"Alliance...I don't think this is necessary!"

Su Zhan shook his head: "Moreover, although I haven't seen other Saints, I feel that I shouldn't be the weakest."

"Su fellow daoist, that's a bad remark!"

Li Xuqing sighed, "Do you know how strong Lin Yan is from Skyfire Sacred Land? I can say that you can't even take a single move in the seventh-order holy realm like you!

There is also the Autumn Sword God, known as the first person in Eastern Wasteland's kendo talent, who has the appearance of the ancient inanimate sword emperor!

Even if you don't talk about these two people, Vajra Sacred Land, Kamikaze Sacred Land... all have reached the peak of the tenth-order holy realm, and their combat power can kill ordinary tenth-order holy realms at will!

I also know about your Profound Sky dynasty. As far as I know, ten years ago, there was no Su Fellow Daoist in Sacred Land in Xuandian. So it seems that Su Fellow Daoist is also a newly promoted saint son. The other saint sons are powerful and brutal. , It’s not what you can imagine, but to form an alliance with me is the right way! "

Su Zhan frowned slightly: "Since I am so weak, why are you looking for me to form an alliance instead of other people?"


Li Xuqing chuckled: "It's true that I just found you Sacred Land's first son Yanggan, but he refused. Your second son of Sacred Land didn't come, so I had to find Su Fellow. Daoist...but don’t get me wrong, Su Fellow Daoist!

I, Li Xuqing, never mean to look down upon fellow daoist Su, fellow daoist Su can become the son of Xuantian Sacred Land, naturally Bufan!

As for the reason why I feel that the fellow daoist Su is not strong, he wants to form an alliance..."

Li Xuqing paused and said seriously: "Because you and I are both the sons of the top Sacred Land. The Eastern Wasteland Son Feast, said to be dividing the interests of Sacred Land, but in fact, 90% of the interests are all covered by the top six. Sacred Land division.

Let's put it this way, even if other Sacred Lands have extremely heaven-defying enchanting geniuses, they will at most share a little bit more in the 10% benefits left to them by the top six Sacred Lands!

It is useless to ally with them. In the final division of interests, they do not have the right to speak. I and Su Fellow Daoist you form an alliance, that is, I hope to support each other at the feast of the sons, and at the same time, on behalf of Anyuan Sacred Land to express friendly intentions for us. Two top Sacred Lands, strive for more benefits! "

"Six Sacred Lands account for 90% of the benefits, and the other 100 Sacred Lands together account for 10%? Isn't this a bit outrageous?"

Su Zhan was a little surprised. Although he had a foreboding that the six Sacred Lands would definitely take up more, he didn't expect to reach this point.

Li Xuqing shook his head: "Su Fellow Daoist didn't know anything. Tens of thousands of years ago, when there was no saint child feast, the six top Sacred Land Zhuolu Eastern Wasteland, other Sacred Lands, let alone 10%, even a piece of ore, a treasure. I dare not take it!

Otherwise, the door will be destroyed the next day!

Now it is good to give them 10%.

Besides, benefits and responsibilities are also bound. The six top Sacred Lands get the most benefits. Similarly, in the face of monsters, demons, invasions, or other disasters to the Eastern Wasteland domain, the six top Sacred Lands will also stand up and carry them out. Live, this distribution is normal.

Now Sue fellow daoist knows the importance of our two alliances, what do you think of my proposal? "

"just forget it!"

Su Zhan shook his head.

If Su Zhaoyue asked him to form an alliance, he might agree, but Li Xuqing, a person he didn't know, suddenly came to find him to form an alliance, and of course he would refuse.

Who knows if this person has other plans?

People are sinister, not everyone is a good person like him, it is better to pay attention.

Thinking like this, Su Zhan said: "Li fellow daoist, there is nothing else to do, I will close the door."

"and many more!"

Li Xuqing was a little disappointed, but quickly relieved: "I understand the concerns of Su Fellow Daoist. Since Su Fellow Daoist insists, I don’t want to force it. Auction.

More than half of the holy sons will go to participate. All holy sons are not short of money and no shortage of rare and exotic treasures. Whether it is selling or buying, today is a great opportunity, Su Fellow Daoist, don’t you? interest? "


Thinking that own has a bunch of useless sundries to sell in exchange for holy stones, and to see if there are other treasures worth buying, Su Zhan thought for a while and nodded: "Can Li Fellow Daoist tell where the auction will be? Hold?"

Li Xuqing smiled and said, "Since fellow daoist Su is interested, let's go with him. I was going to participate in the auction. I just happened to see someone staying at Fifth Peak before I came over and talked about it."

"Well, Lee fellow daoist lead the way!"

Su Zhan nodded and followed Li Xuqing.

The Eastern Wasteland Saint Child Hall is very vast. Because there are restricted air restrictions in many places in the Saint Child Hall, the speed of Su Zhan and Li Xuqing is not too fast.

Along the way, his eyes swept across the mountains, rivers, streets, and palace buildings... Su Zhan even felt like he was in a small country.

It has to be said that the six top Sacred Lands are indeed profound, far from being comparable to the more than 100 Sacred Lands in other 55 countries!

"Su fellow daoist, this place is called Shengfang, and it is the highest standard in the entire Eastern Wasteland Holy Child Hall.

Among them, there are even holy king artifacts for sale, as well as all kinds of treasures. The place we want to go is in the center of this square city, the Eastern Wasteland Commercial Union Auction House. "

Li Xuqing pointed to a small market in front of him, but with significantly more refined decorations, and explained that he fell from the sky and walked towards the streets of Fangshi.

Restrictions have been set up here, and there is no one to guard the air.

Entering the Holy Place, whether it is the people of the business alliance who set up shops, the powerful geniuses of the Jiyang Dynasty who buy things on both sides of the street, or the saints of various places, they all smile and salute when they see Su Zhan and Li Xuqing walking.

Although they didn't know Su Zhan and Li Xuqing, Li Xuqing was wearing the unique Yuebai Shengzi Taoist robe of Anyuan Sacred Land. They still knew it, so naturally they didn't dare to block the way.

One by one gave way.

In this case, Su Zhan and Li Xuqing soon came to the door of the Eastern Wasteland Commercial Union Auction House.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Anyuan Sacred Land Saint Child!"

Just coming to the door of the auction house, a middle-aged man who looked like the auction house deacon quickly walked up and gave a respectful salute to Li Xuqing. He immediately looked at Su Zhan and said hesitantly: "This..."

"He is the son of Xuantian Sacred Land."

Li Xuqing introduced.

"The two top Sacred Land sons came at the same time. Elder was supposed to come out to welcome him. It's really rude. I hope the two sons will forgive me!"

Deacon apologized: "Please follow me to the special box of the top Sacred Land."

Li Xuqing smiled and said, "It's okay, take us in!"

"Two top Sacred Lands? The penultimate and the penultimate, they are really top-notch! Hahaha!"

Just as Su Zhan was about to enter the auction house, a young man's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Looking back, it was a young man he didn't know. His robe was burning like a flame, very strange.

Su Zhan frowned slightly as he was about to ask who this person was. Li Xuqing next to him was already a little nervous and whispered: "Su fellow daoist, this person is Lin Yan, known as the number one son of Eastern Wasteland!

It is said that Lin Yan is extremely arrogant, arrogant, and speaks unscrupulously.

Let's go in and ignore him! "

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