I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 315 Please rescue His Royal Highness the Son!

Even Heavenly Demon...

All surrender? !

How can this be!

Those demons were shocked by this sentence, one by one in disbelief.

"I saw it with my own eyes! After becoming a holy demon, I have a keen sense of demon energy. I clearly sensed that there is a Heavenly Demon level demon energy in that sword picture!


The purple-haired holy demon paused, with a solemn tone: "Just now, when the senior took the shot, I also vaguely sensed a trace of devilish energy in his blood. Perhaps this senior himself is a great figure in the demon world!

The human body is very peculiar. Although it is not strong, it is very fast on the way of cultivation. Moreover, the human race is blessed by nature, and it is a race favored by Heavenly Dao!

Perhaps, there was a great figure in the Demon Realm who robbed a human body, otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that the senior was obviously only a sixth-order holy realm, but his strength was so, so, so terrifying! "

"It turns out to be a great figure of the Demon Race!"

"Then it wouldn't be better for us to actively make friends!"

"No! I see him talking, he doesn't look like a demon..."


A demon leader discussed.

"All right!"

The Zifa Mozu shook his head.

"Regardless of whether the senior is a demons or a human, we just need to know that he is a big man who can't afford to provoke!

This time, cancel the plan to attack Sky Valley City!

From now on, we will stay in the Demon Realm honestly and live a good life.

Alive, it's already fine! "

Alive, it’s fine...

When other demons heard this sentence, they seemed to have some emotion.

There was a moment of silence, and they nodded one after another.


Heizhu tribe, in the central square.

Su Zhan's face was a little ugly, and he tried to portray that special spatial Restrictions for the third time.


Still no response.

Those runes dissipated, his eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at the Heavenly Demon floating on the side of the Ten Thousand Swords.

Before Su Zhan could speak, Heavenly Demon was already a little scared and said: "This, this, this is probably because the space formation here is broken..."

"Broken? In other words, this is a one-way space channel? I can come in but can't get out?"

"Su Xiaoyou, don't worry!"

Heavenly Demon quickly said: "I can fix it!"

"how long it takes?"

"If all the materials are ready, it should only take 30 years!"

"Thirty years?"

Su Zhan's face was dark.

This is so special!

I'm almost 50 years old in the past thirty years!

Who has been waiting for you for thirty years?

"Thirty years, right?"

Su Zhan directly condenses the Taikoo Thor.

A lightning spear hit the Heavenly Demon black energy.

Screams sounded.

Su Zhanqi said: "Okay! Then I have cultivated mysterious skills every day for 30 years, what do you think?"

"Don't, don't! Su Xiaoyou, have you forgotten that those three-eyed demons also have a space channel!"

Heavenly Demon hurriedly said: "You haven't reached the Holy King Realm. You can get out of that space channel!"

The spatial passage of the three-eyed demon?

Su Zhan recalled that those three-eyed demons did have a spatial passage to the spirit world, and it seemed that they were preparing to go to the spatial passage just recently.

However, the ghost knows where that spatial passage leads to?

If this is to direct him to the endless ocean, the endless desert, or the Deva-level Demonic Beasts' nest...

Wouldn't he cry to death?

Of course, the last possibility does not exist, otherwise they would not dare to use that spatial channel, and the first two possibilities are also extremely low. .

After all, the demons go to the spirit world to plunder, there are no people, plunder a hair!

After thinking about it, Su Zhan put away the Wan Jiantu and came back to the Great Ancient Tribe.

"Senior, what else?"

The purple-haired holy demon quickly greeted him and asked anxiously.

"I heard that there is a spatial channel here, leading to the spiritual world?"

"It does!"

"Where does it lead to the spiritual world?"

"Eastern Wasteland, the Profound Sky Dynasty, outside a city called Tiangu City!"

What a coincidence?

Su Zhan's eyes lit up.

In the Profound Sky Dynasty, this is simply great. After he goes out, he can return to the Profound Sky Sacred Land as soon as possible without spending too much time on the road!

"How long will the space channel open?"

"About three days!"

Three days.

Not too long!

Su Zhan nodded: "Okay, take me quickly!"


The purple-haired holy demon responded, and led Su Zhan towards the space channel of the Grey Stone Demon Island.

After half an hour.

Su Zhan and the purple-haired holy demon came to a barren mountain two hundred meters high.

"Senior, this is it!"

The purple-haired holy demon pointed forward: "After three days, the space passage will be opened here. I will send someone to guard this space passage, and I promise not to enter again in the future!"

"Okay, you go!"

"Yes! I wish senior all the best!"

The purple-haired holy demon bowed respectfully and bowed, then turned and left.

Su Zhanpan sat on a barren mountain and looked at the surrounding scenery for a while, feeling a little bored.

Take out that piece of Ten Thousand Swords.

"How? Did you find the space channel?"

Heavenly Demon asked eagerly as soon as he opened the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram.

"Found it, right here."

"That's great!"

Heavenly Demon breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had escaped.

But then, Su Zhan's words made him feel horrified!

"But there are still three days left to open the space channel. In these three days, I think it will be used to cultivate the mysterious technique!"

"No, no, wait a moment--"

Primordial Thunder God emerged, Heavenly Demon's voice stopped abruptly.

Just after regaining consciousness, a thunder light spear blasted over.



"Please! Please!"


"Wait, I have a secret to tell!"



In the next time, Su Zhan began to happily cultivate the Primordial Thunder God's mysterious technique.

at this time.

Spirit world, Eastern Wasteland domain, Sacred Land.

Xuantian Great Hall.

Tang Liuxue ran in in a little panic.

In the unpleasant gazes of several holy kings and Holy Lord Mo Wentian, she hurriedly said: "Holy Lord! Your Royal Highness Saint Child is trapped in the devil world!"


Holy Lord Mo Wentian, who just wanted to blame Tang Liuxue for being unruly, was shocked when he heard this.

He immediately said in disbelief: "How is this possible! He is so good, how can he be trapped in the Demon Realm!"

Could it be said that someone from the Demon Race who was very good at hiding aura came and took him away? ! "

"No! His Royal Highness Saint Son entered by himself!"

Up to now, Tang Liuxue didn't care about any secrets, and directly told Su Zhan about the whereabouts of the demon god's blood from a demon clan and went to the demon world to find everything.

"...This is probably the case! But shortly after His Royal Highness entered, the space channel was closed! I waited for several hours, but it didn't open. I felt something was wrong, so I hurried back to ask for help!"

Tang Liuxue plopped and knelt down: "This matter is because my guardian Daoist is incompetent. I am willing to bear all punishments without complaint!

But please, Holy Lord must find a way to rescue His Royal Highness the Son! "

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