I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 325 The Only Little Power! (Fifth)


Yang Qian couldn't believe it: "This is true!"

"It's true!"

"That's great! Hahaha!"

Yang Qian was extremely overjoyed: "Xu Qingmo is abolished, isn't my position as young master stabilized!"

"But His Royal Highness, the second holy son, was beheaded by that third holy son, Su!"

"Xu Qingmo was abolished by a new son who had just been enrolled for a few months?"

Yang Qian was taken aback: "How is this possible!"

"At first, I didn't believe it either!"

Cheng Yan, the white-haired old man, looked panicked: "However, I asked a few of my old friends and confirmed the matter!

Moreover, I also heard various deeds about the third son of Su Zhan!

His Royal Highness, this Su Zhan, I am afraid we can't provoke it! "

"It's not something we can provoke?"

Yang Qian snorted coldly: "He is a holy son who has not been established for a few months, can't I provoke him?

Okay, tell me, why can't I provoke him?

And how Xu Qingmo was abolished by a new saint son, tell me carefully! "


Cheng Yan took a deep breath and said, "His Royal Highness, this Su Zhan possesses a special divine body with the power of sun, moon, and star, and possesses the sacred dragon veins. During the talent test, he achieved an unprecedented'super-grade talent'!

Immediately afterwards, among the sixteen specialization talents, his kendo was also an unprecedented super product! The other five series of best! Ten series top grade! "

"Super-grade talent? Five-series top grade, ten-series top grade?"

Yang Qian took a step back and shook his head again and again: "This is impossible!"

"It's not just these!"

Cheng Yan continued: "In the ceremony of the saint son, he broke through two realms in succession, and even caused the Star of Heaven to land and melt the spirit for him!"

"Arouse Star Rongling?!"

"Yes! After the saint child ceremony, he went to the Kuanglei secret realm and was besieged by the Blood Demon cult. Not only did he escape, but instead destroyed the Blood Demon cult stronghold!"

Cheng Yan said, he was a little unbelievable: "It is said that the third holy child at that time killed nine holy realms before entering the holy! Including two Tier 4 holy realms!"

"Kill the fourth-order holy realm before entering the holy?"

Yang Qian's face was a little hard to look, and he said in a deep voice, "Well, if these are true, then I really missed him. His talent is indeed amazing!

However, he is a new saint after all, and his strength is low, so you don't have to panic too much! "

"His Royal Highness, his strength is not lowly!"

Cheng Yan said: "He has a sixth-order holy realm now!"

"In a few months, from the Yulong Realm to the sixth-order Holy Realm?

This is real? ? ? "

Yang Qian felt that his brain was not enough, and he was in a daze.

It's like a person who has been eating with chopsticks and bowls for food, you suddenly tell him that he should use chopsticks for food and bowls for food.

Ten separate spectra!

It's simply inverted the cognition!

"it is true!"

Diagenesis affirmative.

After taking a deep breath, Yang Qian held his forehead and slowed down for a full three seconds before he said: "I was too careless. I will see that Su Zhan in a few days! This kind of abnormality is indeed not suitable for enmity! "

"His Royal Highness, will it be late in a few days?"

"Huh! The spirit world speaks based on strength! No matter how great his talent is, he is only a sixth-order holy realm, right now in front of me, isn't it a big deal?"

"But Saint Son, although he is a sixth-order holy realm, but, but, but..."

"But" after a long time, Cheng Yan took a sigh of relief and said dryly, "But he just killed two holy demons! The holy demons are harder to kill than the holy king!"

"This is impossible! The sixth-order holy realm is absolutely impossible to kill the holy king! I'll go to the master to ask!"

Yang Qian said, turning around.

Cheng Yan quickly grabbed him: "His Royal Highness, wait a moment!"

"what you do?"

"His Royal Highness, do you know how Xu Qingmo was deposed?"

"How was it scrapped?"

"It's because I offended Su Zhan!"

Cheng Yan came in and whispered: "The Holy Lord abolished his status as a holy son and expelled him from the teacher's gate in a rage! His holy son also said that Xu Qingmo is not as fond of the Holy Lord as Xu Qingmo.

Now that Xu Qingmo has been abolished, if the Holy Lord learns that you are so arrogant and treat Su Zhan today, your image in the heart of the Holy Lord will fall drastically! "

"Master actually abolished Xu Qingmo for Su Zhan?"

Yang Qian squeezed his fist, cold sweat on his forehead, "Are you sure that this information is true!"

"Old slaves can use their heads to guarantee, it is absolutely true! Your Highness Saint Son, What's wrong with Your Highness Saint Son!"

While talking, Cheng Yan found that Yang Qian closed his eyes, and he fell back and hurriedly supported him.

Yang Qian was also sober.

I was terrified in my heart, and there was no longer the calm and calm demeanor of the saint son before, and he trembled: "What should I do? What should I do!

He can kill the holy demons, and his talent is so abnormal that he is valued by Master and other holy kings. If he listens to the words I asked Tang Liuxue to bring, he really wants to practice with me...

Me, me, me"

Yang Gan's hands trembled a little, "Am I going to be beaten to death by him?!"

"His Royal Highness, you can't delay for a moment, you must explain clearly to the Third Son, and make peace! I have found out where he is in Immortal Cave!"

"Okay, okay, okay, you're waiting for me here!"

Yang Qian nodded repeatedly, ran to Mo Wentian, cupped hands and said, "Master, you saint kings, I am really sorry, I, I have a very important personal matter, I am leaving, I am extremely sorry!"

Seeing Yang Qian's appearance, Mo Wentian asked, "Do you need help for your teacher?"


Yang Qian thought of Xu Qingmo's fate, and shook his head quickly: "I can solve it by myself, so I won't bother you, Master!"

"Well then! Go ahead!"

Mo Wentian nodded.

Seeing Yang Qian who left in a panic, he was also a little surprised.

Really impetuous.

Shaking his head slightly, Mo Wentian smiled and said: "Everyone, Yang Qian has something to do, we can still continue to drink."

"It's been a long time since I had a drink with the Holy Lord. Today, I must have a good drink!"

"Whoever uses Saint Yuan to dissolve alcohol is a bastard!"

"Nonsense! Daddy is a hidden Dionysian body, do you still need this method?"

The holy kings didn't take Yang Qian's departure seriously at all, and continued to laugh and drink.


Cut Tianfeng.

Su Zhan frowned slightly as he listened to Tang Liuxue's words.

"It's a holy son, why can't you be a little polite and quality like me?"

He said a little displeased: "It's just because I didn't go to meet him for something, so he wanted to practice with me? To put it bluntly, he wanted to beat me!

How could there be such a vicious and cruel person in the world?

It's terrible! "

Tang Liuxue said: "Perhaps, it is the First Saint Child that you don't understand about His Royal Highness, otherwise I think he should not have this attitude! Or should I explain it to the First Saint Child?"

Just as Su Zhan was about to speak, a voice suddenly sounded outside: "Junior Brother Su! I am the first saint son Yanggan. If you have something to do with Junior Brother Su, please see Junior Su!"

Hearing these words, Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then coldly said: "Explain? Explain something!

It has only been such a short time since you came back, and he is here!

It can be seen that this guy even speeded up eating in order to beat me!

Even, he might just say hello to the Holy Lord and the others. He couldn't even eat the food, so he couldn't wait to hit me!

I don't even know him, so I want to beat me so eagerly. It seems that this Yang Qian is more cruel and vicious than Xu Qingmo!

Faced with such a cruel and vicious person, it is useless to explain!

Only take out the little bit of strength you have and fight against him! "

With that, Su Zhan's left hand Extreme Thunder Mountain imprint flashed, and he walked out of Immortal Cave.

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