch.

This guy just wanted Fred to kill him, too vicious!

Must be killed!

Then, his gaze swept across the other demons.

The demons trembled one by one and knelt towards Su Zhan.

He didn't even dare to run away, his voice trembled begging for mercy.

"I beg senior to give me a way out, I am willing to dedicate all the treasures I have to you!"

"Me too! My baby is more than his!"

"I am willing to dedicate my wife to—"


Su Zhan heard these words, and before the Demon Race could finish speaking, he decisively blasted the Demon Race with a punch!

Ugly demons!

Want to disgust me?

That's vicious!

Several other demons closed their mouths one by one when they saw one of their companions.

Su Zhan looked at them and pondered: "I heard that there are a lot of Blood Qi grasses here."

"Blood Qi grass? We have a lot of tribes! I can take senior you to get it!"

"I can too!"

"I am stronger than them. I take senior to go, which is the best choice!"


Several demons scrambled one after another.

They are not fools, knowing that this is almost the last chance to survive.

"No, you can't."

As soon as Su Zhan's eyes fell on Nilang, he recognized that this was the demons who wanted to take the opportunity to attack him.

Nilang was so frightened, he quickly begged for mercy: "Senior, that's a misunderstanding, I can—"


Su Zhan was too lazy to listen to him, and beat him to death with a punch.

Picked the shortest one among the demons, and then killed the others without hesitation.

These demons are here to kill him, besides, the demons and human races are already opposed, so of course he will not have any softness.

"Much, much, thank you senior!"

The dwarf demons stammered and said as they watched their companions being killed.

"Don't talk nonsense, take me to your tribe."

"Yes Yes!"

The dwarf demon turned around quickly.

Su Zhan followed behind.

The reason why this demon was left was only because he was short.

It's only pleasing to the eye.

After all, no one would like someone who is a lot taller than himself to walk in front and block the line of sight.


After one hour.

Great ancient tribe.

The two holy demons gathered in the central palace with very ugly faces.

"Fred, this old fellow, is too much!"

"With such a fat sheep, he actually wanted to swallow it alone! Two holy king artifacts and a divine sword! Can he swallow it!"

"Damn it! If it wasn't for my guards who happened to hear the demon warriors who had returned from defeat, I would still be kept in the dark!"

"This old guy treats us like this, why don't we join hands to treat him..."

A holy demon made a gesture of wiping his neck, hehe smiled: "Those treasures, but we all belong to us!"


Another holy demon shook his head: "Although this old fellow Frie Damn it, but now our tribe, Greystone Devil Island still needs him, we should endure it first. Let's go first and ask for the treasure to be divided."

"That said, let's go now! This old guy is slightly stronger than us. If we don't put pressure on us together, we probably won't even get a fart!"

The two holy demons said, walking towards the outside.

Suddenly, a demon race came to face him, panicking: "Two adults! It's not good! That human race is here!"

"Human race?"

A holy demon wearing armor said in surprise: "A trivial human race, very weak, what are you panicking!"

"But, but he looks very strong! Even Leger surrendered to him and brought him over!"

"What! There is such a scum among our three-eyed demons!"

Another holy demon with dense purple-black hair was furious: "Human race is timid and weak, like ants, our demons are so noble, he actually abandoned dignity and surrendered to a human race?

No, I am going to kill the cowardly scum now! "

With that, he rushed out suddenly.

The armor sacred demon is also close behind.

The two sacred demon spirits tumbling and walking away from the sky, they immediately found Su Zhan, who was surrounded by thousands of three-eyed demon tribes, in the center of Dagu tribe square, and the one who knelt beside Su Zhan, shivering. Dwarf Demon Legge.

"Leger, you cowardly scum, you are not worthy to stay in our tribe! Our tribe, there is no waste that will surrender to humanity!"

The purple-haired holy demon was furious, pointing at the little demon and cursing.

When he scolded, the armor holy demon rushed out first.

He sneered in his heart as he listened to the anger of the purple-haired holy demon.

What's the use of swearing?

Whoever catches that human first has the right to speak first in choosing treasures!

It's stupid to not understand this kind of truth!

But speaking of it, did the old fellow Frie get lost and didn't find this human being.

Otherwise, how could he let him come to our tribe alive?

That's fine, I took the best treasure in his body!

The armor demon thought in his heart, very happy.

However, this joy suddenly turned into shock after seeing Su Zhan's eruption of the Sun, Moon, and Star divine body, holy dragon veins, and Star body..., and feeling the terrifying power of Dao Su Zhan's body!

Even faintly afraid!


My dignified sage demon is at the same level as the human sage king!

Why should I be afraid of a human being in the sixth-order holy realm?

This makes no sense!

Thinking like this in his heart, the armored sage demon gritted his teeth and did not retreat at all. Instead, he struck the bright starlight Sword Qi that Su Zhan had cut out with all his strength!


Above the sky, there was a loud noise!

The half-moon-shaped starlight Sword Qi dissipated after flying thousands of meters away.

And the body of the armor sacred demon was also split into two pieces from his waist, falling into the sky!

Blood is spilled on the ground!

A holy demon just died like that!

The demons surrounding Su Zhan were so frightened to see this scene, they stepped back, and even watched Su Zhan, they only dared to hide behind the bunker and take a peek!

But the demon who just kept saying that surrendering to humans is not worthy of staying in the tribe, it is a wasteful purple-haired holy demon.

After seeing the power of this sword.

First, he was taken aback.

After two seconds, he recovered, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Charged to Su Zhan's body for a while.

The next moment, he bends his knees in the air and smashes downwards!


On the square, bricks and stones splashed, and a big hole appeared.

In the center of the big pit, the purple-haired holy demon knelt steadily, trembling and kowtow towards Su.

Looking at the ground, he didn't dare to look at Su Zhan.

The voice trembled.

"Senior, please be merciful! I am one of the three leaders of the ancient tribe. I know where many treasures are hidden. I can dedicate all these treasures to senior you!"

Please senior, spare my life! "

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