I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 348 Sword Practice!

The huge sacred thoughts transformed by Mental Energy gushed out, and he sensed that there was a breath of saint child more than ten miles away. Lin Yan gave a grin, his body flashed, and when he was five miles away from that breath, he suddenly slapped a palm. Play!

A flame palm print of ten meters in size flew forward.

The trees along the way turned to ashes, the ground was scorched, and even in the space, there was a wave of heat visible to the naked eye!

It seems that even the space is a bit distorted!


At the moment when that flame palm print appeared, a small realm saint king fell from the sky, waved his big sleeve, and scattered that palm print, his face was ugly and said: "Shengzi Lin is five miles apart, he attacked, he wanted to kill my house. Son?!"

Lin Yan didn't care: "It's just trash, so why not die? Besides, it's not like you holy kings are watching from above, how could it be so easy to die?

Okay, stop talking nonsense, since you shot, he would admit defeat and give me all the flame jade cards! "

"Holy Son, give him the Flame Jade Medal!"


The Saint Child's face was pale, although he was unwilling, but sensing Lin Yan's powerful strength, he obediently handed over all the jade medals, followed Elder out of the canyon, and went to the top to watch the battle.

In this scene, many holy kings frowned.

"Sure enough, as expected, Lin Yan broke into the Holy Queen and directly used the Holy King's sacred thoughts to search for other Holy Sons to plunder!"

"Although Saint Son's Trial does not forbid fighting, but if he doesn't look for the Flame Jade Medal himself, he wants to plunder others. It's too much!"

"What can you do if you go too far? Now that no one can stop him in Chailu Canyon, haven't you seen it? Everyone, including the Autumn Sword God, is subconsciously avoiding him!"

"Everyone? I don't think so!"

The sage king's eyes flickered, pointing to the bottom of the canyon: "That's Su Zhan of Xuantian Sacred Land, right? He seems to be heading towards where Lin Yan is!"

"Isn't it? I think he is just searching for the Flame Jade Medal, but it just happens to look like he is heading towards Lin Yan!"

"It should be a coincidence. Su was not able to kill the eighth-order sacred realm. Although he has just shown the power of not losing to Lin Yan, the Qiu Sword God, but now that Lin Yan has broken into the Holy King, it is naturally incomparable."

"It's not a coincidence! He speeds up!"

"What's going on! When people see Lin Yan's breakthrough holy king, they all speed up to escape, why does he speed up to the place of Lin Yan's breakthrough?"

"Su cut him, he, he seems to be waiting for Lin Yan to break through the Holy King!"

"Waiting for Lin Yan to break through the Holy King, then go to find Lin Yan... Isn't he crazy??"

A holy king is unbelievable.

As the holy king who first discovered this scene screamed in surprise, the other holy kings also looked at Su Zhan, all showing puzzled and puzzled expressions.

Seeing this, the Holy Lord frowned slightly.

Lin Yan is the strongest genius in Skyfire Sacred Land except Su Zhaoyue. Su Zhan is a descendant he likes so much. He doesn't want to see the two incompatible.

"Hope, it's a coincidence!"

Seeing Su Zhan's path forward, Holy Lord Tianhuo whispered.

Tang Wujian stood a little tired, took out a chair from the storage space, sat on the chair, drinking wine, looking down expectantly.

"No Sword King, your Sacred Land son is about to hit Lin Yan, can you still drink?"

A saint king was surprised.

"Lin Yan's breakthrough holy king is indeed very strong. I don't know if my disciple can defeat him within a hundred moves?"


The holy king was speechless for a while.

The other holy kings who heard Tang Wujian's words also shook their heads again and again, feeling that Tang Wujian was talking about dreams.

But due to Tang Wujian's strength and identity, they just thought about it in their hearts, and didn't dare to really tell Tang Wujian.

at this time.

Race in the canyon.

Li Xuqing looked at Lin Yan who suddenly appeared in front of him, his face changed, and he quickly took out three flame jade tiles, held them in both hands, and handed them to Lin Yan: "Lin Shengzi is invincible in the world, I give up, this is my jade card!"

Lin Yan glanced at Li Xuqing and felt a little familiar. After thinking for two seconds, he sneered: "It's you, aren't you Su Zhan's friend? Why, he doesn't take care of you?"

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

Li Xuqing squeezed a smile: "Su Sheng and I are just passers-by, let alone friends, not even acquaintances!"

"Really? I saw you walk into the auction house with him with my own eyes! Humph! Give up? Or leave me out!"

"do not want!"

Li Xuqing saw Lin Yan exploding in power and wanted to attack him. She trembled in fright and cried out loudly.

Lin Yan had indeed stopped.

However, it was not because of Li Xuqing's cry, but because of a familiar breath.

His eyes turned abruptly, and he stared in a certain direction.

Li Xuqing breathed a sigh of relief, but Lin Yan didn't accept the jade card, so he didn't dare to run away like this, fearing that he would be attacked by the angry Lin Yan with all his strength, he had to look at Lin Yan's gaze.

In the eyes of the two, Su Zhan's figure appeared from behind a huge old tree.

Seeing Su Zhan, Lin Yan squeezed his fist and said with a sneer: "Su Zhan, I thought it would take some time to find you, but I didn't expect that you would fall into the trap by yourself!"

"I'm here to practice swordsmanship with you."

Su Zhan said with a calm face.

"Look for me to practice sword?"

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed: "You, an eighth-order holy realm, find me a holy king to practice swords? Are you trying to laugh at me? Hahaha!"

"you are not willing?"

"Of course I do!"

Lin Yan's smile gradually faded, and a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Originally, if he had directly killed Su Zhan, he might have to face the punishment of a hundred years of confinement, but now, Su Zhan took the initiative to practice swords with him. If that is the case, he would die in vain!

And with his current strength, with all his strength, I am afraid that even Tang Wujian may not have time to rescue!

Thinking like this in his mind, Lin Yan said: "Come on! Use all your power! Let me see you in a mere eighth-order sacred realm, how confident is it to ask me to practice sword?!"


Su Zhan nodded, and the Sun Moon Star divine body suddenly aroused!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, and the night, the three kinds of heaven and earth visions of Star appear at the same time!

Su Zhan's body surfaced with divine light, faintly clinging to a golden dragon shadow, and his eyes turned into a sun and moon star, releasing a violent aura like the Primordial Demon God.

Immediately afterwards, the starlight flashed between the eyebrows, and the Dahi Star sword fell into his hand.

Holding the Da Ri Star sword in his hand, Su Zhan took a deep breath and said, "I'm going to draw the sword!"

"and many more!"


Su Zhan was a little surprised: "Wait for what?"


Lin Yan looked at Su Zhan who was less than two hundred meters away from him in front of him, like the same Primordial Demon God. For some reason, a feeling of palpitations suddenly appeared in his heart, and he even had a premonition.

If this sword is cut down, he may lose!


I am the Holy King!

Even, my combat power is no longer inferior to the Heavenly King, I have no reason to lose!

Could it be that his divine body is too special, and that divine might is too strong, that will give me the illusion?

It should be like this!

How can the eighth-order holy realm be compared with the holy king of the middle heaven, even if it is a mythical figure in the ancient times, it is impossible!

Let alone Su Zhan!

Thinking about this, the palpitations in Lin Yan's heart, the anxiety disappeared, and replaced by incomparable self-confidence.

"I will let you know how miserable the fate of offending Lin Yan is!"

As soon as the voice fell, the air around Lin Yan suddenly became hot, and a beam of flame appeared behind him, radiating the power of flames and rushing straight into the sky!

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