I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 361 Please accept this fat sheep!

"Go ahead, what do you want?"

Su Zhan looked directly at Heavenly Demon and said.

"It's simple, I want freedom."

Heavenly Demon said earnestly: "I hope, Xiaoyou Su, you can release me when you become the Holy Queen!"

"Holy King can't do it, wait for Deva to talk about it."


Heavenly Demon pondered for a while, remembering the abnormal cultivation speed in front of him, and nodded immediately: "Yes, but you will help me find a suitable body by then. Of course, I will also give you some great benefits by then! "

The right body?

He means the flesh, so should Demonic Beasts and the like also count?

In this case, just grab his head at Demonic Beasts, and it doesn't seem to be a difficult task.

Thinking like this, Su Zhan nodded.

Then, under the guidance of Heavenly Demon, he headed towards the place where the veins converged.

Along the way, Demonic Beasts who didn't have eyesight occasionally blocked the way, and he killed them at will.

Soon he came under a huge mountain peak.

"Huh? There is actually a formation here?"

Su Zhan looked at the light curtain in front of him, a little surprised.

This huge island is very large, and it is estimated to be thousands of miles in length and width. Even if there are really other holy children who come one step ahead of him, there will not be so much time to lay the formation that encompasses this mountain.

Could it be that it is a cultivator near this sea area?

Stopped in front of the light curtain, Su Zhan opened his mouth and spit out a Sword Qi, smashing the light curtain into pieces.

This large array is estimated to be more of a warning nature, and its protection is not very strong.

After breaking through the formation with a breath, Su Zhan continued to move forward, not walking fast, and sometimes he needed to stop, let Heavenly Demon perform some kind of secret technique, and sense the precise location of the source of the Hundred Meridians again.

I walked all the way from the foot of the mountain and walked a distance of about ten miles.

Suddenly a group of figures appeared in front, blocking the way.

There are a total of seventeen, of which five are from the Yulong Realm, and the rest are from the Yuan Dan realm.

One of the Yuandan realm Practitioner looked at Su Zhan and said directly: "Presumptuous! Are you--"

"To shut up!"

The strongest of the seventeen people, the sixth ichthyosaur Practitioner suddenly yelled, and immediately walked to Su Zhan with a smile on his face, and the cupped hands said in a salute: "In the next Ling Hai sent Fang Yu, this fellow daoist broke through. We don’t know what happened to the peripheral formation of our Linghai School?"

"I'm looking for a treasure, you quickly get out of it."

Su Zhan was a little impatient.

"Looking for treasures?"

Fang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and his tone increased: "This fellow daoist, I'm really sorry, this mountain is already occupied by my Linghai faction, and my ancestor of the Linghai faction is also here. I hope that the fellow daoist will retreat and don't provoke the ancestors. angry!"

"You Linghai faction occupied?"

Su Zhan's heart moved: "That is to say, you have already searched this mountain?"

"It is true, so it is the best choice for fellow daoist to leave, this mountain has no treasures!"

"Without treasures, what are you still doing?"


Fang Yu didn't know how to answer for a while.

The ichthyosaur realm behind him is already very unhappy and cuts to Su: "Senior Brother Fang gives you a face, don't push your nose and face!

What if I tell you the truth, this mountain does have treasures, but it is already in the bag of the ancestors, and now the ancestors and everyone Elder are waiting!

you want? sure! If you are not afraid of death, we can take you there! "

This statement came out.

The other Ling Hai disciples also looked at Su Zhan sarcastically.

"What's the matter? I know I'm afraid--"

"That's great! Take me over!"

Su Zhan's voice sounded, and the ridiculous fish-and-dragon cultivator was immediately stunned.

Somewhat incredulously he looked at Su Zhan.

Is this person a fool?

Since it appeared on the island, doesn't it even know the Ling Hai faction, the overlord of thousands of miles in the sea near us?

Actually want to take the initiative to find death? ? ?

The other disciples also looked surprised.

Fang Yu frowned and said with a cold voice: "This fellow daoist, are you sure you want to see the ancestor?"


Su Zhan nodded decisively.

Heavenly Demon's secret technique can be sensed, but it must be sensed again after a certain distance, which takes time and effort.

Now, the Linghai faction has searched all this mountain.

That ancestor is still there waiting for something to be born, I am afraid that it is most likely the one hundred veins tongshen pill!

Even if it isn't, just take a look and you won't lose anything.

He naturally has no reason to refuse.

Seeing Su Zhan's resolute attitude, Fang Yu's face was gloomy. After two seconds, he suddenly laughed: "Since fellow daoist wants to go, Junior Brother Pan, you take him!"

"Senior Brother Fang, really take him there?"

"Nonsense! Our Ling Hai School is a decent and upright school. This fellow daoist wants something, of course we have to help him!"

Fang Yu winked at the Yulong Realm, and the latter suddenly understood, leading Su Zhan to move forward.

The other Ling Hai school disciples also followed behind.

"Senior Brother Fang, these little things bother the ancestor, are you afraid that the ancestor will be unhappy?"

On the way, a Practitioner of the Yulong Realm approached, the true essence revolved, the voice condensed into lines, and asked in a low voice.

"Unhappy? The ancestor is too late to be happy!"

Fang Yu sneered: "Although the outer formation does not have any protective power, since this person dares to break into the formation so arrogantly, it is obvious that the identity is Bufan!

Moreover, I actually can't see his Cultivation Base Realm, which shows that he is at least in the same realm as me, and has even reached the Holy Realm!

Seeing that he is so young, he has reached such a high level of Realm. I can think of it with my toes. Most of it is the son of a big family who goes out for experience. This is the endless sea. No matter what his identity, no one will kill him. knowledge!

This is the fat sheep delivered to the door. Would the ancestor blame me?

Moreover, this person is simple in nature. At first glance, he has not experienced much experience, so he believes in us so credulously. When I meet the ancestor, I sneak attack from the rear and kill him with one blow. The ancestor will definitely reward me! "

When the Yulong Realm heard these words, his eyes lit up: "Brother Fang, wonderful!"

"of course!"

Fang Yu smiled.


Soon, under the leadership of the Ling Hai school disciple in front, Su Zhan came to a wasteland on the mountainside.

Within a radius of about a hundred meters in the wasteland, there is a powerful formation that is ten times stronger than the outer large formation.

More than a dozen holy land Elders sat around the center of the wasteland, one by one hopeful, the ancestor Ling Hai who had reached the holy king realm sensed, opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on Su Zhan and the others outside the formation.

Seeing this, Fang Yu quickly cupped hands and said: "Ancestor, this person said that he wants to see you and wants to share some treasures!"

"See me... divide the treasure?"

The ancestor Ling Hai was stunned for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Are you bothering me because of this shit?!"

"Old ancestor, I brought this fellow daoist here just to satisfy his wish, and I hope ancestor you--"

As he said, Fang Yu paused for a while, and Sen Han's killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes, and a bayonet flashing with cold light appeared in his palm, which suddenly pierced Su Zhan's neck!

At the same time, the words behind him continued to sound.

"Accept this fat sheep!"

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