I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 322 I don't think you are suitable for cultivation!

"It turns out that Xu Qingmo is even more cruel and vicious than I thought!"

Su Zhan was a little regretful: "I knew I should receive him 50 million sacred stones..."

Heard this.

Mo Wentian's mouth twitched.

Fifty million……

To be insidious, Xu Qingmo is indeed insidious.

It's vicious, and it can barely move up.

But if it's cruel...

Recalling Xu Qingmo's miserable appearance, Mo Wentian muttered in his heart: Su Zhan are you more cruel, right? !

"Okay, Su Zhan, this is over, follow me back to Sacred Land!"

Don’t ask Heavenly Dao: “You’re fine and don’t come out in the future. If you have any plans to go to dangerous places like this, you must inform me or your master in advance. You are eyeing the Blood Demon teacher!

Don't be careless! "

Tang Wujian also said: "Indeed, Blood Demon is very cunning, but you don't have to worry too much about Su Zhan. During this time, we have found some clues under our thorough investigation. It is estimated that within half a year, the Profound Sky Dynasty can be Blood Demon teaches to uproot, no more worries!"

"Yes, I know."

Su Zhan nodded.

Afterwards, he boarded the holy boat and left with Mo Wentian and others.

Until the shadow of the holy ark was invisible, those soldiers, generals, and strong men in Tiangu City dared to breathe air.

A Holy Lord, a great holy king, the pressure brought by these two is too great!

Let them not talk, even dare not breathe the air, and because they can't hear what Mo Wentian and others are talking about, they are worried that Su Zhan will trouble them, and they are sweating.

Now, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ finally gone! It seems that the Third Son did not say that ours is not ours in front of the Holy Lord!"

"That's for sure! Otherwise, the Holy Lord is afraid that one hand will take it off, and we will all be shot to death!"

"The third son is so generous, how can he be the inferior person in the second son?"

"Just think about it, it's clear that the second son is despicable and insidious, and framed the third son!"

"You don't want to die, dare to say that to the Son?"

"Hey! You forgot that I can read lips? The Second Son is no longer a holy son, and the identity of the Holy Lord disciple, why is he afraid of him?"

The Second Son is abolished!

Everyone was surprised.

But soon, one by one burst into laughter.

The one who laughed the loudest was the City Lord of Sky Valley: "What kind of daddy can't understand this shit Xu Qingmo! If you say rush to help, you can help him, he puts on a holy child shelf all the time there to install what!"

"Yes! What else did he say this time he can save Tiangu City alone, I'm!"

"Speaking of which, why hasn't the demons come yet?"

"Could it be that what Su Shengzi said is true? Mozu, really won't come again?"

"That's not right! Why don't the demons--could it be that Su Sheng's son..."

"It must be! Why did Su Shengzi come out of the Demon Realm? Obviously, he wants to go deep into the Demon Realm and solve our troubles in Tiangu City!"

"It turns out that Su Sheng son turned out to be for the common people, regardless of his life, went deep into the Demon Realm, and annihilated the Demon Race!"

"My Profound Sky Dynasty, there are people like Su Shengzi, how lucky it is!"

Excited, shocked, and worshipped words sounded one after another.

A strong person cupped hands in the direction Su Zhan left, and gave a deep salute.


Back at Xuantian Sacred Land, Su Zhan did not agree to engage in a return feast. In the Great Hall of Xuantian and a few holy kings who cared about him, he explained a few words, and brought Tang Liuxue back to Zhan in the bewildering gaze of those people. Tianfeng.

"It's better to cut Tianfeng's air!"

Walking on the trail of Zhan Tianfeng, Su Zhan was in a happy mood.

Walking on, I came to the spirit beast park.

"Master, you are back."

Lei Shi Xiao Bubai walked over with some anxiety.

"It's been a month or two since you became holy, right?"

Su Zhan frowned: "I still remember that you became holy before me. Now I am in the sixth-order holy realm. Are you still the first-order?

It seems that you are not suitable for cultivation. "

Xiao Bubai's eyes lit up: "Yes! Master, I am not suitable for cultivation, or the master is too strict with me..."

Su Zhan shook his head: "Perhaps, you are suitable for barbecue, hot pot, spicy, steamed--"

"No! No no!"

I wanted to get rid of the Sea of ​​Bitterness that I cultivated every day. When I heard Su Zhan's words, Xiao Bubai was so scared that his entire body trembled.

The light flashed, transforming into the appearance of a human girl, putting on a pitiful look: "Master, don't you..."

"Go away!"

Su Zhan's body surface Sheng Yuan exploded and directly bounced Xiao Bubai away.


He looked back at Tang Liuxue with some doubts, who was about to laugh, "What Cultivation Technique did you allow her to cultivate?"

"His Royal Highness, I'm not to blame. I took her to select several Cultivation Techniques, one of which is Tianhu Dafa, which she asked for on her own initiative."

"Tianhu Dafa?"

Su Zhan glanced at Lei Shi, a little speechless: "Just like you, you are not as good as cultivating the celestial fox Dafa. I don't think it is a problem to scare people to death."


Lei Shi returned to his original form, shed tears of disappointment, grievances, but did not dare to refute.

"In the future, you will be so ugly to cultivate the Cultivation Technique honestly. If you don't cultivate, in the future, besides steaming, stir-frying, hot pot...what's the use?"

"I, I... I will cultivate well!"

Upon hearing the extremely deterrent words in Su Zhan's words, Lei Shi trembled and nodded quickly.

"These are some of the tatters I picked up, and I will use them for your cultivation. If you can't break through, Tang Liuxue's culinary skills are okay. I also like meat."

With a wave of his hand, Su Zhan threw out a bunch of Medicine Pill, which he had obtained from those demons and Xu Qingmo, suitable for Demonic Beasts to swallow, and said in his mouth.

"Know, got it!"

Lei Shi said in fear.

Seeing this, Su did not continue to stay, turned and headed up the mountain.

Tang Liuxue followed closely behind.

After Su Zhan walked away, he could not hear the footsteps at all.

Lei Shi Xiaobubai dared to raise his head, breathed a sigh of relief, and began to check the elixir, Medicine Pill.

Since he became a saint, although Lei Shi hasn't read many books on cultivation, he hasn't read much other messy materials.

Therefore, there is also some understanding of the human Medicine Pill level and various elixir.

At this moment, his eyes fell on the elixir closest to her, and Lei Shi's eyes condensed.

"This elixir is like a holy-level elixir Fulonghua! But the owner said that it was a bunch of tattered ones, it should just look like it! The power of the medicine is really Fulonghua!"

Xiao Bubai held the elixir, close to his nose, with an extremely strong sense of smell, and Mental Energy was working, and instantly distinguished the elixir, and was stunned.

Master, actually gave me such a good elixir?


This Medicine Pill...Sacred Middle Grade Medicine Pill!

This spirit flower... the holy elixir Yunxia flower!

And this, this, this...

The nose moved, carefully sensing the heaven and earth elixir, one by one holy spirit pills.

ten minutes later.

Xiao Bubai was completely confused.

Is this tattered?

Isn't the food she ate at Yu Beast Mountain garbage?

Moreover, so many Medicine Pills, elixir, I just threw it to myself...

When I went out, I became so proud.

Own this owner, I'm afraid that I ransacked a Sect? ? ?

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