"Monster! This is a monster! A monster we can't beat!"

"Run away!"

"Even the old ancestor was beaten to death by him. It was terrible!"


A series of terrified voices sounded.

Whether it was the Holy Land Elder, the Yulong Realm, the Yuan Dan Realm, or even the disciples of the Soldier Lord Realm, they fled in terror.

For fear that if you slow down by one point, you will be killed by a punch.

Su Zhan didn't hunt down those people either.

Taking the storage ring of the ancestor Ling Hai, he came to the center of the wasteland.

Sure enough, in the center, within a range of about ten meters, some cracks had already appeared. In the cracks, a faint golden light could be seen.

Su Zhan took out the Wanjian Picture and asked, "Is this this place?"

"It should be!"

Heavenly Demon was also a little excited: "Hundreds of veins and spirits have reached the final stage of gestation. It only takes three days at most to conceive successfully!

At that time, one hundred spiritual veins will be destroyed, and all the origins of the spiritual veins will be gathered in the hundred veins psychic pills!

As long as you can refine the Hundred Meridian Spiritual Pills, there is a half chance of achieving the Divine Meridian...Of course, for a person like you with great fortune, you can basically be regarded as 100% able to achieve the Divine Meridian!

Divine body and veins, Martial Dao myth..."

Heavenly Demon seemed to have thought of something and felt something.

Su Zhan curiously asked, "What Realm was you back then?"

"I'm an ordinary Heavenly Demon, there is no Realm."

Heavenly Demon hurriedly said: "You can rest assured, Xiaoyou Su, when you achieve Deva, even if my body is resurrected, it will not be your opponent!"

"I'll just ask, what are you nervous about."

Su Zhan looked at Heavenly Demon suspiciously: "Could it be that you are actually a Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon, not weaker than the existence of the human Martial Dao myth?"

"Little friend Su laughed. If I were the Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations, how could I be sealed in the Eastern Wasteland domain for hundreds of thousands of years? Don’t talk about me. Even my body is far from the level of the Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations. You worry too much!"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about this, even if you were powerful before, now there is only a ray of remnant soul left, if you are not obedient, what other thoughts are secretly——"

"Don't worry, Su Xiaoyou! How can I have the courage, besides, I have this heart, and I don't have this strength!"

"That's true, you are so weak, it should be difficult to harm me."

Su Zhan nodded in agreement: "By the way, what's your name?"


Heavenly Demon hesitated: "You can call me the sixth Luo, Su Xiaoyou."

"Sure enough, it's the demons, the names are so strange."

Su Zhan shook his head and didn't talk to Heavenly Demon anymore. Instead, he stood by the cracks and took out the Heavenly Dao Sutra to read it first.

After not watching it for long, he sensed a breath approaching, put away the Heavenly Dao Sutra, and looked in that direction.

A few miles away, Jiang Poyun stood on a huge boulder on the mountainside, looking at Su Zhan with a little surprise: "Unexpectedly, there are people who are searching for the source of Baimai faster than me. I thought that the inheritance of Eastern Wasteland was broken. No one in Xiaoyu for tens of thousands of years will know the existence of the Hundred Meridian Spirit Gathering Array. Now it seems that I underestimated you."

As he said in his mouth, Jiang Poyun pointed his toe and landed less than a mile in front of Su Zhan. He glanced at the cracks and sensed that it was indeed the breath of the Hundred Maid Tongshen Pill. He smiled and said, "Although this You find it first, but since I'm here, you can go.

I will reward you after I have achieved my spiritual veins. "

"Your mind, is it okay?"

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Poyun with a foolish gaze: "You said there is a god pill here, why should I give up the god pill and ask for your tatters?"

"Because, if you don't give up, you die!"

Jiang Poyun was not angry, and even smiled and said, "Those who don't know, are fearless!"

While he was speaking, the surrounding trees died rapidly, and a light green energy flowed out from the dead trees and gathered towards him.

Jiang Poyun stretched out a finger and lightly tapped towards Su Zhan: "Wooden bound kill!"

Suddenly, those pale green energy suddenly condensed, turning into solid lines of light, strangling towards Su Zhan!

"The power of the wood spirit? Just look at the power of the sky fire fan!"

Su Zhan palmed his hand, and the Sanyu Skyfire Fan appeared in his hand, the Saint Yuan was poured into it, and it stirred towards the front.

Akabane, who has the strongest single attack power, shines brightly, and a huge red fireball flies out!


Where the fireball passed, the trees turned to ashes, and the earth scorched!

The lines formed by the gathering of those wood attributes Spiritual Qi evaporate instantly!

"Pseudo Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier! You can actually use this kind of treasure!"

Sensing the force of the strong fire attribute law ahead, Jiang Poyun's face changed slightly.

Spread the five fingers of his left hand and push it towards the front: "Water Spirit Shield!"

Countless water Spiritual Qi condensed and turned into a huge water shield in less than half a second.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Poyun threw another magic talisman, which turned into a ten-meter-high frost wall, blocking it in front, and even a water spirit shield appeared on the surface of his body.

The Third Stage defense is completely excited in an instant!


The fireball hit Jiang Poyun's defense.

Three defenses, the first two were directly blasted, and the last one dissipated at the same time as the fireball. Jiang Poyun was affected by the impact and flew upside down for a hundred meters. Standing on a branch, he looked at Su Zhan with some fear. .

"You can use the fake Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier without the Holy King. Does this person have any peculiar physique?

Pseudo Heavenly Dao Holy Soldier...Although I did not use my real strength, this person also did not make a full shot. I may be able to defeat him, but I am afraid that I will be seriously injured. By then, I am afraid that other people will benefit from it. !

It seems that there is only the breakthrough holy king. Thirty years ago, I was able to break through the holy king. After 30 years of pressure, my background is almost enough. Moreover, this opportunity is also worth giving up and continuing to lay a better place. Base.

Because of my god veins, my talent is one of the strongest in the spirit world! "

Jiang Poyun frowned and murmured, as if making a difficult decision.

Seeing Su Zhan rushing towards this side, he no longer hesitated, his body faded, half-hidden and half-hidden, floating backwards like a feather, but the speed was extremely fast.

"The Baimai Tongshen Pill has been conceived in a few days, so you can take care of me for a few more days! At that time, I will personally come and fetch it!"

Leaving a word, Jiang Poyun disappeared.

"This person's supernatural powers are a bit strange, and seem to be different from those of the Eastern Wasteland domain."

Su Zhan muttered to himself as he watched Jiang Poyun's peculiar Movement Technique leave.

"Xiaoyou Su, in ancient times, a hundred flowers bloomed in cultivation all the way.

Some people cultivate physique, some people cultivate kendo, and there are also talisman, formation, skill, puppet path... that person cultivates a spell.

It’s just that in the Eastern Wasteland domain, it seems that Talisman Dao, Array Dao Shu Dao, etc., seem to have become sword repair, or auxiliary means for ordinary cultivationists. No one specializes in cultivation anymore, relying on these methods to fight against people, so you I feel strange. "

Heavenly Demon's voice sounded, and Su Zhan nodded. Suddenly, he thought of a certain possibility and asked: "Among the spells, there is the technique of earth escape? Will that person use the earth escape technique to steal the Hundred Meridian Tongshen Pills? ?"

"The earth escape technique can travel underground, but the speed is much slower than other escape techniques, and the breath is also difficult to cover, and even the momentum is not small. With your five senses and mental energy, Su Xiaoyou, you can easily perceive it, so there is no need to worry."

"Okay, I want to cultivate, don't talk anymore."

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he found a clean place to sit and cultivate.

The Spiritual Qi of the heaven and earth nearby for dozens of miles also flooded towards him.

Half a day later.

He suddenly sensed the change of Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, and opened his eyes in surprise.

I saw that the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which was originally led by him, was actually heading in another direction at this moment.

And where the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi converges, a red and blue beam of light rises into the sky, piercing the clouds!

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